Care Packages

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Care Packages

Care Packages

Last time I did these, they were fun and not too challenging, so I think I might try them again. Comment telling me a bit about yourself - maybe some problems you've been having you want advice for, your favorite books or music or something, or really anything, and I'll reply with a "care package" - it might have advice, a written picturing, compliments, music recommendations, whatever you need. I'll do my best to get them out in a timely fashion. 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 13, 2023 - 9:38 am)

Ahhh you are the sweetest!! That means the world to me, and it's not weird! I'm honored to be seen as a big sister figure. Thank you so much! <333

Would you like a care package and if so is there anything specific you'd like in it? And thank you again!

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 20, 2023 - 7:02 pm)

Hi, could I please have one? I've been feeling a little lonely and underappreciated; it feels like whenever I'm with other people, they're happy to hang out with each other, but not with me :( And I'm a little stressed about school starting... Anyway, advice or compliments would be great if that's okay! Thank you so much for doing this; you're wonderful at helping people feel better nad brightening their days, which is such a gift :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(August 22, 2023 - 10:39 am)

I know that feeling :/ I'm sorry. I don't really know if I have any advice for that, but I do want to tell you that sometimes I get this feeling and I realize it was just in my head. I don't want to invalidate your feelings when I say that, but I'm sure more people enjoy your company than you always allow yourself to believe - why wouldn't they? You are so smart and kind. I admire your want to learn more about the world around you, and your ability to do it through a different lense than most. It will take you very far in life. You are also very creative. You've got a talent for writing and I love the way your love shines through in everything you write. All of this gives you such a strong presence where you are. 

Also ik you didn't ask for these, but here's a quick written-picturing-poem-thing:


there is

a girl - no - a young woman 


in a room with yellow walls

and she is wearing a red dress

and she has braided her long brown hair

and she is holding an acoustic guitar but mostly i notice she is smiling

she is smiling and she is remembering that the world is more beautiful

than some people

seem to give it credit for. 


Also some song recommendations. Because you said you are stressed I picked some more mellow and quiet ones. The last one does not have any lyrics, it's just a guitar but it sounds so beautiful:

rises the moon by Liana Flores

try again tomorrow by Liana Flores 

Little Moth by chloe moriondo

Farewell by Bernth   

I hope that I was able to cheer you up a bit. Try not to be too stressed about school, you're going to do amazing! And I am always here when you get stressed <3

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 24, 2023 - 8:26 am)

Okay first off I'm so sorry it took me a while to reply to this! Second, thank you so much! The poem was absolutely gorgeous! You're so so good at poetry <3 And well basically the whole care package was very helpful and comforting - thank youuuu :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(August 27, 2023 - 11:12 am)

Well... If you insist...

Maybe some help with frustration? I get annoyed easily, especially where my brothers and dad are involved. I know that life happens and I can't just sit around doing nothing, so I need SOMETHING to help with that. 

And also... I'm going to have to move in six months, and I hate to leave my friends. I've already moved once about 4 years ago, and that was hard enough. this time, I am literally leaving behind twice as many good friends. I hope we can stay in contact with texting, and stuff like that. But I feel kind of... Jealous? my two best friends are really nice and sweet and practiactly like me, but I kinda feel like they are closer some how? I'm non religous, but my friends go to church and such, and so I feel like they share more. They also see each other more, and I've actually started having bad dreams about them growing close and rejecting me. 

So I guess that's what I'm worried about. I have zero doubts that they WILL grow closer once I've left, and I mean it's not a problem. After all it's not like I'll be there. It's just really hard on me, knowing that I will be a background memory after a while, even if it's a pleasent one. I hate being left behind or forgotten, or being left out of ANYTHING. 

Well, I wasn't expecting all of that to spill out. I guess once I started, the dam broke and water flowed freely. Thanks for reading me out, and I hope I find your advice helpful. 

submitted by Hawkstar
(August 23, 2023 - 7:51 pm)

Sorry for the wait, Hawkstar!

I can see why you'd be concerned about that. Definitely get their numbers, and try to text and call them often. This will be the easiest way to communicate with them. And send letters! Snail mail is fun. You can exchange gifts in the mail, such as stickers or jewelry. Depending on how far you're moving, you might even be able to go up to visit sometime. But you also need to try and make new friends in your new environment - as one song goes, "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold." 

You still have six months until you move. Enjoy them! Spend time with your friends. Go see new places. Try things you've always wanted to try. Have a movie night. Soak up as much time with them as you can. The more memories you can make with them, the better! And maybe try talking to them about how you feel. 

As for the easily frustrated thing, I can actually relate - I am also easily frustrated. Try to remember to take a deep breath and slow down. In the grad scheme of things, how much does the thing that's irritating you really matter? Some things feel bigger than they really are. 

I hope I was able to help you, and if you ever want to talk more I'm here <3


submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 26, 2023 - 3:53 pm)

Thanks for the super fast posting, Admin! You're the best! 

You're welcome!

submitted by PeriTOP!, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(August 26, 2023 - 3:58 pm)

Thank you so much <3 That definetly helped, and I love the old song. it's true!

I kind of want to talk to them about how I feel, but I'm scared. I don't like to make people feel bad, even if it helps me. I've always been that way and need to change that... 

Thanks again! and I suppose I do make a mountain out of a mole hole a lot of the time 

submitted by Hawkstar
(August 26, 2023 - 4:19 pm)

Ohh I know that song!! Yay Girl Scouts!! :) :)

make new friends

but keep the o-old

one is silver and the other's gold

a circle is round

and has no e-end

that's how long I wanna be your friend!

and on and on... (meanwhile, in Cub Scouts I just learned: "I'm being eaten by a boa, constructor, a boa, constructor, a boa..." which is pretty fun to sing as well, tho!)

submitted by CelineBurningGS!!!, age Makenewfri, And Cub Scouts as well!!
(August 26, 2023 - 4:52 pm)
submitted by TOPstar
(August 26, 2023 - 3:45 pm)