Random Thoughts/Things?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Random Thoughts/Things?

Random Thoughts/Things?

I wasn’t really sure what to call this thread, but I’ve had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. Basically, anyone can post anything here. Any random thought you have, any random thing that happens to you, any random question that pops into your mind. Have fun, and don’t be afraid to be random. 

submitted by Leeli
(January 11, 2019 - 8:20 am)

what do you do when your mom is off on her long monologues about the state of the world that you could recite in your sleep~

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(June 9, 2023 - 2:16 pm)


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submitted by Rainbow, age [Lost], Raise A Glass To Freedom!
(June 9, 2023 - 2:18 pm)

aha - today I saw that you had posted on this thread a few minutes after I did and I suspected you'd caught me :) seriously though, it's amazing that this keeps happening! It's very nice, I love it when I'm on at the same time as other CBers :)

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(June 9, 2023 - 9:45 pm)

Since I joined in September, I've never been here for a summer. I feel like everyone is taking a hiatus. Is it really quiet here in the summer?

submitted by WiLdSoNg, I cOmE fRoM tHe StArS!
(June 9, 2023 - 3:40 pm)

For me no, I'll be on a lot over the summer.

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(June 9, 2023 - 5:23 pm)

eh, kind of? there's fewer people here, but the people who are here tend to post more. it depends, I guess? it is quieter than usual, though.

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(June 9, 2023 - 5:24 pm)

Hey guysss it's 1:32 and I'm stuck at the airport and also I'm extremely sleep-deprived... i'm coming back from washington DC... tsuki you and I were in DC at the same time!!! And oh the smog :( it's like the smoke is choking out the dome of the earth and the Sun is like bloodred and it made me so sad and claustrophobic tuesday night I cried and I felt so awful inside... I have this awful cough too...

anyway I'm not even stuck at Logan I'm stuck at TF Green and apparently the sumner tunnel is closed on weekends? I didn't know that anyway our bus was supposed to get here like two hours ago but yeah it hasn't so idk when I'll get home oh my hands are like shaking and I have these yummy peanut butter covered pretzels and my friend did my hair in these pretty lace braids and I kinda feel so pretty but she's gone now and now it's just me and my other two friends and we're coloring... and ngl it kinda feels like the apocalypse but whatever... i wonder when i'll get home anyway  I know this doesn't make any sense but I just wanted to say hi, bye guys, I love u all!!!

Thanks for checking in with us, PT. I hope that by the time this is posted you will be home!



submitted by Phoenix Tears, age 14 she/her, Revolutionary Grape Jelly
(June 10, 2023 - 12:34 am)

oh it's cool we were there at the same time! i probably saw you lol i saw a LOT of other eighth graders.

my grade went to the african american history museum on wednesday, a bunch of monuments, the national history museum and the natural history museum on thursday, and the arlington cemetery on friday where we watched the changing of the guard.  it's funny bc we saw all that cool stuff and my favorite part was still being at the hotel with my friends. 

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf , not dc anymore
(June 10, 2023 - 2:05 pm)

I finally got home from the airport at 4:30 am and then basically slept all day yesterday....

I don't think we were at any place at the same time :( 

tuesday we went to the zoo, the natural history museum, and the african american history museum, wednesday we went to the capitol and the *can't remember oh well*, thursday we went to the war museum and the arlington cemetery and a bunch of monuments, and friday we went to mt. vernon, the holocaust museum and the washington monument.

well we both saw a bunch of monuments on thursday... were you perchance at the lincoln memorial around 5-6ish? my group was the one panicking by the reflecting pool because some girl dropped her phone in it TwT 

submitted by Phoenix Tears, age 14 she/her, Revolutionary Grape Jelly
(June 11, 2023 - 2:16 pm)

Yikes, it's awful to be stuck in an airport. I think there must be a lot of airports experiencing disruptions right now - my mom's friend was trying to get home from a trip day before yesterday, but she was flying through the Atlanta airport and got stuck there, with the result that she didn't get home until 4 AM... so I'd imagine it's probably happening to a lot of people :( Anyway, I hope you got home soon.

submitted by Poinsettia, a sea of crystal waters
(June 11, 2023 - 8:28 am)

just got back from summer camp and i'm very tired. also sad to leave camp. also nervous because i have a willy wonka theater camp starting monday and i'm supposed to have everything memorized and i don't. also happy to be home. also itchy because sunburn. also happy because my cat is sleeping next to me and is absolutely adorable <33 so basically just a lot of mixed feelings right now

submitted by fallen leaf, rant time :)
(June 10, 2023 - 2:54 pm)

Avast, sunburns! Tremble before the power of my personal aloe plant!!

*squeezes gel straight from an aloe tentacle onto my nose, while sunburns scream in terror*


submitted by Darkvine, age idk, Hyrule
(June 11, 2023 - 9:11 am)

At 9:44 am my Brain thought: "I wanna go live with my real friends." aka y'all

Now on a different note, I finally finished watching the [movie version of] In the Heights!! It was totallyworth it to watch through alllll the credits just for the very last bonus scene~

submitted by Rainbow, age [Lost], Carnaval de Barrio ;)
(June 11, 2023 - 9:32 am)

Oops spelled it wrong. I meant "Carnaval del Barrio" (aka a song from In The Heights)

submitted by Rainbow, age [Lost], Carnaval del Barrio
(June 11, 2023 - 11:39 am)

Yeah, I wanna go live with y'all too ... well, more like just actually know everyone on here in real life!!

submitted by Poinsettia
(June 11, 2023 - 9:15 pm)