heyyy, lizards! i'm

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

heyyy, lizards! i'm

heyyy, lizards! i'm new around here, but i've been ghosting for a few weeks; namely, ever since i figured out what the chatterbox is (i've been getting cricket for a few months. oh, and i have to say that your mags are the best--the letterbox, the stories, the poems, the contests, the cricket countries, and i'm really tempted to go on forever but, well, you get the point.) so anyway, a couple facts about me:

i have *le gasp* two older brothers. and a younger sister, lucky for me. she's the best (why does culture say siblings don't get along?? ...not me ignoring my arguments w/ my brothers) i'm fifteen, in the second year of high school, she/her, and entirely extraverted and maybe just a bit bossy - also maybe more than a bit ready to defend my multiple loves and ideas. i will never use emojis, i seem to have a love affair with parentheses, and i passionately love words too. i'm a writer/reader/artist/Creative Person, like it seems pretty much everyone here is.

my fave song has to be party in the usa by miley cyrus: @Poinsettia, i also looked up te regalo and it was pretty great and i may or may not have been listening intermittently to carlos baute songs ever since. i'm more musical than i like to admit, lol. which must be why my very sweet yorkshire terrier has resigned himself and actually sometimes wags his tail when i listen to party in the usa!! while we're talking about sweet things, did i mention i have a boyfriend? he is ... seriously great

so that's me, or at least a bunch of random facts about me. y'all can call me rain for short, if you want. i'm so excited to be here, and totally ask me any questions you have!

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 16, 2024 - 12:25 pm)

Welcome to the CB! :} I love your name! 

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 16, 2024 - 3:06 pm)

I have one sibling, a younger brother. Mostly, I don’t use emojis, but I do like sending my dad turtle emojis through my mom’s phone for some reason. I’m also a writer/reader/artist/Creative Person and I love words. How did you think of your name? 

submitted by Sempreverde
(July 17, 2024 - 3:21 am)

finally getting around to answering everyone...

ty! not entirely sure how my name came into being - i like rain and, especially, the way the word sounds (i did warn you i had a thing with words lol), and it combined with swept? i feel like it has a lot of imagery, and i liked the way it sounded, so.

siblings galore!! and i'm suddenly having the life-changing realization that, whoa, dads and turtle emojis go together so well. it's great meeting you!

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 19, 2024 - 10:39 am)

Hi rainswept/rain, welcome to the CB!!! I'm Celine, she/comet* pronouns maybe I'm still figuring it out but it works really well for now haha. I loveeeeee your name btw!!!! And your location :D yesss Te Regalo is so good, and I love Party In The USA too!! And while I'm answering your post, Cricket magazine (and Muse and Cobblestone!!!) is seriously amazing, I do not get along with my younger brother at all most of the time ever since he started getting sucked into "mainstream culture" (that's probably part of the reason I refuse to give it all a chance---maybe I'm being dramatic, but it feels like it took my brother away from me and he's sorta horrible now >:/), yesss I love parentheses wayyy too much and I have a habit of using parentheses in parentheses in parentheses in parentheses even though I think you're supposed to use brackets/other keyboard things to differentiate each set of parentheses but eh :DDD and yess I love words too!!! I'm also a reader/writer/artist/Creative Person, as are most on here (as you've said :P), and I love dogs!!! Though admittedly not as much smaller dogs (with the exception of the smaller dogs I know---I'm just not as much a fan of small dogs in general). Idk why people think bigger dogs are scarier... I mean, they can be, but I've had---ah well the guinea pigs are fighting again I probably shouldn't be amused by this but they're hilarious they circle each growling and... oh, tussling... and... chasing each other... wait okay bye---ah nvm one separated herself by escaping to higher ground okay everything's fine here now mOvInG oNnnn...

where was I? Oh, another thing to know about me if you don't already is that I'm really fond of tangents and getting distracted :D anyways, I had a ginormous (ginormous o_O) dog, and he's literally the sweetest cutest most adorable most caring most patient most loyal dog ever!!!!! Meanwhile, smaller dogs are mostly... nervewracking... I don't know, they scare me for some reason. Most bigger dogs seem calmer than smaller/medium-sized dogs for some reason?? But I'm sure your yorkie is great :D

I want to go eat cheese and watch some Gravity Falls now, but I SHALL RETURN!!! *booms out in a massive thunderclap and sudden downpour of rain* *because I can*


*if you don't know, comet pronouns are used like so:

instead of, and so she walked into the mystical enchanted fairy-oak-tree world and made herself at home, feeding her pet dragicorn (dragounicorn?) a carrot, it's and so comet walked into the mystical enchanted fairy-oak-tree world and made cometself at home, feeding comets pet dragicorn a carrot. I think you can also use "com", but I like "comet" better idk. You can use she/comet however you want for me though, so I'm fine if you just totally use she/her/herself, totally use comet/comets/cometself, or use she/comet/her/comets/herself/cometself or whatever.

...whewf :P 


also look at that I took so long writing this, this thread got pushed to the back lol. Hi Sempreverde!! 

25 sec ago

by Sempreverde

PS. the piggies seem to be getting along splendidly now, eating hay together like the old chums they are... they're seriously adorable though :D

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age *confetti*, garden on the moon
(July 16, 2024 - 3:13 pm)

hi and thanks!! !!!! fellow party in the usa lover! sorry about your brother - yeah mainstream culture is pretty ugh sometimes. for clarification, i'm not like at constant odds w/ my brothers, it's more that the older one gets on my nerves sometimes and the younger one (tho he's still older than me) also gets into wars with me, but they aren't long-lasting because he can be pretty sweet.

parentheses in parentheses in parentheses? ok i think we're soulmates lol. lemme see if i can get an example of me doing that in my fifty million page journal ...

well, i get that a lot of smaller dogs can be a lot: attention-seeking, always obstinate/cross, all that. but also some little dogs are honestly the sweetest - my friend has a dachshund who's a lump of sugar and exudes love/sweetness. i'm sure your dog was incredible too, though! wait wait guinea pigs? that's adorable i've always wanted a guinea pig lol

oh, and tangents are great too!

aw happy piggies! good thing they settled their differences.

*vanishes in a whirlpool of rain*

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 19, 2024 - 10:56 am)
submitted by CelineTopping Bright, age Toppls!, On TOP of the kitten pile
(July 16, 2024 - 6:27 pm)

Hi rainswept! Welcome to the CB! WiLdSoNg, she/her pronouns. I've been on the CB almost three years I believe! I'm so happy to have you here and can't wait to get to know you! 

Couple questions:
Do you have a favorite book?
Do you play any sports?
And finally, what's something quirky about yourself that's kinda random? 
I'll answer the questions later :)
Anyways, welcome! Read you around! 
submitted by WiLdSoNg
(July 16, 2024 - 7:27 pm)

hey, great to read(?) you! looking forward to getting to know you too. a couple of answers:

-no. i love so many books it's crazy. i read a couple of wof books a while ago, and i think i liked them, and i'm a bit obssessed over classics like charles dickens and the chronicles of narnia. i'm reading emma by jane austen rn and i'm liking it, and i began of curses and kisses by sandhya menon which totally didn't inspire my location. so in other words i've read thousands of books that are all favorites, and i've got thousands more on my to-be-read list that are prob going to be favorites too.

-i play soccer!! sometimes. i'm usually a substitute on my school's team, but i'm super into playing and watching.

-well, i'll only write stories/poems on a computer; idk why i can't manage on notebooks, esp since i go ecstatic over them, but i'm imagining it's a quirk of creativity.

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 19, 2024 - 11:02 am)

hey, I'm Hex. I'm basically afk and stalking for the summer but you'll see me around more eventually. cool name and welcome!! any favorite books/genres? what other music do you listen to [favorite artists, for example]? what would you do if I proclaimed my love for [brackets] and distrust of (normal parens)?

submitted by Hex
(July 16, 2024 - 9:16 pm)

hey, great to meet you! i'm looking forward to seeing you w/ regularity. i love your name too (or, let's be honest: i love all your names, and i'm wondering how y'all come up with such amazing ones) like i told wildsong, i'll read basically everything, tho i tend to give horror/sci-fi a miss, and i'm seriously in love with a lot of old classics and a couple of modern ones. (ack just remembered that i have great expectations drifting about my room and wanting to be read, i hadn't realized quite how thick it was) with music, also, i'm kinda versatile; i tend to go for indie music like the indigo girls, and i'm also fond of the highwomen. taylor swift's okay, not my favorite, and so's shakira and abba - once in a while i delve into older music/music from other cultures, listen to it on repeat for a couple of weeks, and then forget all about it. also lesser-known music - one of my comfort songs rn is time of your life by green day (though, not sure that's actually lesser-known, but whatever). brackets?? i would either lecture you for twenty minutes about the perfection of parentheses, or give you an optional tackle hug bc brackets are seriously great too /jk

my captcha says "oeeue", okay there's def something exciting going on in captcha-land

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 20, 2024 - 8:09 pm)

Welcome to the CB Rainswept!! I love your name so much! :D I'm WildWolf, She/Her. I love love love reading, writing, and choir.

What's your favourite kind of music, and what's your favourite artist? I like Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Dua Lipa, Gracie Abrams, Clairo, mxmtoon, and literally so many more than I can't think of right now :) 

Also, I have three siblings as well! Two sisters and a brother. I'm the oldest, which is sometimes AWESOME, sometimes not so awesome. But mostly awesome :D


submitted by WildWolf, age 13, Somewhere around here
(July 16, 2024 - 9:44 pm)

hi, thx, and thx! choir, that sounds great - i sing, like, once in a while, but never for anyone except me.

so as i was saying, there are multitudes of singers/songs i like, and it changes ... regularly? there are a few constants nevertheless, like i've loved time of your life (green day) for like two years now, and i haven't changed my opinion of taylor swift since i started listening (opinion being: i'll listen to her songs, esp a couple of favorites and if i'm in the mood, but i don't think she's fantastic). OHmg how'd i forget about clairo? also kind of a fave, so i'm not sure how it slipped my mind.

sIbLiNg pOwEr muahaha. it's great that you're the oldest!

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 20, 2024 - 8:19 pm)

Hi rainswept! I'm Moon Wolf, she/her. I also love writing and reading. What books do you like to read?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(July 16, 2024 - 10:52 pm)

morning, moon wolf! (ahem. more like night.) i love a never-ending list of books - i mentioned some of my faves to wildsong and hex. do you have any favorites?

submitted by rainswept, age she/her, academies and stars
(July 20, 2024 - 8:22 pm)

hi rain nice to meet you! i'm anastasia, she/her pronouns, and i'm in eighth grade. i also am a huge music nerd-i pretty much listen to any and all genres, excluding country bc its just...not my thing iykyk

i love tyler the creator, le tigre, sza, melanie martinez, morgan reese, d4vd, queen beyyyy ofc, alicia keys, dr dre, frank ocean....so many more but i'll stop there. ik wildwolf already asked this but what are some other artists/genres you like? 


submitted by anastasia, deep in the archives
(July 17, 2024 - 8:10 am)