Chat thread! :D

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Chat thread! :D

Chat thread! :D

submitted by Lupine@BB&Peregrine, age 14,she/her, Platform 9 and 3/4
(October 13, 2021 - 7:40 pm)

Here's Reshinerr (there's one with Hideto too on the ski lodge thread (Library of the Stars) but this is a better picture probably). And Speckle, his stuffed cat! 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, ~Swan Lake~
(July 1, 2024 - 1:07 pm)

Reshinerr with Viridios (the mouse) in his room at the Library. This is a really bad picture and i had to edit it a bit to get the colors to show up better so it's really not a very good picture... but oh well

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 1, 2024 - 1:09 pm)

Here's one of my Kyngdom characters, Spiderwort. He's fun. I definitely want to do more ink and pencil drawings. His fashion sense is either like spiderwebs and black or delicate florals, usually blended together because he doesn't care, but i just gave him boring clothes here... :( He's super obsessed with flowers and plants though. spiderwort is a flower btw, it's really pretty

also the last picture (the one with Speckle and Viridios) is a wildly different style than how I usually draw and Reshinerr's face isn't quite right but I still like it... mostly because of the colors, but those don't show up well on here *sobs*

oh but what are your thoughts on the way people always write artists in books? i'm just curious if you have any thoughts. I just find it interesting how common like "draws stuff to escape real life" is because that's totally me (and I put that into Reshinerr) but it always feels kind of romanticized and glamorized. also how does everything they draw turn out good?! Like these are my good drawings, and then there are the tiny sketches of like random swords or - idk, belts or shoes or just anything random in between them (often added after I take the pictures XD) and all sorts of stuff that turns out awfully. I can write more if you're interested, I might regardless at some point because now i'm thinking about it. i don't think this is a big issue or anything it's just interesting

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 1, 2024 - 1:17 pm)

just a little tufted titmouse :P also all of these have mouseover text, if not interesting mouseover text

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 1, 2024 - 1:18 pm)

Here's a sketch of another character who's technically from Kyngdom, only in another story i'm writing aer in. Aer name is Altair, which is a star. Ae likes stars and ghosts and has this story where ae's a ghost that lives in the stars instead of a person and ae used to try really hard to be a good kid so people liked aem but it didn't work so now ae is just bitter and is more likely to act out for no reason. i still don't know how old ae is though... ae feels like an ancient ghost but at the same time ae feels too old. in the non-Kyngdom book ae also does mending for people to get money (well ae did, but now ae's the only person/ghost in an abandoned space station, but that's a long explanation) hence the cool star-patched pants.

side note, the hair is kind of what mine looks like, like the general style, but mine is way darker (technically it's brown, but people usually just say it's black) and longer in the front and shorter in the back and also less wavy. although my hair is weird, usually the back is wavier. also my hair just does whatever it wants - today it's kind of straight but not really and poofy and it looks kind of weird.

oh also since ae's mixed Japanese and white (most of my characters are mixed in some way XD), do you ever notice that people always want mixed Asians (and probably other mixed with white characters) to have really light eyes and hair? eyes especially, I think hair is more often like connected to powers or stuff in fantasy. it's just annoying and i don't think it's bad on its own (plenty of mixed people have light eyes and hair) but as a trend it is. also somehow they usually pass as the race they are, if i'm thinking right (which isn't impossible but is a bit odd). actually idk if white passing characters are that common... not from what i've seen. anyway when i was younger i wanted blue-green-grey eyes and light orange hair so so bad and i even convinced myself my hair was medium brown (it's always been very dark). i anyway I don't always hate it - like the American Girl doll Kanani I really like, who I also just like as a character because she's Hawaiian and it's like - it's Hawai'i! actually Hawaii! Not some weird tourist attraction I don't know! like they eat saimin and there's a whole plot about monk seals and it's just so casual and amazing! and a ton of people in Hawai'i are mixed race, and besides she has actually fairly dark skin, which is super nice because I've never seen an Asian character with skin anywhere near as dark as anyone in my family's (well, except mine, which is kind of a weird color that's not quite white and not quite Asian, and my brother's). but anyway i adore her and my grandma got me her when I was really little and i'm so glad even though she needs a lot of fixing up at this point but this is turning into a really long rant i'm sorry. 

i'll possibly post some more later but i'm totally overwhelming the admins, sorry about that admins! also i won't be asking any more questions after this i promise, if you get overwhelmed you can skip as many as you'd like!

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, age pasdedeux, from ~Swan Lake~ :D
(July 1, 2024 - 1:40 pm)

Oh and btw if you have any feedback that would be amazing! i would prefer if you were maybe a bit overly nice about it though, since i kind of hate my art, but things to work on and criticisms are totally welcome, i'm just asking that you don't phrase them that harshly. anyway you don't have to, i'd just appreciate it, but no pressure ofc!

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 1, 2024 - 1:46 pm)
submitted by top :D
(July 23, 2024 - 7:24 pm)

Oh no, on the third page!

submitted by Top! Top!
(August 14, 2024 - 10:24 am)
submitted by top :P
(August 25, 2024 - 7:02 pm)

hi :D

submitted by top :D
(September 24, 2024 - 6:29 pm)

i’m excited for when you post!!

Life updates! First off all the drawings are pretty old now - I should post some of my new ones. I pretty much haven’t taken pictures of any of them yet so i’ll get to that at some point. I’ve been meaning to. Also i realize that the book i mentioned as feeling similar to my style isn’t actually that similar, but idk something about it just felt similar - the art was really good though, hopefully mine will be good someday XD

ummm for some reason the first thing that comes to mind is that i'm obsessed with the Korngold Violin Concerto. Played by Shunske Sato! it's interesting because he was pretty young when he recorded it and you can hear that both time and years of playing mostly Bach have made his intonation better :D i should reccomend something played by Melissa White - i've seen her in person (twice!!! She performed at my local orchestra, that’s how i learned about her) and there was a radio performance that I listened to (on purpose - I think it was actually of a Florence Price violin concerto if i remember! it was so pretty) and I got a CD by her (that i actually haven't listened to :0) but I should absolutely find something I can reccomend. I'm definitely going to ask my teacher about it. I think the first movement could be doable fairly soon (although I just got to the part with what sounds like the octave runs and went “oh forgot about that” XD I’m okay at octaves when they’re by themselves but not at chaining them more than a few times, especially in higher octaves - granted they’re much easier on violin. I’ve been trying to keep them up to shape on both instruments, which is harder than it sounds since the whole part is keeping the hand position and distance the same and it’s different on the different instruments) but we'll see. Right now though I don't have the time - I'm working on getting the JC Bach back into shape because of the concerto performance (i got sick on the actual day, like really sick and so they moved it to next year) I also am really trying to get through the Kreisler Praeludium and Allegro so i can move on, but I haven't actually been working on it enough. It's a really cool piece though.

I think you might potentially find my sustainability and overconsumption thread interesting, if you want to read about that. it's on dte. basically fast fashion is a really big issue, comprising possibly like 8% of global emissions if i’m correct, and creating tons and tons of waste. There’s so much waste that thrift shops can’t possibly sell it all, and not all of it is even high quality enough to sell, so they send it off to countries like Ghana and Kenya, where there’s a market, but at this point it’s so overwhelmed that nobody can make a living off of it. (side note, i’ve seen people like refashion the stuff they get, it can be really cool, but it isn’t because it’s just not sustainable in any way and the people can’t make a living off of it and they end up getting a bunch of clothes that they can’t even use because they’re so low quality) And then a lot of what isn’t used is burned, and then that’s a bunch of pollution that really probably messes people up there. The whole thing is awful. And that’s not even talking about the environmental impacts. the best things to do are to buy less, buy secondhand, make sure everything you give away gets used (i’m still looking into how, but at least make sure clothes are in the best possible quality if you donate to a thrift shop, and smaller thrift shops might waste less potentially - get to know them), and make your clothes last longer, which includes laundry. Laundry and dryers in particular are really bad for clothes - you can try to wash less (airing out clothes in between wears can help), and then when you do wash on cold (uses less energy and is better for clothes) and air dry (you can get a drying rack if you don’t have one). but the biggest issues are like, social media hauls where people buy a bunch of stuff from really low quality fast fashion brands and then never wear them again. Also, the people who actually make the clothes are treated horrendously, but that’s usually an issue in expensive fashion too. This just seemed like something you might be interested in :P 

On which note i have some ideas for crafts. I’m trying to decide whether I should be Albrecht from Giselle or Franz from Coppelia for Halloween. Or, I could be The Nutcracker or The Sugar Plum Fairy’s Cavaier to confuse people :P i hadn’t thought of that but actually i adore it now XD Or I could be Siegfried, but honestly I can’t think of as much of a design convention for his costume - it feels like it can vary a lot more. Either way i reallyyyy need to get working on it. Like now. Because it’ll be a more complex one. Oh and all of the costumes would probably be from the modern Royal Ballet versions of all of them. I also found an old sweater in my closet i’m going to see if i can dye black. I’ve also been drawing a lot lately, but in the last few weeks not as much.

Oh and also i really need to keep working on my concerto performance because it got moved to this year because i was sick… especially because i made the cadenza harder. But i am, yet again, ill. XD

Oh and have you read any good books lately? Especially middle grade fantasy or sci fi (though i find that most middle grade sci fi is honestly quite bad), but I'll definitely take YA books too. Have you read Nightbooks by JA White? I'm rereading it and it's really good (i'm also impressed at how the opening manages to give you everything you need to know without making it dull, it's so well done i didn't even notice it at first). i'm trying to think what else i've read that's good... the Aru Shah series??? I really need to reread it, and i've only read the first two, but they were very good. 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat, ~Giselle~
(September 29, 2024 - 5:58 pm)