Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

One year older than me. 9th grade? 14 years old?

submitted by Rainbow, age YouHaveTo, Pick a side
(October 14, 2023 - 6:13 pm)

maybe 13 or 14? probably 14.

submitted by Darkvine, the corn-infested Midwest
(October 14, 2023 - 7:03 pm)


submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(October 14, 2023 - 7:44 pm)

Between 12 and 15.

submitted by Seadragon
(October 14, 2023 - 7:56 pm)



ohh thanks for the update Reuby! Hi Buck! Feiya says YPFAY now!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age she/her(?), The FireMist Sea
(October 15, 2023 - 1:57 am)


submitted by CelineBurning Bright
(October 15, 2023 - 1:58 am)

I post something and then immediately after I'm like "why did I do that? What was I thinking?"

especially with art and stuff... 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(October 15, 2023 - 6:11 pm)

*talks in a very tutorial-y way* How to choose a last name for a character: A tutorial by Rainbow

Step one: look up random last name generators. Click on one.

Step two: try at least 100 different last names. If any go with the first name you have already chosen, write them down, but reject most.

Step three: go to google translate and pick a bunch of random languages to translate a word that goes with your character into. Write down which ones you like.

Step four: Look at your list of names. Cross out the ones you like the least. 

Step five: be very indecisive. 

Step six: either narrow the names down until you get one you like, or completely scratch that hour of work to randomly choose a last name (often taken from a friend/acquaintance, or a pre-existing character you like) 

And there you have it! Hope this was helpful. :)


(*mumbles to self* Ugh there are no last names that sound good with Adele!! And words like "swan", "love", and "beauty" in different languages as last names are not what I'm looking for... How to pick a last name for Adele, daughter of Aphrodite....)

submitted by Rainbow, age teen, How To Pick A Last Name
(October 15, 2023 - 7:42 pm)

Ooh, if you want I could look for some! If you want to tell me about the character (personality, interests, background, etc) that'd be helpful, because currently I'm going off of Aphrodite and names that sound good with Adele. if this is a Percy Jackson thing that's extra great, I love Riordan books :P Also I'm soooo tempted to say that you should name her Odile instead of Adele because of Swan Lake fitting the theme in multiple ways, but that's just the musician in me XD

If you'd rather I didn't that's fine, and I'm worse with last names than first names, but this still sounds fun :D 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(October 15, 2023 - 8:52 pm)

I would totally say yes, but I just found a good last name. So now her name (her middle name was a suggested first name from my friend) is Adele Odette Lovett. Does it sound okay?

submitted by Rainbow, age teen, MAKIN' IT ALL GAY
(October 16, 2023 - 8:47 pm)

I like Adele Odette!!! I was totally going to suggest using Odile instead of Adele or using Odette because of Swan Lake XD It just fits in many ways, and Tchaikovsky :P I'm not sure I like Lovett because it repeats the sound in Odette, though. but I'm not certain I'm pronouncing it right; if the emphasis is on the "lov" instead of the "ett" I think it's better. I'm hoping you'll be keeping Odette because I'm a music nerd :DDDD

If you'd like a few more thoughts I've been making a list, but if you like Lovett that's fine too :D

Also your location is great. 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(October 17, 2023 - 2:12 pm)

man, i'm lazy, i just use the names for streets near my house.

submitted by Lord Entropy
(October 15, 2023 - 10:00 pm)

if i did that, all the surnames of my characters would be numbers :P 

my favorite way to come up with surnames for my characters is to keysmash and try to make something comprehensible out of that. it works pretty well, in my opinion, and the results are always pretty unique. it doesn't work as well for realistic fiction as it does for fantasy/sci-fi, but i can make it work.

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(October 16, 2023 - 2:40 pm)

I just went to see the Taylor Swift Eras Tour Movie and ohhh my gosh it was amazing! But I'm so tired lol 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(October 15, 2023 - 9:17 pm)

My friends and I also went to the movie! it was so much fun!

submitted by BookGirl, age Tired, Somewhere but nowhere
(October 18, 2023 - 10:08 pm)