AE Diaries!!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Diaries!!!

AE Diaries!!!

I don't know about you lizards, but I love my AEs and am really bad at commitment. So I don't really sign up for parties a lot. I still want to write with them, though! Hence this thread.

Here we can write about whatever they're doing when they aren't at parties, weather that be hanging out with their siblings, being their antisocial selves, going on dates (CB appropriate, ofc), or having adventures that have actual plots.

After this shows up, I'll post a link to the original thread by Viola? and an example of how this works :]]

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark, age 13, Valhalla
(December 7, 2022 - 7:21 pm)


~So... Poinsettia got two new AEs. Kaspar and Oriole, a brother and sister. They're kind of alike, very sure of themselves. Oriole's fun; she and I are interested in a lot of the same things, although we think about them in different ways. I never like to focus on one thing for very long, whereas Oriole obsesses over all her interests. So far I've learned that she's interested in fashion, art, horses, traveling, and singing. It'll be nice to have someone else around who's more sociable; Stormi's always in one of her moods and doesn't want to socialize, and Layia just likes to be by herself and enjoy nature. Which is fine, but...~

~Kaspar is the most argumentative person I've ever seen. Not to say Oriole isn't combative too, but she's able to let an argument go, whereas Kaspar just keeps rehashing his arguments until you have to admit he's right. Because he usually is right. And he debates really well, leaving no room for any doubts on the matter. He's kind of fun though.~

submitted by Poinsettia
(July 16, 2023 - 3:28 pm)


^Justin tells me he doesn't know that much about climate change and asks me to tell him more about it. I'm about to start talking when the waiter comes with our drinks and croissants. They look delicious, and I help myself to a couple and taste the tea.^

^"What do you know and think about climate change?" Justin asks again.^

^"I actually know sort of a lot about it," I confess. "Mostly," I add with a laugh, "because Ibis and Amethyst are always talking about it. And, frankly, because I feel I ought to understand it. There's a lot of science behind it which has never really interested me - such as how carbon dioxide heats up the planet because it makes a thicker layer of gas around the Earth than there ought to be, which traps the sun's rays, and so on - but what I'm more interested in knowing about is why it's happening, and what its consequences are." I sigh. "It's pretty serious, by now. Some of the problem is just ordinary people having cars, and taking planes everywhere, and throwing things out mindlessly, but a large part of it is also just the companies. They're just not environmental, and they both waste a huge amount of materials and encourage people to buy more and more and more, and waste things - it just makes me so angry to think that they could actually do something, and they aren't - and ordinary people are the ones who have to drive, and throw out, and take planes, as little as possible to make up for that!" My vehemence has gotten the better of me, and I pause to calm down. "Sorry, it just really makes me angry. And it's partly governments' fault too, for letting the companies get away with that - at least, it's my opinion that's part of the problem in many countries. Anyhow, that's what I know about it, and I think it's pretty obvious what I think about it, right?" I smile a little.^

^"There are a lot of people who are trying to make things better, too," I add. "In France, for example, there are groups who are trying to make companies cut down on needless carbon dioxide consumption. In France right now global warming has been serious - it's much hotter than it's meant to be, as in much hotter. I mean, I think it's been serious all over the world, like even in the US it's helped contribute to all the smoke from the forest fires. And I've probably rambled on for way too long, so I'll stop there," I add with another smile. "What do you think?"^

submitted by Amethyst&Vir, Cafe RoseFire
(July 17, 2023 - 5:15 pm)


/I blink, slightly overwhelmed by the bucketl loads of information that Vir dumps on me. She finishes by saying, "What do you think?"/

/I consider this question. What do I think now? "I think you are a very good teacher," I begin warmly. "It also gives me a lot to think about. Humans are the root of the cause, of course, with thousands of little things that become one big thing. Like you said, we do waste all lot of things." I take a large bite of my croissant, and then shove the rest into my mouth. They were pretty good. I slowly chew and think of what else to add./ 

/"I try not to waste food. Whenever I don't finish something, either Amber eats it, or Stacy does." I give a little chuckle. "And then yes, the government is quite ridiculous and doesn't care what goes on, so long as they profit from it." Vir nods along with what I said, and she drains her cup. Then gives me another of her smiles. We finish our croissants in thoughtful silence, and then I see the woman who had been at the piano get up and leave. I give Vir a shy smile. "Can I play the piano before we leave?" "Of course!" She replied./

/I rise from the table, not before fishing money out of my pocket and placing it on the bill. Vir opens her mouth to protest, but I cut her off. "you can pay for the next time, if you want to do this again." We then walk over to the piano, and I sat on the bench, posing my fingers over the keys. Vir sits at the edge of the bench, watching me closely. I take a deep breath, and then begin to play./

/Music streams in waves, quick and then slow, low and high. Rose had helped me compose this song. Well, she had mostly made it, me barely helping. She was deaf, but she could feel the vibrations. The song was called Mountains Streams. When I finished up, I look hesitantly at Vir. "Did you like it?"/

submitted by Justin & Hawkstar
(July 18, 2023 - 10:36 am)

@fallen leaf, here's Ariella's POV! Don't worry if you can't respond right away, I understand if you're busy :) And by the way, where should they meet? I've started it off kind of ambiguously; they could bump into each other while Ariella's walking toward the town, or Ariella could meet JJ at the café. Or if you have another idea, that would work too :) 


~It's currently very boring at home; Stormi and Oriole are out shopping, and Layia's holed up in her room, writing poetry. The house feels too quiet and dull for my taste, so I decide to slip outside and go for a walk. Maybe I'll go to the café in the nearby town. I feel like I could do with some hot tea and a slice of cake.~

~It's cold and blustery outside, unusual for a summer day, but somehow it doesn't dampen my spirits. Something important is going to happen on this outing. I can just feel it.~ 

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(July 20, 2023 - 2:42 pm)

First time doing this so I'll see how it goes!


-Well, this place has been...nice so far. When we moved here two months ago, I had no idea what to think of this place, CB. But the place we live in is alright. It's relatively close to the city, but not too close so that there's constantly bustle and chatter outside.-

-Moon Wolf pushed me to make more friends, but she should know by now that I'm not a social person. No way am I going up to a stranger and talking to them unless they talk to me first. That's the only way I'll strike up a conversation.-

-Unfortunately, Moon Wolf still dragged me out, and told me to go explore and find someone to talk to. I assume she's trying to get me to make friends, but that's...a little far-fetched. So now, I'm just stuck wandering the streets, feeling like a fish out of water, until I find someone to make friends with.- 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(July 20, 2023 - 10:41 pm)


^Justin looks surprised at the vast amount of information I've poured out to him, but he agrees with what I've said and tell me I'm a good teacher, which makes me feel oddly happy.^

^I finish my tea, and Justin and I make an end to the croissants in silence. I notice that, by now, neither of us feels awkward not saying anything. We've both relaxed, I think, and I at least certainly feel happy just being with Justin.^

^He glances around as I eat the last croissant, and I notice a half-mischievous smile flit suddenly across his face. He turns to me, and the smile becomes slightly shy. "Can I play the piano before we leave?" he asks.^

^I turn and see that the woman who was playing the piano is gone. "Of course," I answer quickly, rising. Since I learned that Justin could play the piano, I've been wanting to hear him do it.^

^Justin pays, telling me that I can pay next time "if you want to do this again". If I want to do this again! Of course I want to - if he does. But Justin is already going over to the piano, and I follow him and sit down next to him on the seat.^

^A powerful cascade of music flows forth, dipping and curving and rippling, making me see things I've never seen and making me dream of things I've never dreamed. I never really want it to stop; each note lingers a little in the air before fading away, and I cling to each one as it passes, feeling myself respond to thier allure.^

^Then they stop, and Justin turns to look at me. "Did you like it?" he asks, slightly hesitantly.^

^I gaze at him. "Justin, that's just - so beautiful," I manage to say. "I think it's the best music I've ever heard. Seriously."^

^Justin looks pleased, and we go out of the cafe. I turn to him. "So, what do you want to do from here?" I ask. "Window shop or walk in the park?" Either one would be nice, I think, though window shopping, as with most things to do with the city, attracts me. I glance at him, waiting for his answer.

submitted by Amethyst&Vir, CB City
(July 22, 2023 - 10:42 am)


/Vir asks me if we should go window shopping, or a walk in the park would be better.  Wondering which she would prefer, I play it safe and say, "Why don't we go window shopping, and once we get to the park, we'll go in there."/

/ Vit beams happily, saying, "Good idea!" I smile, loving to see her light up. We stroll down the sidewalks, pausing to ooo and ahhh at especially good displays. Vir seems to be thoroughly enjoy herself, grabbing my arm and dragging me from window to window, down one street and across the road. Nearing the park, there was a pet store. We pause her, smashing our faces against the tinted window. I let out a startled gasp as a golden furry thing pounces at my face. Laughing, I say, "Vir, look! Golden retriever puppies!"/

/"Awwwww!" she says, and this time I grab her hand, pulling her to the door. "come on!"I say, "we need to get a closer look." Inside, we go over the the mother and puppies that where displayed at the window. They where in a very large cafe, and five puppies wrestled and rolled around. When we approached, they run over to us, yipping and barking. I snicker and pet one's silky ears. Vir coo's at one, stroking her thought the bars. The other puppies leave, but this one stayed where she was, panting happily. I smile at the scene and then abruptly ask Vir, "Do'y think Amethyst would let you get that puppy?"

submitted by Justin & Hawkstar
(July 22, 2023 - 2:58 pm)


-Moon Wolf brought in a new AE recently, whose name is Aries. I mean, he seems cool and all, but he's also pretty much the opposite of me. For one, he's way better at socializing than me, so it seems that in no time at all that he would gain a few friends the moment he steps outside. But for now, he's staying inside, claiming that it's too hot to go outside right now. Currently, since his room isn't ready yet, he is in my (emphasis on the my) room, sitting on my chair, reading my magazine!-

-"_Just chill_ ," he had said in a relaxed tone. "_I will be gone soon, and leave you in peace._"-

-I guess I should just bear with him for a while. Either way, his room is almost done.- 


submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(July 22, 2023 - 5:43 pm)


+It was early morning when I woke up, the sun had barely risen, not that I could see it, there were trees all around us. I knew that Perine was not up by the lack of sound in our cottage, usually she practices violin first thing in the morning. 

I creeped out of bed, going straight to my closet. I jumped at the creaking the doors made when I opened them. I took out a white dress that looked straight out of one of those historical fiction movies. Nope, not today. I took out another white dress, it was very plain. Nope, not today. Finally, I took out a white dress that was not too plain, it was perfect!

After I changed into that, I went downstairs. That's when weird things started to happen. I heard something in the kitchen, like scratching. Now, I'm not easily scared, especially when I'm certain that this house is hunted, but this really freaked me out. Something about that sound, it was just weird. So, I grabbed an umbrella, and ventured into the kitchen. On the floor was Zeus, Perine's falcon, he was sickly still, like a statue. And the window was open. 

"Who let you in buddy?" I asked, trying to be kind, to the falcon. Warning: never, ever, say buddy to a falcon. Of a sudden Zeus lit up, life flushing into his body, and threw himself at me.

Well, you probably never got bitten by something, because you're a book, but it hurts really bad. Especially if you get bitten by a predatory animal, because those kill stuff with their bits. Especially if you get bitten by a falcon. A falcon has a special 'tooth' on its beak, that it uses to dig into its prey's neck so it can break their spine.

Yep, it was that bad.+

submitted by Peregrine F & Dove, age Fledgling, At the tree
(July 24, 2023 - 4:04 am)


^I love the way Justin is always able to think up perfect solutions. We window shop for a while, which is, of course, fascinating - I take advantage of Justin's (probably small) supply of patience to stand for ages outside clothing shops, wondering exactly which dress I'd like better, or would the halter top be better. Justin amiably lets himself be dragged along here and there, and seems to enjoy looking in the shop windows.^

^When we come to the pet store, it's Justin who drags me inside; it's his turn, I suppose, and besides the golden retriever puppies we've glimpsed inside are the most adorable things. I kneel down by their enclosure, reaching into the cage to pat one of them, a plump, adorable bundle. "You little golden fluff," I tell her, longing to scoop her up in my arms. She wags her tail and looks at me happily and adoringly, and my heart melts - actually in the exact same way it does when Justin smiles (because Justin also is just so cute, thought I'd never tell him so).^

^I feel as if I could stay here all day, and the puppy seems to think the same thing. Justin, looking at me, asks me suddenly, "D'you think Amethyst would let you get that puppy?"^

^I realize that in a way, in the back of my mind, I've been thinking the same thing. But I would probably never have really considered it if it hadn't been for Justin. I look up at him, one hand still tangled in the puppy's soft ears.^

^"I don't think she'd mind," I say. "Not that I can see anyone minding a little ball of cuteness anyway..." I glance at the puppy again, warning myself to think first about what it means to have a dog - walking it every day, feeding it, having it get Very Very big... but honestly, I don't think I'd mind. "I think I will buy her," I decide impetuously, and the puppy looks up at me with melting brown eyes as if she understands."

^I buy her, and we continue towards the park, only now my arms are full of golden life. We enter the park and walk along; I have been here before, though only a few times, and it's nice to see the trees and the long, smooth lawns. We reach a fountain, and I sink down on its wall, letting the puppy out of my arms. "She's heavier than I thought," I remark with a laugh. "Shall we sit here for a bit?"^

submitted by Amethyst&Vir
(July 25, 2023 - 9:08 am)

I apologize for the late post : /


/Vir decides that she will buy the golden puppy, and I consider pitching in some money, but decided it was wiser to just let Vir pay herself. We leave the store and stroll into the park, the shade cool and dappled with sun patches. After a little bit we came to a fountain, and Vir sits down. "She's heavier than I thought," she laughs. I love when she laughs. It makes her eyes sparkle brighter, and makes her even more pretty. "Shall we sit here for a bit?"/

/ "Of course," I immediately agree, and sit beside her. The puppy in Vir's arms pants and struggles to get out of her arms. She barks impatiently at a squirrel, and I laugh. "Think we can let her loose? She might run off though."/

/"You wouldn't disappear into the wild, would you?" Vireo asked her dog. She licked Vir's nose as if to say, not in a million years! "You are getting her back if she travels far," Vir told me seriously. "Since it was your brilliant suggestion." Before I can reply, she opens her arms and the golden dog barks happily and promptly chases the closest squirrel up a tree./

/"I will get her if she runs off,"  I promise. "Good," Vir says, and leans on my arm for a moment. We sit there, watching the golden puppy, who, thankfully, doesn't seem interested in roaming super far. "What are you going to name her?" I finally ask her, when the puppy trots over with a stick. Vir leans down and picks up the stick, tossing it far. "I don't know quite yet. I definitely have some names, but will she answer to them? We'll try them out now, shall we?" " Let's," I say. "I have one, too, if she doesn't answer to yours. But honestly, I think mine's kinda silly. But let's start trying!"

submitted by Justin & Hawkstar
(July 30, 2023 - 7:57 pm)

Don't worry about taking a while :)


^Justin agrees to rest a while and drops down next to me on the fountain. The puppy's not only heavy,  but astonishingly active, and I'm willing to agree to Justin's suggestion that I let her run around a bit. "You wouldn't disappear into the wild, would you?" I ask her affectionately, and she barks and licks my nose. I laugh. "I take that as no." Turning to Justin, I add, "You're getting her back if she travels far, though, since it was your brilliant suggestion." I let go of the puppy, and she dashes away, barking happily.^

^Justin promises to get her if she leaves us, and with a "Good" and a laugh, I lean back against him. There's something so wonderful about sitting here, just the two of us together, with __ (the puppy) rushing in joyful circles in front of us. I know, more than I ever have before, that I just want to be with Justin. No matter what.^

^The puppy comes over hopefully with a stick, and I take the hint and take it to throw. "What are you going to name her?" Justin asks, watching us.^

^"I don't know yet," I confess. "I definitely have some names... but will she answer to them?" I suggest trying them out.^

^Justin agrees, telling me that he has an idea for a name too. "But let's start trying!" he says.^

^I'm curious as to what his silly name is, but instead of asking I stare into the distance for a moment, considering which name to try first. "Sunshine?" I try softly as the puppy comes back with the stick. "Sunshine, darling. Do you want that to be your name?"^

^The puppy barks, and with a smile I toss the stick for her. When she pauses after catching the stick, interested in rolling about with it, I try another name. "Amber!" She looks up. "Amber, come here." She races over to us, little tail wagging. I stroke her golden fluff, laughing. "Amber Sunshine? Does that sound good?" I look at Justin. "And what's the name you thought of? Honestly, I want to hear it."^

submitted by Amethyst&Vir, in the park
(August 5, 2023 - 4:29 pm)


/Vir stares into space while the puppy runs to retrieve the stick. After a moment, Vir calls, "Sunshine? Sunshine, darling. Do you want that to be your name?" The puppy barks, and Vir smiles indulgently and tosses the stick./

/Feeling quite content, I reach up and smooth my short hair out of my face, and stretched. Vir starts to call to the puppy, using the name Amber. I smile, wondering if the dog would answer to that name and become Amber jr, named the same as my golden retriever. The golden fluff runs over, and Vir says, "Amber Sunshine? Does that sound good?" The dog wags her tail and pants happily. It's hard for me to tell if she likes the name, or she just likes Vir. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the second option. Vir was a natural animal whisper, and she shone with love and happiness. That was some of the things that made her so wonderful to be around./

/Vir then turns to me. "And what's the name you thought of? Honestly, I want to hear it." I cough, slightly embarrassed. It wasn't a horribly funny name, but still... "Oh fine," I finally give in. "I was thinking... Goldilocks? Goldi for short? Seems kind of like a golden retriever name. But." I shrug. "What do you think?"/ 

submitted by Justin & Hawkstar
(August 6, 2023 - 4:17 pm)


^"Oh fine," Justin says after a moment. "I was thinking... Goldilocks? Goldi for short? Seems kind of like a golden retriever name." He shrugs. "But. What do you think?"^

^"Goldi's beautiful," I say sincerely. I laugh. "Probably better than Amber Number Two... I just love the sound of the name Amber. But Goldi seems to suit this puppy better, honestly. She seems so alive." I smile, scooping up the puppy again and looking straight into her melting brown eyes. "Your name is Sunshine Goldilocks. I hope you don't object."^

^She barks happily. "She'll probably start answering to the name in time," I say, letting her out of my arms again to let off some energy chasing pigeons. I'm quiet for a moment, dropping my head against Justin's shoulder and watching the sunlight filling the park, and the grandmothers sitting on benches and talking, and the children running around on the paths, and the young couples out on a date, like Justin and me. There aren't that many people where we are, and I'm glad to just share this moment with Justin.^

^"Have you ever been to this park before?" I ask Justin, not out of a desparate need to make conversation but just because I feel like talking a bit.^

submitted by Amethyst&Vir
(August 9, 2023 - 8:51 am)


/"Goldi's beautiful," Vir assures me with a laugh, and I go a bit red. I thought it sounded a bit too... once upon a time, you know. Vir says how she likes the name of Amber, and I nodded in agreement. She then decides to call the golden fluff Sunshine Goldilocks. A very nice name, and I loved how Vir put both of our name suggestions into one./

/SunGoldi then barked and speed away to chase some birds, and Vir remarks that she would learn her name in time. We are both silent, the fountain splashing cheerily, and then Vir rests her head on my shoulder. I feel a sudden warmth at the gesture, and any resentment that had still lingered about Hawkstar shipping me vanished on the spot. I hadn't really wanted too, thinking that there wasn't any AE out there I could love like I did Vir. My affection seemed to have sprung from nowhere. I put my arm around her and feel right at home./

/"Have you been to this park before?" Vir asks. "No," I reply. "Hawkstar doesn't much like the city, so we live like 30 minutes away. She never tries to keep us there, she made it known right off that we could go where ever. I just... Haven't really made it that far. I should more, though." I consider pausing, but then remeber- "Oh, and three more AEs have join our crazy 'family'. Victor, and then Alyssa and Logan, who are twins. It certainly is different. And Amethyst found another AE, right? Eri? or was his name something else. Did he end up being your brother?"/

submitted by Justin & Hawkstar, At the park
(August 9, 2023 - 2:59 pm)