heyyy, lizards! i'm

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

heyyy, lizards! i'm

heyyy, lizards! i'm new around here, but i've been ghosting for a few weeks; namely, ever since i figured out what the chatterbox is (i've been getting cricket for a few months. oh, and i have to say that your mags are the best--the letterbox, the stories, the poems, the contests, the cricket countries, and i'm really tempted to go on forever but, well, you get the point.) so anyway, a couple facts about me:

i have *le gasp* two older brothers. and a younger sister, lucky for me. she's the best (why does culture say siblings don't get along?? ...not me ignoring my arguments w/ my brothers) i'm fifteen, in the second year of high school, she/her, and entirely extraverted and maybe just a bit bossy - also maybe more than a bit ready to defend my multiple loves and ideas. i will never use emojis, i seem to have a love affair with parentheses, and i passionately love words too. i'm a writer/reader/artist/Creative Person, like it seems pretty much everyone here is.

my fave song has to be party in the usa by miley cyrus: @Poinsettia, i also looked up te regalo and it was pretty great and i may or may not have been listening intermittently to carlos baute songs ever since. i'm more musical than i like to admit, lol. which must be why my very sweet yorkshire terrier has resigned himself and actually sometimes wags his tail when i listen to party in the usa!! while we're talking about sweet things, did i mention i have a boyfriend? he is ... seriously great

so that's me, or at least a bunch of random facts about me. y'all can call me rain for short, if you want. i'm so excited to be here, and totally ask me any questions you have!

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 16, 2024 - 12:25 pm)

likewise! music nerds unite lol. i'll listen to country--don't get me started on dolly parton/luke combs/etc-- but i avoid jazz + techno + ultra electronic stuff, so i get the feeling. genre-wise, i like indie and pop and, sometimes, various branches of music like 80s pop (i got into that last month and ... it didn't last all the way to now) i'll give the ones you mentioned a try. read you around!

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 20, 2024 - 8:29 pm)

Hi rainswept! I love love your name, gotta say (so many people creat such great names!) I'm Hawkstar, she/her, also 15! 

I have two younger brothers, but no sisters! It's the saddest thing...

Do you have any books you enjoy? 

submitted by Hawkstar, age ON, Seoul or NewYork or Paris
(July 17, 2024 - 1:32 pm)

hi! love your name too - warriors-inspired, i gather?

no sisters? aww no fair *sends sister vibes*

yesss books i talked about them up above--feel free to comment. you?

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 20, 2024 - 8:32 pm)

Hi, rainswept :) Welcome to the CB! I'm Amity. What are your favorite books?

submitted by Amity, she/her
(July 17, 2024 - 4:06 pm)

tysm, great to meet you! lol books--i talked in-depth abt them above, but the abridged version is, i love classics & fantasy & almost anything you throw at me, and some of my favorites are (so far) emma by jane austen and the chronicles of narnia by cs lewis and prob thousands more. what are yours?

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 20, 2024 - 8:35 pm)

Hullo rainswept! Welcome to the CB! I'm Moth, she/they. If you have any questions about this place just let us know.

submitted by Moth Silvermoon, night vale usa
(July 18, 2024 - 11:23 am)

hullo hullo! thanks, will do. everything's been completely great so far, though, and i've been perusing a very useful ultimate guide in chirp@cricket, so i should be all good.

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 20, 2024 - 8:37 pm)