Another quiz...

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Another quiz...

Another quiz...

Admin, if you want, you can post answers too.

1.  Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

(I ask this question because there are some interesting stories behind such names.  This isn't to say your name is inferior or anything, I'm just curious as to the reason.)

I don't actually know.  Which is to say I don't remember.  FYI I first posted on the CB a few years ago, and settled on the name Oregano for some really weird reason that I don't remember.  I've occasionally posted under my real name, but only once or twice, and then out of habit - something asks you what your name is, you say your name.  This year I've only posted under my real name on one thread, the Sewing I sup... thread on Pudding's place.  When I realized that I just turned it into a joke.

2.  How did you find out about the CB?

I don't remember that either, but I think it had something to do with memorizing the link and first finding my way to the author and artist corner, and then poking around everywhere else out of pure boredom.  I found my way here pretty fast, though at first I only posted on the Inkwell.

3.  What is your favorite school subject?

WHY AM I ASKING MYSELF THIS QUESTION!!!!  I don't know.  (This is pretty pathetic, I can't even answer my own questions.)  Latin maybe.  Biology is fun.  Phisycal education (I prefer the term "fizzèd" and yes I made that up).  Not really sure.

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?


5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

Not sure.  Probably RPs.  It's really fun assuming the character of another person.  But RRs are really fun too.

(This is where this quiz gets really random.  Be forewarned.)


6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?


7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

Classical and most movie music.  I like old English dance, too, but nowadays that counts as classical.

8.  What was the last book you read?  

(Rereading books counts.)

Fiction?  A Wrinkle in Time (Madeline L'Engle).  Nonfiction?  Wheelock's Latin.  But not cover to cover.

9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

Other than being born, no. Actually I don't remember well but I may have been, once or twice other than that, to visit someone.

10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?

(This is a yes or no question.  ONLY yes or no.)

No.  No comment.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, wantingtodoNaNoWriMo
(June 5, 2011 - 10:47 am)

1.  Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

(I ask this question because there are some interesting stories behind such names.  This isn't to say your name is inferior or anything, I'm just curious as to the reason.)

Umsies. Well, my name is Olivia and I prefer to not use my real name and since Olive derives from Olivia and it was a seldom-used nickname a friend gave me...

2.  How did you find out about the CB?

My parents bought me a subscription to Cricket for my birthday. And since I have a tendency to stalk things like schools, magazines, books, and movies before getting/going to them, I found my way here to the CB.

3.  What is your favorite school subject?

I think either Science, Math, or Computers. Science because we don't do anything. (The teacher is easily distracted.) Math because we read for half the class, and if the math teacher's homeroom class didn't do the lesson, we don't do it either. And thus, we go outside or just read. And Computers because we get "Techno Time" AKA ten-twenty minutes of just using the Internet.

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?

It would be Inkwell, but it's dead-ish/dying. So BaB.

5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

RPs I think. Mostly because I get my own charrie. :)

6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?


7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

Ho hum. Um, either pop or contemporary classical. Oh, and French and British music. (Adele, Yann Tiersen...)

8.  What was the last book you read?  

(Rereading books counts.)

I'm reading the first Artemis Fowl book. But if not that, then... The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Oh, and I'm also reading the City of Fallen Angels on my iPod. (Not as fun as a regular book, but free)

9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

Yes. My mom had a surgery before so I got to go visit her, and I've been to SickKids twice for one of my brother's dentist appointment and for an ultrasound for his stomach.

10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?

(This is a yes or no question.  ONLY yes or no.)

That's hard. I don't know. Probably not. All the guys in my class are... weird. And stuck-up.

submitted by Olive
(June 5, 2011 - 6:54 pm)


submitted by Olive
(June 5, 2011 - 7:45 pm)

TOP TOP TOP!  Inkwell is not dead at all!  Come visit it some time!  TOP TOP TOP!

submitted by TOPPER TOPPER TOPPER, age TOPTOPTOP!, the top, the top!!!!
(June 6, 2011 - 6:47 am)

1.  Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

(I ask this question because there are some interesting stories behind such names.  This isn't to say your name is inferior or anything, I'm just curious as to the reason.)

Because I really really like the name Jess, because I'm not allowed to put my real name on the internet, because the MC in my fantasy novel that I'm writing is named Jess, because it's short and easy to remember, and because it's more interesting than a name like CatCrazy or something like that. 

2.  How did you find out about the CB?

I'd been getting Cricket at the time an there was a big thing about the new Chatterbox. I checked it out and have been reading it ever since, just not posting.

3.  What is your favorite school subject?

Erm...Writing, maybe? I'd like Science a lot more if I didn't have to do experiment write-ups. Ugh.

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?

Inkwell and DTE

5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

RPs, because when everyone is a different character then they don't all have to have the same personality or do the exact same stuff.

(This is where this quiz gets really random.  Be forewarned.)


6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?

Yes, wouldn't you get blisters otherwise?

7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

No idea.

8.  What was the last book you read?  

(Rereading books counts.)

Hope Was Here by Joan Bauer. An extremely good book, I highly recommend it.

9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

Yes, seven times. No, make that eight. Five times to visit newborn siblings, once with a concussion, once when I thought I had appendicitis, and once to be born. 

10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?

(This is a yes or no question.  ONLY yes or no.)


submitted by Jess, nonexistant
(June 6, 2011 - 11:29 am)

Yay, Jess is back!  I thought maybe you'd left after the Location Thread debacle. :)


How long has the CB been around, anyway?  I was poking around old threads once and found something like one of the first threads ever, that was basically "Hello?  Is anybuggy there?"  And then a lot of "Hello"s in response.  That was 2008, I think, though I'm not sure.   And yiiikes to number 9.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, dreaming of fabric
(June 6, 2011 - 3:09 pm)

1.  Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

(I ask this question because there are some interesting stories behind such names.  This isn't to say your name is inferior or anything, I'm just curious as to the reason.)

Let's see...I had to think up a name since my parents don't like me to use my real name on the internet. I thought Princess would be a good name. Then I had to think up an initial since the name box says that you have to post your first name and initial (remember that this was my first time ever on here). I couldn't decide so I just did the letter "P" since "Princess" starts with "P".

2.  How did you find out about the CB?

Simply out of boredom. :-)  Pretty much how Oregano found it. Oh, and now I don't post here out of boredom. I post here because I like it. :-) 

3.  What is your favorite school subject?

Grammar. Vocabulary. Spelling. Writing. Literature. Reading. Pretty much anything that has to do with Language Arts.  

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on? 

All of them. Oh, I probably should just do one. But do I really HAVE to post one answer? I like all of them! Ugh. Fine then. I'll post ONE answer. Ummm...(*thinks for about an hour or so*) I'll just say Inkwell. Since I post there so often and because I like reading. No offense, though, to the other sections!

5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs? 

Great. Another one answer question. RPs. No, RRs. Both. *thinks for a while*  I'll say RPs.  

(This is where this quiz gets really random.  Be forewarned.)


6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?

Yes, who doesn't? And just so everyone knows, I only wear sneakers/gym shoes. Nothing else. Occasionally sandels, but I don't have any right now (I outgrew my old pair), so I just wear gym shoes. I don't like flipflops or high heels. If I have to wear dress shoes, I wear flat ones. Oh, sorry this went so long. It was supposed to be a one word answer. I think... 

7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

Classical or praise and worship music. I think. What's a genre again? 

8.  What was the last book you read?  

(Rereading books counts.)

Just finished Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink. Fiction. I don't read much non-fiction unless I absolutely have to. 

9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

When I was born. And to visit people, but I can't really remember it that much. I'll just say no.  

10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?

(This is a yes or no question.  ONLY yes or no.)

No. Never have, and probably never will. At least for quite a few years.

submitted by Princess P.
(June 6, 2011 - 1:27 pm)

4 didn't have to be a one word answer ;).  I know what you mean though.  (For the longest time - well, the first time I was on here - I only ever posted on Inkwell and BaB.  This time I'm branching out.  And I think I'm staying, too.)


Actually, from pictures I've seen, a lot of people don't wear socks in their sneakers.  Next time you're in a big crowd where you don't know many people, look at their feet.


And I love Caddie Woodlawn!  That's a great book.  *sighs happily and gets lost in thoughts*

submitted by Oregano, age 13, wantingtodoNaNoWriMo
(June 6, 2011 - 3:22 pm)

1.  Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

It's my initials and at first I didn't want to give out my real name. ;) 

2.  How did you find out about the CB?

Well, I got the magazine and was exploring the site when I cam across it.  That's when it all happened....

3.  What is your favorite school subject?

Anything to do with writing, reading, or spelling.  And History isn't too bad.

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?

Definitely DtE.  I rarely go anywhere else.

5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

Hmmmmm, I don't know, I've never done either. 

6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?

Why, yes, yes I do.

7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

I like most.

8.  What was the last book you read?  

The Zion Covenant book number two: Prague Counterpoint.  I LOVE this series.  Literally, it is amazing.   

9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

Yes, I had to get stitches in my forehead.

10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?

No.  There are boys I think, hm, he's good-looking, or, wow, he's nice, but I don't fall for guys like in movies.  I'm way too young. 

submitted by R~D~, age 15
(June 6, 2011 - 6:04 pm)

1. When I first started on CB, I used my name and last initial. Then I saw that a lot of the people on CB had wacky nicknames, so I wanted to come up with my own. At first the reason I used Choco as my nickname was because it was the spelling for "cocoa" my favorite drink. When I became older and I realized that Choco was not the spelling for "cocoa" I just kept it because it sounded interesting.

2. When I first started getting Cricket (I am almost a CB Elder, even though I am not the oldest, but probably have been on the longest)Tongue out, 2 years, 3 months, and 6 days ago, I tried out the website and found the Chatterbox. I started right away, without even making an "I'm New Post."Smile 

3. I don't have one. I love all my school subjects!

4. All of them!

5. Defintely, RPS.

6. Yes.

7. Pop and Classical. (I know, odd mix)

8. Turtle In Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm.

9. Yes, multiple times for my Scholiosis, but for only X-Rays and checkups. Luckily, no surgery yet.

10. No comment.



submitted by Choco, age 12, here
(June 6, 2011 - 5:31 pm)

1. Why do you post on the CB under the name you use?

(I ask this question because there are some interesting stories behind such names. This isn't to say your name is inferior or anything, I'm just curious as to the reason.)

When I started, I used my real name (Kyra), but I started changing it depending on what thread it was.  Then I started a magic RP (under the name Annalesa Q.), where my character was named Analesia.  I liked it, and my online name was born.

2. How did you find out about the CB?

I saw the link in the mag and started to check it out.

3. What is your favorite school subject?

Engish and Social Studies (only when we're learning history in S.S., not Geography.)

4. What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?


5. Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

RPs.  Definitely.  I think it's because I like creating new alter egos.

(This is where this quiz gets really random. Be forewarned.)

OK. I will be forewarned.

6. Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?

Yes.  Unless I wear flip flops to school and forget socks for gym.

7. What is your favorite genre of music?

Show Tunea and classic Disney.  And some modern Disney.

8. What was the last book you read?

(Rereading books counts.)

Finished: Extraordinary

Still Reading: The Amanda Project: Invisible I

9. Have you ever been in the hospital?

I had to get an x-ray on my back.

10. Do you have a crush on anyone?

(This is a yes or no question. ONLY yes or no.)

Yes.  EmbarassedPlease don't pester me about this.

submitted by Analesia, age 12, being a Disney geek
(June 6, 2011 - 7:20 pm)


submitted by ALD, age 12, the earth
(June 7, 2011 - 5:18 am)

1.  Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

I post under the name I use because I was named that when I was born! :)

2.  How did you find out about the CB?

From the Cricket magazine!

3.  What is your favorite school subject?

French, for sure.

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?

It's actually hard to say... It depends on the recent threads there.

5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

RPs, I've done more of them.


6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?

Sometimes... When I don't my feet feel really sweaty! :)

7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

Classical, pop, a little rock and country and jazz.

8.  What was the last book you read?  

Shadow Children Book 6.

9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

To be born, a few check-ups and the emergency room once.

10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?

No comment. I hate too personal questions! :)

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(June 7, 2011 - 10:06 am)

1. Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

Well Christina M. is my real name but I think I'm going to go by something different like Dawn...if everyone will remember me that is.

 2.How did you find out about the CB?

I was looking through the Cricket magazine cover to cover then VOILÁ Christina M. was born!

3. What is your favorite school subject?

Language Arts for sure...I excel at it and am in late high school level for it. If not that then Foreign Language.

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?

Down to Earth.

 5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

I've heard about RRs but I'm not totally sure what they are, so RPs.

 6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?

I don't wear sneakers so no.

  7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

Contemporary Classical, Smooth Jazz, and Modern Pop.

 8.  What was the last book you read?

The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan for the gazillionth time.

 9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

Tons of times...for all kinds of different reasons.

 10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?

Yes...but I'm with Analesia on this one...please don't bug me about this. Embarassed




submitted by Christina M., age 11, Sunny Los Angeles CA
(June 7, 2011 - 8:08 pm)

1.  Why do you post on the CB under the name you use? 

(I ask this question because there are some interesting stories behind such names.  This isn't to say your name is inferior or anything, I'm just curious as to the reason.)

Well, I started out with some long made up name like Mary Josephine Elizabeth something something (I can't even remember it). But sometimes I would just put in Mary Josephine, which I soon shortened to Mary Jo. And now also MJ. 

2.  How did you find out about the CB?

I was looking through the magazine and it supplied a link at the bottom of the reader's letters page, so my sister and I decided to visit it. We posted a couple of things, then left. Months later I can back on, and I'm still on. :)

3.  What is your favorite school subject?

Uhhhh...math, maybe? Or writing? I'm not bad at either.  

4.  What is your favorite section of the CB to post on?

Down to Earth, by far. I like going to Puddings Place occasionally, and sometimes dropping by Inkwell to see what people are writing,

5.  Do you prefer RRs or RPs?

I never participate in them, so I wouldn't really know....but I like reading Role Plays better. 

6.  Do you wear socks inside your sneakers?

Of course. I hate the feeling of my bare foot inside a sticky shoe.

7.  What is your favorite genre of music?

I don't really have a favorite genre. I just have this one big group of music that I carry around on my iPod.

8.  What was the last book you read?  

A Nancy Drew book. The Secret of the Wooden Lady, I think. I was bored, so I picked it up. It was lame too. :(  

9.  Have you ever been in the hospital?

Twice. Once when I was four and got pnemonia (how do you spell that??!!) and then when I was seven or eight and had to get stitches. 

10.  Do you have a crush on anyone?


submitted by MJ, age 15
(June 9, 2011 - 6:30 am)

You spell pneumonia like this: pneumonia. :)

submitted by Analesia, age 12, being a Disney geek
(June 11, 2011 - 3:30 pm)