Chatterboxer Bible Group!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Chatterboxer Bible Group!

Chatterboxer Bible Group!


HELLO PEOPLE! I do believe this is the first time a thread has been made to talk about the Bible, so I don't know how it'll be taken. But, hopefully, people will post on it. 

Here's a place where we can discuss some favorite Bible stories, bits of scripture and devotionals.  

Feel free to post your favorite relevant songs and reply to people's posts.  

Once a week on Sunday someone can post a favorite piece of the Bible as the "Verse of the Week". To avoid having too many people sharing the Verse of the Week, please name yourself "Verse of the Week" so that we may know if it's already been posted!  


General Rules: 

1. Be kind and courteous. 

2. Please don't try to debate someone here. 

3. Uh... that's it. If there is anything I missed, please feel free to point it out!



And now, the Verse of the Week, from Philipians 4:6.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  



submitted by Moonfrost , age Who Cares?, Mars
(July 26, 2020 - 11:09 am)


We haven't been meeting in person at my church... at least I don't think so...

Instead we've been watching an online service from our old church, which is pretty nice because we don't have to go anywhere. ;)

Also, we can totally change the verse of the week reveal to a Monday! It's really no issue at all. We can also do a verse of the day as well, but we all can feel free to post Bible verses whenever we wish too. 

And it's so cool that you're dad's the pastor! I bet that you get all the inside information of what goes on in the church from him.


At my old church I used to go to the youth service, when I was really little. Like, when I was in elementary school probably. We would sing some songs there and I'm wondering if any of you know one of the songs I remember loving the most.


I still vaguely remember the dance moves that went with it. Is this song familiar to any of you? Have any of you heard it before or are you just shaking your heads at me in confusion? 


submitted by Moonfrost , age Who Cares?, Mars
(July 28, 2020 - 9:08 am)

Thank you for making this thread and all your help. My church is really small and me and my sunday school teacher joke that our class is a 1 room schoolhouse because the ages are 2nd grade through 6th grade and the youth group class is 7th grade through the end of highschool the teachers of that class are the best. They are young and do games and such to make it more fun which is why I am excited that they might change the ages.

Yes I do learn some sermons and scripture readings before others but our church is really small so not much goes on.

My class doesn't do much singing, which is kinda crazy because my last one did and this is the one that  has the music team as its teachers.  This is a question for everyone: Does your church have sunday school during the service? Mine has it before and then everyone goes to the sanctuary.

Random question: who is your favorite apostle? 


I know the Christians on this page will know and probably enjoy this verse but it's a good one so yeah.      John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

submitted by PandaGirl, age 11, New England
(July 28, 2020 - 11:17 am)


I forgot to put shall not between him and perish 

I fixed it for you. 


submitted by PandaGirl, age 11, New England
(July 28, 2020 - 2:21 pm)

Ohmygoodness yes! I DO recognize that song... I remember them singing it in the children's church at a church we go to occasionally, but that was awhile ago. I wonder... I don't know if they do it anymore. Were we in the same place at the same time, or is it just a commonly used children's song?


submitted by Jwyn, age 15
(July 28, 2020 - 9:26 pm)

I hope this doesn’t come across as disrespectful in any way; I’m just curious, since this is something I have a hard time understanding.

Kitten, the subject of your question is what Christians believe, but it can't be explained by science.


submitted by Kitten, Daydreaming
(July 28, 2020 - 1:25 pm)

Kitten, if you want to have a more open discussion on a platform like YWP, I wanted to let you know I'd be happy to answer any and all of your questions over there. :) I think we'd be able to talk a lot more efficiently that way.

submitted by Micearenice, age 17, Here
(July 28, 2020 - 6:55 pm)


I'll do my best to answer you questions.

1. My dad used to be Catholic before he converted to Christianity. The main difference is that Catholics' relationship with God is a lot less personal. Catholics believe the only way to go to heaven is to do good in this world. When they sin they tell the head priest what they did and the priest tells them what they must do to earn God's forgiveness.

A Christian believes that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Jesus paid the ultimate price, he died and went to hell so that God's anger at humans' sins could be forgiven. Christians believe that all our sins have been paid for by Jesus, so that we only have to believe in Him to go to heaven.

John 3:16 sums it up very well: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

Feel free to research this in your own time! I'm not the best person to answer, some of the details I had to look up, but hopefully you understand it a little now!


2. I think the Christian's rules and ideals have not really changed over time. We believe in the Trinity of God the Father, the son, and the holy spirit. We believe that God sent Jesus to die on the cross and paid for our sins, so that we don't have too. We believe that the only way to heaven is to accept Jesus as the one true savior and ask Him into our heart. The biggest thing is that we believe the only way to God is through His son, Jesus. Good works will not save you, you must ask Jesus into your heart to be saved.   


3. I believe the biggest thing is that many people assume that once they've accepted Jesus into their hearts their lives will suddenly be much better. This isn't the case, when a person accepts Jesus into their hearts they'll be given a new heart and want to go out and share the word of God. While it's true that God will watch over and take care of His people, He won't shelter us from the hardships. Because without hardships, how will a Christian expect to grow in their faith? That's why many people will fall away from the Christian's faith, because they're believing the wrong things about it. 


Well, this is a pretty long post! But hopefully I helped to answer your questions, Fidelity.  

I've edited your post, Moonfrost, because I think that I'd prefer if people mainly talked about their own experiences and religions for this thread. I think that faith is so complicated and varied that trying to talk about other faiths without someone from that faith present can be very difficult. I'm doing the same for everyone. --admin

submitted by Moonfrost , age Who Cares?, Mars
(July 29, 2020 - 10:39 am)

One thing I would like to add to Moonfrost's post would be at the end of number 3. Somewhere—I think it might be at the sermon on the mount or something—Jesus says to expect suffering. Secondly some people just don't understand how God's gift of salvation could be free, as I believe it is.


Sorry, PandaGirl, we can't allow outside links or programs to be sent out on the Chatterbox. --admin

submitted by PandaGirl, age 11, New England
(July 29, 2020 - 11:22 am)

Hey Moonfrost! I am an active Roman Catholic, and I have a couple of clarifications that I would like to make about Christianity and Catholicism.


As far as I know, the term 'Christian' refers to anyone who believes that Jesus Christ is God. I think it's more of a catagory than a single religion, and it encapsulates a lot of different religions including Catholicism, Mormanism, Lutheranism, and Presbyterianism.


Catholics do have a very personal relationship with Jesus! My family prays a lot, we love going to church, and we especially love Jesus, Mary, and all of the saints. Although I don't have a lot of experience in this world yet, I personally try to do my best to please God. With that said, it's true that we believe that doing good works for love of God is a great way to get on the road to Heaven, but it does take a real love of God and relationship with Jesus in order to get there.


At the beginning of your post, when you said "When they sin they tell the head priest what they did" you briefly mentioned what we call Confession. Confession is very important for us Catholics, and it's true that we try to go to Confession often. However, any Catholic priest can hear Confession. Even though our priests have different responsibilities, all of our priests are equal. 

When we go to Confession, we do tell our sins to the priest, but we believe that when we tell the priest, we are talking to Jesus through him. We believe that the priest is there 'In persona Christe', or 'in the person of Christ', so even though we're talking to the priest, it is Jesus who we are confessing to. So, we aren't just asking the priest for advice, we're asking Jesus for forgiveness for our sins. In the Bible, Jesus forgivess the sins of many people, and we believe that, through the priest, he forgives us as well. After we are done confessing our sins, the priests prays the prayer of absolution, and we believe that at that time, Jesus really forgives our sins.

What you referred to as the priest telling us 'what we have to do to gain forgiveness' we call a penance. To be clear, when the priest gives us the penance, he has already prayed the prayer of absolution, so we believe our sins are already forgiven. The priest gives us penance so that we can prove that we are truly sorry for our sins and really resolve to avoid sin in the future.

While Confession can sound odd to someone who has not experienced it, in my experience it is a very freeing witness of God's mercy. I often don't realize how much guilt I'm carrying around until I'm freed from it in Confession.  


I tried to make my explanation as polite as possible, and I'm sorry if anyone is offended! If you have any questions about Catholicism, I would be happy to answer them.






submitted by Scrivener
(August 16, 2020 - 4:31 pm)

I am so glad someone has finally made a thread like this! I'll be around here a lot probably.

submitted by Strawberri, age 13 Winters, earth
(August 1, 2020 - 10:35 am)
“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ 
Romans is SO GOOD. 
submitted by Verse of the Day!!, Jwyn :)
(August 2, 2020 - 6:11 pm)

That's a nice verse! 

Also, @Jywn. I don't know if we were at the same church or not... the song can easily be looked up and played by anyone. It could just be a very popular kid's song. 


Also, last year for school I had to read a book called: Dinosaurs: Marvels of God's Design by Tim Clarey. It goes over how dinosaurs actually point to God's existance and talks about how the author believes evolution is false.

I thought it was very interesting because it was written from a scientist's point of view, one who believes in God's existance. If you're looking for an informative book to read try this one! It was very interesting and if you do read it, please tell me what you think! 


submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(August 3, 2020 - 8:30 am)
submitted by Evolution is real!, age I believe
(August 3, 2020 - 11:33 am)
submitted by Cool! I would like, age to hear y?, Unless not this thread?
(August 3, 2020 - 12:32 pm)

Please let's not have debates here about what people believe! This is a thread for talking about things related to the Bible and to answer questions people have about other people's religions. 

Please don't post something that could create a want for debate, because this is not the thread for doing so. Instead it makes a ton of people angry and upset, with no outlet of venting their frustration. This is why I would really like it if people don't post controversial topics on this thread.    

Once again, this is a thread to talk about the Bible, God, and religion. This is not a thread to debate.

It's a place to politely ask and answer questions people have about what it means to have personal beliefs about God.


If you really want to have a debate, then please create a new thread for doing so, or you could debate it on NaNo if you want a more open platform.  


submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(August 3, 2020 - 2:44 pm)