Kyngdom, again

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Kyngdom, again

Kyngdom, again

This is a reboot of the other Kyngdom thread, moved because DtE gets more traffic than CaC, which is where it was originally.

Here's a link to the older Kyngdom thread: 

submitted by Avara, age she/her
(March 29, 2023 - 1:50 pm)

I love those ideas! The last one especially would fit in very nicely with some ideas I have for starting an RP about a lesser-known branch of the Nobyls which eventually sides with the Resistance. Oh, and don't worry about the second bullet! :) I do personally think we shouldn't get any more powers right now, so as to keep the story more manageable - also, it seems that "no more powers" of the strictest rules on Kyngdom back in the early days, and we should probably respect that.

I do think the Powers should be NPCs, and maybe they should be on the side of the Resistance? Except Jaaws and the other dark SAPs could be on the side of Catastrophe, since they seem very nasty creatures :/

@Golden Lion Tamarin, I'm not sure that we could create new powers (see above), but I don't see anything wrong with creating new SAPs! A beneficial one, like the one you mentioned, would be great! Maybe Bamfiha could be an SAP too.

Ooh, here's an idea for another RP - a band of magically gifted people + animals has arisen during the timeskip (it's still unknown to BIG and Catastrophe, though) and is trying to find a spell that will enable the Powers to control their SAPs. (heck, the SAPs are created by the Powers, you'd think there'd be a way to control them...) What do y'all think?


submitted by Poinsettia
(April 5, 2023 - 3:15 pm)

Alrighty, I think what Zeal (Can I call you Zeal? Zealatom is too many letters for my brain to cope with right now, so unless you say otherwise I'mma call you Zeal) and Poinsettia says makes sense. I agree with option Ba) NO MORE POWERS UNTIL THE EXISTING ONES HAVE PLAYED THEIR PART AND EVEN THEN MAYBE NOT!

Also, Zeal is right, Catastrophe would have finished his mysterious war machine by now. Maybe we should agree on what it is and what it does, just so we're all on the same page on it? I feel like I might have heard something about the Old Kyngdomers having already found out what it was, but if so I can't remember, so if somebody else knows, tell me. If no one else knows, then it's purpose prolly hasn't been decided on yet and we should do that.

I definetely like point 3 in Zeal's comment, with the Resistance finding an important discovery that brings about a moment of peace. I think we combine that with Poinsettia's ideas about Nobyls and trying to find a spell that helps the Powers control the SAPs and some of the other ideas that were circulating about having Catastrophe gain more power and having the Powers and SAPs take sides, so we get something along the lines of this:

- Catastrophe continues to rise in influence and has control over almost all of the Northwest and Southeast Kyngdom and some of the Southwest, all though some of the Southwest is still being protected by the resistance since their base is in Mer, a city in the Southwest. The Northeast would be mostly under the control of the Sanukans, a species made by Sybill (by the way, if we're going to have the Sanukans involved in this we need to find out what they look like and what they can do, because we have almost no information on them). The Sanukans were hesitantly allied with the Resistance.

- Meanwhile, the Resistance has been in retreat, doing important research. They discover something important (perhaps, like Zeal's idea, a prophecy or something important about the origin of Kyngdom), which brings about a little ceasefire in the war for a while, but probably not for long.

- Some of the research the Resistance has been doing involves helping the Powers control the SAPs. There's a special little team of animals and humans (and maybe some characters of other species that are neither animal nor human) focused on this (although they'd need to be well equipped with Cyphers to communicate with each other, unless some of them had special powers). I've got a few characters coming along that could potentailly work well in this group. This little gang doesn't nessecarily have to be a subgroup of the Resistance, but it made sense to me given that the Resistance might be allying with the Powers and since the Resistance might already be doing some Power-related research.

- The Powers and SAPs have been taking sides (or at least some of them have. Some of them might remain independent), the Powers mostly with the Resistance and the SAPs mostly with Catastrophe.

- The Nobyls have begun to lose their control over Kyngdom's government? This is just a rough idea, but it makes sense that if Catastrophe is rising in influence they'd be declining in influence, plus this would be a good reason for some of them to align with the Resistance, who are against Catastrophe. I do think we definetely need to remember that the Nobyls are the original government of Kyngdom and make sure to involve them.

- After a setback from either a strike team of Resistance members or a group of viligantes, Catastrophe's machine is just recently finished and about to be unleashed.

That's just a rough idea and we can totally do something different, but it weaves together a bunch of different things people have mentioned.

Also, GLT, I do think Bamfiha could make a great SAP! It isn't unheard of for an SAP to be good, after all. The Power of Hoof's colt is considered an SAP and is (probably) good. She probably wouldn't have a title like Power of [animal trait] the way the Powers do, since the Sideaffected Powers don't seem to have titles, but I think she'd be really interesting. A pegasus would be a great SAP, too, since there's no Power or SAP that's already a pegasus.

submitted by Scuttles
(April 6, 2023 - 7:29 am)

Oh, and also, I found more info on the Sanukans: 

submitted by Scuttles
(April 6, 2023 - 11:58 am)

thank you for that kind comment on that thread in kyngdom, scuttles! my name is quite lovely, is it not? needless to say, yours is equally if not more as glorious. 

but on a different note, i was out on a midnight stroll a while ago and i thought, hmm, what if kyngdom was rebooted in a different way? 

and i mean a dystopian way. everything is destroyed some way or the other. and we can rp it back to it's glorious state! 

needless to say, it would need a bit more organization and a more central plot. i propose we select some particularly active cbers with interesting writing styles (in the good way) and have them carry the rping for all of it. of course, anyone can join- this would simply prevent death of characters. kyngdom went inactive because all of the rpers went inactive. 

now! i think the plot you all have is gloriously perfect; however may i suggest that we add perhaps one or two more realms? i was talking to Nightfall (or lynxie_, or th3mysticw0lf, as you may know her) a while back, and she was saying that a certain isle would be interesting. perhaps an elemental isle? something akin to helios's halls and the river-gods lounges and glaucos's castle and the nymphs river? or perhaps something like aiaia, where one character lives in exile? unoriginal, i suppose, but it conveys the point rather well. (also stan circe and pasiphae) 

but yes. mythology is a must. 


au revoir, 

cherie calliope  

submitted by cherie, aiaia
(April 7, 2023 - 6:24 pm)

Well, in case some CBers don't have time to jump onto Kyngdom itself to check on things or haven't noticed just yet, a small bite of updates for everyone: Poinsettia's RP is up! And the link is here:


submitted by Zealatom
(April 8, 2023 - 7:57 pm)

tsym, Zealatom!! I was going to post the link myself, but I didn't in the end, so thanks! :)

@cherie, I love the idea of an elemental island. That would be so exciting!  We should definitely do that. I'm not sure about making it a dystopic story, though. That would necessarily be quite dark, and many CBers might be uncomfortable with it (Golden Lion Tamarin, for instance, is uncomfortable with dark storylines, and we should probably take that into account). I've nothing against dystopic fiction as such, when it's well done, but the CB might not be the best place for it?

@Scuttles, those ideas sound great!

@Everyone, do you think we should go ahead and start some more RPs with smaller storylines, like the elemental island idea, and just let the story develop from there? We can still come back here to discuss anything really important, but I'm starting to feel like we've got the basics pretty well worked out, and Kyngdom has historically just developed from its RPs, not planning... should we try that again? It would be pretty fun :)

submitted by Poinsettia
(April 10, 2023 - 1:57 pm)

Dang it's been six years since I first came here. I came here for Kyngdom, but it died long ago. And now, it's finally returning, therefore so must I.


submitted by To be determined, The dawn of a new era
(April 11, 2023 - 12:50 am)

A couple things I'd like to add to the discussion, if I may. Having been there when Kyngdom was still alive and well, I think I may be able to provide some insight.

First of all on the topic of the Powers, it was my understanding that they 1. Are not to be added to since it would mess with the timeline of the whole Kyngdom universe and 2. Can't quite die. The Brazen Goo got close - really close - but the Powers are not so much creatures as they are forces of divine nature.

Secondly, I love the idea of a timeskip! That way we can shake off side stories that weren't very important and focus on the revival of Kyngdom's core.

That's all I have to say for now, I can't wait to really meet all of you and write alongside you  :)

submitted by To be determined, (faint humming)
(April 11, 2023 - 1:00 am)

So it seems like we've unspoken-ly more-or-less settled on the storyline Scuttles put together?

submitted by Interrobang
(April 12, 2023 - 9:06 am)

Congratulations! You've found the Rainbow Egg! Post anything you want on the Egg Hunt thread as long as it contains the name of a color to claim your point.

submitted by The Egghead, age scrambled, over the rainbow
(April 20, 2023 - 3:37 pm)
submitted by top
(April 20, 2023 - 3:37 pm)

Oh wow, this looks amazing!

Is it fine if I just hover around and offer tidbits? I'm a little busy irl, but this is all so fascinating! I hope things can get off the ground~ :)

submitted by Jaybells, Lost in Áit Dorcha
(May 1, 2023 - 7:53 pm)

Jaybells, hi!! You posted 9 seconds ago!! it's so cool to think that we're on at the same time :)

submitted by Poinsettia@Jaybells
(May 1, 2023 - 7:54 pm)
submitted by top
(May 5, 2023 - 4:30 pm)

Hello! I am new to Kyngdom (though I've been wanting to join for a long time), and am very confused as to what is happening here... can someone please explain? What are we doing right now? Kyngdom died? Thank you!

Will one or more of you recent Kyngdomers help Celine? Thank you!


submitted by Celine, age As needed, The FireMist Sea
(June 22, 2023 - 7:19 pm)