So.. *hm hm*
Chatterbox: Inkwell
So.. *hm hm*
So.. *hm hm* on the subject of Nanos...
Yeah. Who's doing it this year? It's my first year and I'm really looking forward to it, because I have more than a germ of an idea before I actually start writing!
In short, does anyone have tips on getting through, experiences, plans, potential summaries?
submitted by vgbass, (Gollum)
(September 25, 2012 - 7:28 pm)
(September 25, 2012 - 7:28 pm)
My user name in NaNo is truemi. Emi is my sister. (Butterfly said that I could say her real name.)
(September 29, 2012 - 5:22 pm)
Oh yeah, how do you friend a person?
(September 29, 2012 - 5:23 pm)
There's a search tool in the corner. Clicketty and Typetty what you want to find.
(October 1, 2012 - 5:32 am)
I'm doing it this year. I have no idea what I'm doing. Mainly I want to do the Weatherby Hall story, except that I've already done some writing on it.
(Although I am writing plans for a [foolhardy, absurd, overlong] crossover fanfiction, fandoms: Eliot's "The Waste Land" and McCoy-era Doctor Who. Because early-20s modernist poetry and late-80s science fiction television are a perfect fit for each other! I still haven't decided if I want to do that for NaNo, though.)
(September 30, 2012 - 8:06 am)
I've wanted to do NaNo for a really long time, but I never quite did. I don't think I can manage it this year, though. Maybe next year.....
(October 1, 2012 - 11:51 am)
I've wanted to do NaNo for a really long time, but I never quite did. I don't think I can manage it this year, though. Maybe next year.....
(October 1, 2012 - 11:51 am)
I've been doing NaNo for the past two years and I won both times. (I even createspace'd/published the NaNo 2011 after a year of rewriting and editing and other painful stuff) (it turned out horrible imo) (but I will be getting a good amount of money from happyhappy relatives)
This year will definitely be a bit harder because my French/Geo teacher actually gives homework (LOTS of it) and a bunch of tests. But I'm not doing a piano exam this year (my first break since I was 4- I'm so happy!) so no more daily 3 hour practices. :D
Tips? Just keep going. And YouTube can be very distracting, especially if you're looking for that perfect song. So keep a playlist saved on the Internet or an iPod to prevent distraction.
Historical Fiction isn't the best genre to write either. I (tried to) write a steampunk novel last year and had to do a lot of research. On Wikipedia. And that website is very distracting.
One more thing- school is still important. So always do the quick things first, like homework and five minutes of practicing that band instrument that hates you *cough*flute*cough* so you have as much time as possible to NaNo and you don't have to keep checking the clock to see if you still have enough time to do those hundred-something probability* questions your evil math teacher assigned. :/
*probability is evil. I have a 95 average in math and I got a 75 for that unit. Therefore, it has sinister intenions. :p
Oh, and last year I only swam twice a week for one hour so it was pretty easy to fit everything into my schedule. Now I swim four times a week for 2-3 hours so I probably won't reach 50k this year... D:
And my username on the adult site is olive_fruit. I've added a bunch of people from the CB from last year. My YWP is kinda private because I used it for LA in gr. 6.
(October 1, 2012 - 4:09 pm)
Tips for writing in steampunk:
DO ALL OF YOUR RESEARCH BEFOREHAND. You don't want to get halfway through your novel and realize, "Oh! Airships freakin' BLOW UP if you put hydrogen in them!" (unless that's part of your plot, of course - part of mine! :D).
Know your way around your mechas. Don't say that it's a machine for doing x, y, and z and let us fill the rest in without actually knowing a general idea of how it works.
Steampunk is not fantasy. There may be a fantastical element to it, but, nyet.
(For all genres) Find a good Pandora station. Virtually no ads, edits to what you like, et cetera. Have a station marked "Noveling" or something like that.
(For all genres) NO INTERNET IS GOOD FOR YOU. Either disable your internet or take out your wireless card. Internet is the giant pit between you and 50k. Write your NaNo in Word and update only when you're done for the day.
Unless your mechanic charry is a Heterodyne, they will not be able to build a death machine in eight seconds. And even Agatha would have some problems with that (what COLOR should it be????) Sorry. Off-track.
Steampunk is very easily clichéd. Think Long and Hard before deciding to write a steampunk novel.
Whee! Hope this helps.
(October 2, 2012 - 4:12 pm)
Oh, and November NaNo is so much more motivating than Camp NaNo imo for those who did CNaNo and not the November one yet. I always forgot about my Camp NaNovel...
(October 1, 2012 - 4:12 pm)
Thanks guys, for telling me about this. I had no idea about it until I saw all this stuff about it. So I looked it up and saw what it was and I signed up! My username is. . . 49dances. I don't really know why besides the fact that I like to dance and I sort-of like the number 49. Meh.
(October 3, 2012 - 4:12 pm)
Mine's Dragon.Slayer.SC on the adult one.
Sandmen or superheros?
(October 3, 2012 - 9:51 pm)
Superheroes! Why?
(October 4, 2012 - 5:39 am)
(October 4, 2012 - 6:30 pm)
Off of the superhero RP, I took my character and the Protectorate plus the Superhuman/Descendant idea, and figured out the last book of a trilogy. Or quartet. I'm not sure. Legion doesn't even really become important until the end of the second book. I have the last battle scene planned out in my head nicely, but I don't know the beginning. At all. I don't really want it to be about Lacey, definitely not Torture, so maybe Jack Frost? Ergh.
Sandmen, first book in a quartet with an outlying fifth book. Sandmen, Thornmen, Bonemen, Pyromen, and then A Wantedman. I have a better idea how this one starts. It's about the Sandmen, but....asd;lfk
(October 5, 2012 - 6:38 pm)
(October 5, 2012 - 5:59 pm)