Stupid events we

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Stupid events we

Stupid events we regret! Okay, I know that everyone is embarrassed by something they've done. I am not talking about messing things up with your crush or saying something stupid to your friend. I'm talking about one of the stupidest things. Here's just one of  my stories:

Okay, I have to give you the reason first. This girl Mady and her family were renting a house, but the owner kicked them out and put the house up for rent again. He wouldn't let them try to buy it back.. don't know why, but unfair, isn't it? So when my friend who was her neighbor, asked Mady and me to spend the night and wanted to play a prank on the neighbors, I was like, okay, sure! (total lack of judgment) I would've never of guessed about the mess we were about to get ourselves into... I apoligize for my recklessness, admins and fellow Chatterboxers...

So at maybe ten we snuck out and pulled the For Rent sign out of the yard. (This was the second time they had done this.) The light turned on in their house, and my friend Pam screamed, "Run for it!" We sprinted until we were by her creek and fell to our knees, exhausted. We were sure the man hadn't seen us. So we dumped the For Rent sign in the sewer and the metal part in the creek, and headed back to Pam's. In the morning, Mady went home early, and Pam and I were brushing our teeth when the doorbell rang! It was a policman! He wanted to see Pam's mom and Pam said to him, "We didn't do anything!" But she did get her mother and she and the policeman talked about recent vandalism in the neighborhood!

"Late last night," he said, "a couple of kids went around the nighborhood and vandalized some property." Pam and I looked at each other, fear stricken. But then we realized he hadn't been talking about us at all! Some rotten teenagers had gone around and played a little mailbox baseball. But still, I had never been so scared, and when the policeman left and I called my mom to tell her, I had a right to be... *gulps at flashback...

submitted by Katie, age 12, outside looking
(November 23, 2009 - 8:44 pm)

Does no one agree?  *embarrassed*

submitted by Laura☮
(December 8, 2009 - 2:19 pm)

((Lol! It so does!))

I'm sooo embarrassed about this story, but...

I was at one of my friend's house for her birthday last year. My friend and one other girl had already gone to sleep, so the one other girl was like "let's play a prank on them." So we went and got a blue washable marker and drew half-mustaches (we could only reach one side of their faces) on them. Then we did it to ourselves so it wouldn't seem like we didn't or something (not sure what our reasoning was). When they woke up, they were really mad and thought that my friend's little brother had done it. It took a really long time to scrub it off (we thought it woulda been easy! it was washable marker for goodness sake!). Then, we told them it was us. My friend was kinda mad for about a week, but now it's just fine. Still, I'm really embarrassed by it!! EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed *runs away and hides*

submitted by Emma, age 13
(December 8, 2009 - 8:15 pm)

hee hee, that's pretty funny.  :)

submitted by Laura☮
(December 9, 2009 - 12:48 pm)

*sarcastic dramatic voice* You're mean!! I'm never coming here again!! *busrts into fake tears* *normal voice* Kidding. It is kinda funny. :)

submitted by Emma
(December 12, 2009 - 12:44 pm)