Chatterbox: Down to Earth



What's up, y'all? As the title suggests, today is my birthday. I'm turnng 16! It honestly feels so weird for me to say that. I've been a part of the CB in some way since I was 11. I can't believe I'm still here today. I love you all! <3 The CB and all its inhabitants mean so much to me. I'd like to make a special shout-out to Air, Win, Kitten, Quill, DG, Blue Moon, Leafy, Leeli, Licensed Bookworm, and of course Vy for making my time here especially awesome! If I didn't mention you just then, it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate you. You are seen and you are loved!

Now, I could wax poetic about how much you guys mean to me (and believe me, there will be plenty of time for that later), or I could get to why I made this thread.

First off, I usually change my age/location on my birthday every year. First it was 154 moons and various Wings of Fire themed locations; then it was 168 moons and Enterprise (in honor of Star Trek of course); and lastly it was 180 moons and spilling tea with a queen (referencing both my love of tea/British TV shows). I changed my location back when I first started my hiatus to being "on hiatus", so as long as I'm still on hiatus, it'll be there. And as for my new-ish location ("y'all can call me Star"), I noticed that a lot of people have been trying to cram "@Starseeker" into their name boxes, which rarely fits. It's totally cool if you want to call me Star instead of Starseeker! Starseeker is, admittedly, a bit of a mouthful. Either one works for me. I might change my location to something other than "y'all can call me Star" soon, but for right now, that's what it is.

Also! In honor of my 16th birthday (!!!) I'm doing an "Ask Me Anything" thread! As the title suggests, you can ask me anything and everything, within the appropriate CB guidelines, of course. I've made some question starters below if you can't think of anything. 

I hope y'all stay safe and stay healthy! You are all so amazing! <3



-Why do you do (action) on the CB? (ex. my little "~", nicknaming everyone, etc)

-Have you ever done (action)?

-What's your opinion on (object/action)?

-What's the color of your (object)?

-How did you get started on (object/action)?

-Do you have any tips for (object/action)? 

-What's your favorite/least favorite (object/action)?

Again, these are all just starters if you don't know what to ask. Feel free to deviate from these! ~Star 

submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 8, 2020 - 11:10 am)

Thanks for you and your AE's/CAPTCHA's lovely birthday wishes, Unknown! 

1. Well, to be honest, it was a bit of an accident. I came out to my best friend back in November, and thought I came out to my family as well, but turns out I didn't, so when I dropped it into conversation in January, my family was a bit surprised. XD Surprised, but nonetheless supportive! As for the actual act, I just told them that I was bi, nothing too special. The more people I tell, the easier it gets. But it's always scary at first.

2. Yes, it does feel better! I'm not out to everyone yet, but the people who matter most to me all know and support me. A few of my more religious friends still don't know, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

3. Hmm... well, I once met a man named Benjamin but he went by "Jammin", as in "I'm jammin' out to this beat", and I just thought that was the coolest thing. The name Aurielle has always intrigued me, since it was the name of the main character in one of my first ever stories. I also love the name Feroc, which is the name of one of the characters in my novel. It's very similar to the Latin word "ferox", which means brave, fierce, or warlike. That also describes the character, so it's all around a cool connection.

4. This might not have been a true question, but I'll answer it anyway. Being 16 feels like being 15, but fancier. XD


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 9, 2020 - 12:37 pm)

Happy sweet sixteen! I hope you have a great birthday full of lots of sugary treats. I have a question: What color are your eyes?

submitted by Jade J., age birthdays!, longing lake
(July 8, 2020 - 10:05 pm)

Thanks, Jade! I did have a sugary birthday-- my aunt brought over chocolate chip muffins with chocolate frosting, and when we ordered take out for my birthday dinner, I got a cake concrete, which is basically just ice cream and cake all blended together. To answer your question, my eyes are a very pale, icy blue, with a ring of dark blue separating the color from the whites of my eyes. Fun fact, though, my eyes show up as black/very dark blue in pictures and on camera! I'm really not sure why, since my sister's eyes are very similar and they don't do it. 


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 9, 2020 - 12:41 pm)

STAR! I hope you had a great birthday! I can't believe you're sixteen. Congratulations on coming out! That's so awesome. I'm bi too! :)

You've always been one of the nicest people on the CB, and I'm glad to see you! <3 

My question is: How did you find the motivation to complete your book?? I have such a hard time following through with writing.

<3 Fidelity 

submitted by Fidelity
(July 9, 2020 - 12:55 am)

FIDELITY! Yes, I did have a good birthday! And oh that's so cool, we're like bi buddies!

Or partners in bime. Like partners in crime? 

Thanks for that contribution, Zoey, now moving on--

Awwww that's so sweet of you to say that! I have the same opinion of you! <3 

As for motivation to finish, well, I'm not certain I'm the best person to ask about that, considering that it took me 6 years to write. XD (Well, I was only actively writing it for 3 of those years, but I digress.) But what really ended up motivating me was posting it here, actually. Getting feedback from everyone and knowing that people were waiting for me to post updates really kept me going. I'd never posted my work anywhere before this-- nobody had ever even read my novel before, not even my family. So having that support system of people commenting and reading definitely motivated me. It does involve putting yourself out there, but the end payoff is definitely worth it.


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 9, 2020 - 12:47 pm)

Happy Birthday Star!!! Wow, you're almost exactly 6 months older than me!

~ What is your favorite/the most successful thread you have made? (In your opinion)

~ Who is your favorite WoF character?

~ How long does it take you to do one of your picturings? (Like, average) 

~ This one's kinda odd, but I have reading lots of older threads lately and in one (I can't remember which) I found a comment by you signed "Starseeker/[another name I can't remember but it was similar to Starseeker]". My question is, did you go by another name at some point (or multiple), and if so, what was it?

Sorry if that was a lot... xD

submitted by Jwyn, age 15
(July 9, 2020 - 9:45 am)

Thank you!! And wow, so your birthday is in January then? I'll have to put it on my calendar so I can wish you a happy birthday!

-To be honest, I rarely start threads. I think I've made maybe 6 threads in my entire time here? And that's including this one. I mostly just make announcements, like my hiatus threads and this one. So by process of elimination, my most successful thread is the thread I posted my novel on. It also happens to be my favorite! It's buried pretty far in the Inkwell now, but it has some good memories attached to it.

-Oh, goodness... there are so many good ones now! When I first started reading the series, there were 3 books. From the original set, I've always liked Tsunami, though I'll admit that I'm really more like Starflight. Moon quickly became another of my favorite characters, as well as Peril. I'd have to say, though, that my favorite might be Darkstalker. I loved reading his book and just reading his descent into madness. I don't know if he's truly my favorite character, but his journey is my favorite for sure.

-Hmm... well, this is a bit of a stereotypical answer, but it really depends! A torso or headshot takes a lot less long than a full body. Sometimes the lines just flow out of me and I'm done in 15 minutes. Sometimes my inking pen decides to die (@me trying to make Indigo Feather's picturing last night) and I can't draw anything right and I end up erasing the whole thing after an hour of work. I also sort of go into another headspace when I'm doing art, so I don't notice the passage of time. I've spent entire days before without eating, because I'm so immersed in whatever project I'm doing at the moment. If I had to guess, though, I'd say a quality full-body picturing takes about a half hour. I find a good reference photo, sketch it out roughly, then make a cleaner sketch and erase all my guidelines. I then ink it and decide my color scheme-- I have this rule that I limit my drawings to 3 colors, since it makes them cleaner and more cohesive. I have some pre-made combinations of skin and blush and shadows, since I've used them so much that I know what looks good with what. Then I'll apply the colors, and spend a few minutes touching everything up and adding highlights with my white gel pen. Sometimes I wait about a day before coming back to the drawing, because looking at things in a different light helps me find mistakes. But yeah.

-I've gone by Starseeker since the moment I stepped onto the CB. I did have a sort of other persona for about a year and a half, where I went by Shhh... Not Telling and posted my art. But Shhh and Star (wooo third person) existed at the same time, since Shhh was just my art persona. In other words, I was still posting as Starseeker while posting as Shhh. Otherwise, I've always been Starseeker.


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 9, 2020 - 1:06 pm)

Update on the timing thing, it usually takes me about an hour to do a quality, colored picturing... so there's that. (Told you I lose track of time!)


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 10, 2020 - 8:24 pm)

Yep! My half-birthday is in a couple of days.

- Interesting. I guess I don't remember many posts by you. Actually I was thinking about your novel thread as I was writing that question and was remembering how good it was! 

I'm not sure how I would go about making a novel, since it would probably be left woefully unfinished (do you have any empty google docs lying around, I wonder?). On the other hand, when I try to write short stories *coughcoughcricketleaguecough* I end up with many many pages of rambling content. Also, my creative energy is like Central NY weather. Often it changes depending on the season, the motivation, or some other mysterious force that doesn't always seem to make sense (you should see spring here; it's weird). I will crochet a blanket for months on end, only to take up polymer clay the next week and have absolutely no patience for yarn. This past few weeks I've been doing art like it's going out of style. Kinda frustrating sometimes. ANYWAY, back on topic please...

- Ooh, Darkstalker is a very interesting character. I haven't yet read the book about him, but he is fascinating... and scary. I instantly liked Moon and Turtle when they were introduced because I admired and related with them so much. Quiet, shy, and weighed by powers beyond their control, they are shaped by their experiences and makes them all the better for it. I just go on and on, don't I? *shaking my head*

- Ok! I don't know exactly how long a picturing takes me, but it usually takes the whole day or more, depending. I guess I subconsciously thought digital art would take less time, but now that I think about it, it probably takes a lot more, what with layers and increased possibilities and such. It comes out much cleaner and brighter though, which I like. 

Also I saw that you use alcohol markers? They look really vibrant and nice. What are the main advantages of those? I haven't used much in the way of more "professional" (for want of a better word) art supplies.

I was curious to know if you knew that I am Indigo Feather? I made an announcement on CaC a few weeks ago, but I'm not sure if everyone got the memo? It's my PP/Inkwell name, mostly.

- Hmm. On this old thread I saw I was pretty sure you had another name attached? Maybe it wasn't you, or maybe it was specific to the thread. I'll let you know if I find it again.


Sorry this was so longggg. I don't even know if you'll see this. I'm not sure if I've ever made a conversational reply this long. I will not make it longer by continuing to say the word "long". 

- Jwyn Out -


submitted by Jwyn, age 15, a.k.a. Indigo
(July 11, 2020 - 11:07 am)

-Oh, well, happy half-birthday, then! I might be off by a few days, but oh well.

-I'm glad you've read it and liked it! It was such a huge part of my life for so long, and I was honestly really nervous putting it out there. Comments like yours always make my day! :) I have a ridiculous amount of empty and half-empty google docs pretty much EVERYWHERE. I had the benefit of not having too many unwritten half-started novels, since I came up with the idea for this one when I was around 10 and I've been focused on it ever since, but I do have lots of started-and-stopped short stories and screenplays. Writing short stories is hard, I feel like, since it's like not having enough energy to make a full novel but mine always turn out longer than a short story. A novella, I guess? Your weather analogy is really accurate! I live in Kansas, so I get the brunt of pretty much every kind of weather from all over the country. And it changes all the time, too! 

-I definitely liked Moon, too! Turtle gave me the creeps a bit, because he seemed just too calm sometimes, and that whole vision that Moon had of him killing Anenome. Or was it the other way around...? I haven't read the books in years, I'll admit. They're gathering dust on my bookshelves. I'll have to pick them back up!

-Digital art surprisingly takes about the same amount of time, for me. Back when I used my fancy Procreate app (before it DIED *cries*) and before my stylus BROKE (*also cries* can you tell I'm bitter about this?) it used to take me longer, since I spent more time fine-tuning everything and getting all the color balances right and the line art spiffy. But now, with my shoddy art program and using my index finger to draw, I've definitely sacrificed some of the quality, so it takes me a shorter amount of time. I also kind of avoid it, though. So. But yes!! My alcohol markers!! I was honestly really hesitant about getting them at first, since I tend to be flighty and go from item to item and never use old ones again. So I wasn't sure I wanted to invest in a good set and never use them again. My turning point was when my friend let me borrow hers for Inktober, and I seriously fell in love. I ended up buying the same kind as she had, and they're literally so amazing. The main advantages are a smooth, even color, and the ability to blend. I love vibrant colors and clean lines, and these markers are perfect for that! Plus, you don't get those streaky lines that you do with normal markers-- you know, like when you can see exactly where you've colored and where your marker lines overlap? Alcohol markers blend that all out, as long as you apply the colors in a reasonably quick amount of time. They're just awesome.

-Is it awkward that I didn't know you're Indigo Feather? I did think that you two were similar in mannerism and how you phrase things (there's a reason for that, wow) but I missed that you're the same person. Well... whoops.

-Yeah, please let me know if you do find it again! I'm looking through the prompted names (since my computer automatically gives me some old ones I've used in a drop-down menu in the name box) and the only ones that are someone else are me being revealed in an SI, me revealing myself as Shhh, and me attaching "TueUpdate" or "FriUpdate" on the back of my name for my novel thread.

-Yep, I saw it! I just haven't replied because I've been on my phone, not my computer, and I hate typing out long posts on my tiny screen. (Yikes, I did just realize how long this was... sorry Admins! I appreciate y'all!)


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 17, 2020 - 4:25 pm)

Hey, my birthday was the 7th! We're so close! Except for the fact you're six years older than me...

submitted by Mistia, age 10, CandyLand
(July 9, 2020 - 9:47 am)

Well, then happy birthday to you as well! I also have an irl friend who's birthday is on the 7th, and another who's birthday is on the 9th. We make a birthday sandiwch!


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 9, 2020 - 1:07 pm)

Happy Birthday, Starseeker!  I  hope you had a wonderful birthday,

submitted by Peregrine
(July 9, 2020 - 10:45 am)

Thanks, Peregrine! I did have a good birthday!


submitted by Starseeker, age on hiatus, y'all can call me Star
(July 9, 2020 - 1:09 pm)

EEEEEEEE HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAR! *tackle hug* You've been such an inspiration to me over the years, and I've always been envious of your creativity and talent in art and writing. Here's to many more birthdays! 

AYYYYY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *rolls out confetti cannon* *confetti cannon explodes* Darn it! I thought I had that fixed!

You wrapped it in duct tape! How is that "fixed"?! *ahem* Happy birthday, Starseeker! You're such a cool person, and I know my CBer has been so inspired by you. And, uhm... yeah...*awkwardly drifts away from conversation*


submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Enceladus
(July 9, 2020 - 2:34 pm)