The Scarlet Group! 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

The Scarlet Group! 

The Scarlet Group! 

Hi Amethyst and Poinsettia, here is our make a friend group! Any creative endevours occupying your spare time at the moment? I discovered conlang calligraphy script a few days ago and it's gorgeous! I reeally want to make my own! What kinds of books do you like? I'm excited to get to know you both!

submitted by Flamarestii
(March 14, 2023 - 1:56 pm)

Vafalian sounds just gorgeous! Even the name is beautiful :)

I've watched quite a few movies, although I haven't seen the LotR ones yet. I think whenever I do, I'll just watch parts of them so as not to see the scary parts - even my mom says she closed her eyes when she was watching the scary parts, so I'm not too keen on seeing them myself, although I do want to see the other parts. I have a lot of movies I like, but one of my favorites is Confessions of a Shopaholic because it's funny and lighthearted. I won't give away the ending, but it's about a girl who's spending all her money on shopping, and eventually gets herself into real trouble due to overspending. I like lighthearted movies in general :) Plus, it doesn't have any bad language.

I hope your homework and your exams go well! I've just started taking my exams. Which isn't too hard, because a lot of the questions are just about punctuation, reading comprehension, spelling, stuff like that, which I've pretty much learned by now (I'm in high school). Still, I'll be glad when I've gotten them out of the way.

Having to use model poems does sound frustrating! Answering your question, one of my favorite poems is "The Song of Sherwood," by Alfred Noyes. It gave me such a thrill when I read it for the first time, and I love thrilling poetry. How about you, do you have a favorite poem? Or a favorite poet in general?

Oh yes, that part where Olaf reenacts everything is hilarious! I loved watching it. I'm so glad there are people who can write funny scenes for movies and books, because it makes life so much happier!

Questions: if you could live or travel anywhere, where would you choose? Oh, and what's your favorite season? I like spring best, I think.


submitted by Poinsettia
(April 25, 2023 - 4:04 pm)
submitted by Poinsettia, age topping
(April 26, 2023 - 2:04 pm)
submitted by Poinsettia, merrily a-topping
(April 28, 2023 - 12:43 pm)
submitted by Poinsettia, toooooop
(April 28, 2023 - 3:52 pm)
submitted by Amethyst, age toppp!!!!!, I'll post soon :)
(April 28, 2023 - 6:28 pm)

Hey, I'm back! I hope your exams went well! Mine are at the end of this month, and I have Spanish, English, Bible, Applied Geometry, and Biology exams. I should probably start studying :/ 

I read "The Song of Sherwood," and it was a very exciting poem! I like Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson poetry, like especially Nothing Gold Can Stay and The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. I often think about whether or not I take the "road less travelled by," or that sort of thing :D

Someone on my bus said a few days ago, "My life is so boring, I don't have anything going on." I wish I didn't have anything going on! I've been so busy and I hate being busy! It does make for interesting things to talk about, though! Yesterday I started my library job (yay!), and today for school we had something called the "Cleanathon," where we walked the ditches around town and pick up trash. It was a nice day to do it, so it wasn't so bad. My group found a dead skunk and several other interesting (by which I mean disgusting) things! It made me sad that there was so much trash, though! A lot of people just dumped their fast food packages in the ditches as they went by. 

I got my poetry book done for English, albeit having to use model poems, but we got to do two original poems as well, so that was refreshing! I did one about stars because *sigh* I love stars, and one called "Fantastical Pareidolia" about seeing magic in nature. I've just realized that almost all my poems are about nature. I wonder what that says about me?

If I could live anywhere, I'd probably move back to Canada. Or somewhere really remote where there's no people. If I could travel anywhere, I'd go to Europe! I reeeally want to go to Europe, especially England. I also want to go to Sable Island or Assateague Island. I kind of want to travel the whole world though, and see like everything! What about you?

My favourite season used to be fall, but then I moved to Iowa and there are these little bugs that come out of the corn in the fall and bite people (aka me), so I don't like fall much anymore. I think I'll go with summer, or maybe spring too. 

Oops, I wrote a lot! Hopefully you felt like reading? 

submitted by Flamarestii, chillaxing
(May 3, 2023 - 4:32 pm)

Gosh, I haven't responded for days :/ Sorry about that. Yes, we've been having exams - even though we're homeschooled, we have to take some exams anyway. They weren't too bad, but they just needed a lot of concentration. So basically for a week we just did exams ;) You're learning Spanish? Wow, that's great! I *supposedly* know Spanish, and I can speak it, but I'm not that fluent in it, unfortunately.

Ooh, I love Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson! I think I've read Nothing Gold Can Stay somewhere? but I'm not sure. I also love The Song of Sherwood, and funny poems like the ones by Ogden Nash, and some of Rudyard Kipliing's poems. I couldn't really name one favorite poem, or even a favorite poet - I like any poem that has any particularly beautiful words, or imagery, or messages, as well as funny poems.

Your Cleanathon sounds interesting! It is so sad that there's all this stuff that people just toss away and leave to disintegrate into microplastics. A few weeks ago my mom saw a robin picking up a piece of plastic, probably to be woven into a nest or something, which was sad :( Anyway, we're pretty busy too - it's always fairly hectic at the end of the year, because you're trying to make sure that you get everything done that you haven't already done. *sigh* At least we're only a month away from June now. And aw, yeah, having to do model poems does sound irritating. "Fantastical Pareidolia" sounds lovely! And oh dear, don't get me started on the subject of stars, because I could go on forever. A while ago we saw a really bright star just after it got dark - I think it was Sirius or something, and it was so large! I mean, you could actually see it twinkling. Usually stars just sort of glimmer off there, but this one really looked as if it were getting larger and smaller. It was lovely :) And then, of course, there are stars as in famous people... always interesting, although I really do not know much about modern famous people. I mean, I don't really listen to a lot of modern singers, or watch American football or anything, so nine times out of ten, if I hear the name of a celebrity, I'll say something like, "Oh, nice name. I wonder who that person is?" ;)

Eek, this is getting long. (How can it be? It feels as if I've hardly written anything...) I would basically like to go all over the world too - like it would always be lovely to Europe of course, for example to Spain, or to visit Antarctica (I mean it's freezing, and it wouldn't be that nice, but it's just so different from the rest of the world), or to visit Assateague as you said, etc., etc.... And I'd really better stop there, or I'll never end. Oh, and don't worry that your comment was long :) It's always nice to read your posts.

submitted by Amethyst, it's spring!!!
(May 4, 2023 - 7:53 pm)

*reading your post and laughing* The celebrity thing is my brain exactly! I have no clue who these people are or why they're famous (and secret, don't tell anyone: I don't care that much anyway!). I don't follow football either; I don't think it's necessary to watch people jumping on each other and getting head injuries all the time. The only sports I watch are the Olympics and the occasional real life hockey game. I like to play badminton and racquetball occasionally, but I mostly play board games. Do either of you play chess? I'm not very good because I hate sacrificing my pieces, but I did beat my brother the last game we played! He somehow managed to evade me for a frustratingly long time with just his king though! I really like Settlers of Catan too. I also made my own fantasy game called Towers. It's really simple, you just make little rock "towers," and then one person gets to be the "wind" that comes from the four corners of the (flat) world and tries to blow the towers over. The tallest one standing wins! 

I've been learning Spanish for two years now. I really like it, it just seems to come so naturally to me! Unfortunately everyone else in my class is not interested :( A lot of people don't seem to care about anything except how they look and social media. I hope I'm never that boring, but at the same time it's hard to be different. I mean, I don't even have social media, or a cellphone. I'm working on my self-esteem right now because having a mostly turbulent personality is a nightmare. Have you two taken the personality test? I think it's interesting and helped me understand myself a lot more, but it's probably not a totally accurate judge of character. 

Ooo, and I love the stars. I almost like night more than day just because of the stars and the moon, and also it's dark, and quiet, and there aren't so many people around. 

Sidenote: I can call you two friends, right? I mean, I consider you two friends, and I really, really like talking to you, but I always feel like I have to ask people's permission for things like that, so um that's my turbulent doubting personality coming out right there. Regardless, having a good weekend! 

submitted by Flamarestii
(May 5, 2023 - 3:15 pm)
submitted by TOPestii
(May 4, 2023 - 4:30 pm)

I share your thoughts on football exactly. I mean, it's like, oh look, now he got tackled - that's odd, I thought they were on the same team or something? It seems so silly to watch a lot of people jumping on each other, as you said, for fun. *sighs and shakes head* I certainly watch the Olympics - I love watching all the stuff with horses!!! and also the ice skating and the rhythmic gymnastics, which are much nicer than the usual gymnastics. I also watch soccer occasionally, although as we don't have a TV we can't often watch full games :/ For what I play myself, ooh yes, I like playing badminton! We both play chess, too. (To add something that has absolutely nothing to do with chess, you have a brother? Wow, that must be nice :)) And gosh, you play Settlers of Catan too?!? We love it, and we have quite a few of the variants too. It's so nice how it's utterly different each time you play, and it's so easy to visualize all the towns, and the wheat fields, and so on :)

Towers sounds fun!! Maybe we ought to try it :D We used to play this game called Poisonous Penguins, which consisted in a lot of complicated steps that I don't remember anymore, but usually I find it very hard to think up games :/ (Help, first I was using too many elipses, and now I'm probably using way too many emojis, but oh well :/ [another emoji to demonstrate])

Gosh, we absolutely must be kindred spirits!!!! I know just what you mean about people who only care about social media and things like that. A whole lot of people seem so shallow (except all CBers, btw, which is one of the things I really like about the CB). It is so hard to be different and not fit in. I don't have a cell phone either, and I scarcely know anyone from around where I live, so I utterly sympathize with you :| It's so easy to realize that so many teenagers aren't really worthwhile being around, but it's so hard to not try to just fit in.

Ah, personality types. I haven't taken the test, but we took out some books about personality types and figured out what we were (at least, it didn't include anything about turbulent/assertive, so I don't know about that, but for the rest I do). As far as I can tell, I'm an INFP. I think you said on one of the personality type threads that you used to be one? Yeah, it can help to understand one's self, just not completely. And oh, yes, it's fine if you call me a friend! I feel sort of like you're mine, and I'm enjoying talking to you so much too :D (oh help not another emoji *sighs*)

A question: what sort of music do you like? And, as usual, my comment has somehow become very very long, so I'll stop there.

submitted by Amethyst
(May 8, 2023 - 8:22 pm)

Gah why does this thread always refuse to top properly????

submitted by Amethyst
(May 9, 2023 - 6:56 am)

Have you read Anne of Green Gables? She's always finding kindred spirits everywhere! 

I love watching the figure skating in the Olympics! It is so scary though when they throw each other up in the air! I also always watch the equestrian events if they're on TV. We don't have a "fancy" TV so we can't pick very many channels. I like watching dressage because of the harmony between the horses and riders, and how beautiful they make their routines. Show jumping is amazing because of how high and fast they jump!, but I haven't seen much eventing. 

I do have a brother :) Two, actually. Brothers are fun; loud and slightly crazy, but fun. I also have two sisters. I'm the oldest, so I get to be in charge, and hopefully I'm not too bossy! 

I've played Seafarers and Cities and Knights as well as Settlers of Catan. The original is my favourite, but which ones have you played? My grandparents always get out their extension pack when we play, and then the board is super big with more to explore! I always try to get longest road. My uncle also invented a "longest turn card" for a prank that gives you minus two victory points if you take too long on a turn! I always put the robber in the desert because I feel bad about robbing people, but if someone lays it on me then I get revenge!! 

So the first time I took the personality test I got INFP, but now I've been consistently getting INFJ on several different tests, so maybe I was mistyped the first time? I feel like I have a lot in common with both INFPs and INFJs, so maybe I'm a borderline INFJ or something. I'm also quite sure that I'm an HSP (highly sensitive person). Figuring that out has definitely helped me understand why I can't watch anything violent or why I notice all little details that no one else notices or why emotions hit me like trains, along with countless other things. It helped me realize that there's nothing wrong with me, I just feel things a little differently than many other people, and it's not wrong to be sensitive. I wish I'd known that when I was younger! Then I wouldn't have been so terrible to myself for being different. Some things they just don't teach you in schools. 

In case you're curious: Turbulent vs. assertive is how your personality presents itself. If your personality is turbulent, then no matter if you are an INFP or a ESTJ, you will typically be more self-conscious, doubting, and anxious. If you are assertive, then you will be more confident and relaxed. It's mostly straightforward to tell: if you feel like you criticize yourself a lot and have struggles with self-acceptance, you are probably turbulent, but if you feel confident and have lots of self-esteem, then you are probably assertive. Of course, lots of people are somewhere in the middle too. 

For music, my tastes vary a lot! Lately I've been listening to a lot of fantasy ambience, but those aren't really songs. What are your music tastes/favourite songs? I'm still exploring mine.

Looong posts and too many emojis?? Join the club! I'm proud of myself though: I only used one emoji in this post!

submitted by Flamarestii
(May 9, 2023 - 9:02 pm)

Yes, I've read Anne of Green Gables! I love L.M. Montomery's descriptions, and I love most of her books, though I wish they wouldn't all be set on Prince Edward Island... it gets sort of monotonous. Still, I do love Anne of Green Gables. It seems as if a lot of classics are being forgotten these days since they're not modern, but most of them are still just as relevant, and as inspiring, and as... I'm really going off on a tangent lol, but it's just something that I do think more people could realize. Anyway, dressage and show jumping is lovely. Also just for seeing the horses... they're always so beautiful.

Four siblings? That must be so much fun :D Poinsettia's my only sister/sibing in general. I can well imagine it would be slightly crazy to have two brothers...

We've played Seafarers and Traders&Barbarians - at least, some of the variants in them. We still haven't gotten around to the more complicated ones ;) I basically love all of them (I love the idea of new islands in the Seafarers especially), though the original is fun too. I tend to put the robbers on whoever has the most points and looks dangerously like winning at the moment, or else I put them on the desert. The "longest turn card" sounds like fun ;D It's always interesting to tweak the rules a bit to suit you. For example, we've said that you don't have to give up half your cards when you have more than seven cards whenever the robbers are put in the desert, and that whatever sevens are rolled in the first round don't count.

I agree, personality type can help you to feel much more confident about parts of your personality that you haven't properly understood before. It's also so much fun figuring out what all your family members are :) Oh gracious, if that's what Turbulent and Assertive are, I must be exactly in the middle. Rather irritating :/ Have you heard about the introverting feeling/exraverting feeling? I appear to introvert it.

For music, I like a huge variety of things - there are only a few genres that I completely don't like, such as heavy metal. I like older country - modern country is really not worth while listening to, in my opinion, but old country has several good artists, like Rosanne Cash and Alison Krauss - and Celtic music, folk music from a lot of countries in the world, and any music I hear on the radio that I particularly like. One song that I would certainly rank among my favorites is a song in Spanish called El romance del Conde Olinos, sung by a group called the Alalumbre Folk - I heard it online, and it's absolutely lovely. The instrumental is just perfect, and the words are beautiful too :) Other than that, I have sooo many favorites I couldn't even list them all.

Only one emoji in a post!? Allow me to present to you the gold medal of Olympic All-Time Least-Emoji-Using Queen! Quite impressive ;]

submitted by Amethyst
(May 12, 2023 - 8:00 pm)
submitted by Amethyst, will you top or not?????
(May 12, 2023 - 8:31 pm)

Please top...

submitted by Amethyst
(May 16, 2023 - 7:52 pm)