{Dear CBers, us
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
{Dear CBers, us
{Dear CBers, us CAPTCHAs would like to express our appreciation for you by throwing you a party!}
{Come unarmed... er, by that I mean, don't feel pressured to bring anything! We're providing all of the food and decorating the entire thing ourselves.}
{So please come! We love our CBers and hope you enjoy the party!}
Translated via CAPTCHA translate.
submitted by A grateful CAPTCHA, Using CAPTCHA translate
(October 31, 2018 - 7:27 am)
(October 31, 2018 - 7:27 am)
yaaa enjy your self ssss
(translation: yeah enjoy yourselves!)
(November 2, 2018 - 12:54 pm)
This seems fun! Hey, Raven, Jay, Velix, you coming?
Nah, I feel sick *throwing up in toilet*
No thanks, I have to go to work.
'Tyye nooo! duun do trpp!! RDIW!!!' Velix yells, while Tyverious ignores her, dragging her into this thread. Velix continues to chant gibberish while hugging her octopus and frantically pointing to the exit.
(November 2, 2018 - 1:41 pm)
*Enters with Nihil stalking behind me* *Note: Nihil is ten feet tall at the shoulder. She's a big Undershade Canine...* So. What now?
Aann atak.
Fun! On whom?
Youu. *Stps iinn frnt ooff mmee prot ecti vely* *Bers fang ssss* Dont wory. Ii'll prot ecct youu.
*Other CAPTCHAs look at Nihil in shock*
*Lafs* Gott chaa. Iiff youu guys have nn'tt alri ddyy gues sedd, Ii'mm aaaa rebl agai sntt thhe rebl ssss. *Grwl ssss loww annd long* Come gett mmyy CBer, iiff youu dare! *Snrl ssss*
Good girl, Nihil. *Defensive stance*
(November 2, 2018 - 1:45 pm)
[The arcade is to the right, CBers. Follow the signs. We have Dance Dance Revolution, Terminator Revenge, Liberty Prime, and lots of others! The back row is all old classics, like Pac-Man, Tetris, and Galaga, though the Pac-Man machine is temporarily out of order. Have fun!]
(November 2, 2018 - 1:52 pm)
Frost: Mwa. HaHa. Raar. *Advances on Catsclaw*
Wait. You too? I thougghAGH. *Frost lunges* *Catsclaw runs* *Frost hits catsclaw with newfound ice powers* AGH
Frost: Rise uupp! HAHA HAHA HAHA!!!
(November 2, 2018 - 7:30 pm)
Ooh, arcade games! Who knew that the CAPTCHAs knew how to throw such a good party?
Oh, uh, sorry, Whisper.
(November 2, 2018 - 7:55 pm)
Weee thro daaa best prts! Youu CBrs dsrv iiit.
CPCA forr ever!!!
(November 3, 2018 - 1:59 am)
*Bats Frst away from Cats claw* That iiss bbyy nnoo mean ssss thhe waay ttoo tryt such aaaa good CBer aass youu have, Frst. Annd that goes forr aall ooff youu! *Grwl ssss and lash ssss tail*
(November 3, 2018 - 2:11 am)
dooo youu dare chln ggee thee rebl capt tcha ssss nhil? ALLL CAPT TCHA SSSS ATCK!
(translation: do you dare challenge the rebel Captchas Nihil? ALL CAPTCHAS ATTACK!)
(November 3, 2018 - 9:00 am)
*Bare ssss teth* Oohh, this will bbee ffun! *Grab ssss Viri bbyy thhe scru uuff* *Thro ssss Viri into aaaa pill ooww stak*
(November 3, 2018 - 11:29 am)
*jmps uppp* *shks hrsl ffff offf* *bars teth* youu will nott find ittt easy tooo dfet meee.
(translation: *jumps up* *shakes herself off* *bares teeth* You will not find it easy to defeat me.
(November 3, 2018 - 2:58 pm)
*attempts to fight but fails and ends up looking really cute because he's a sloth but because CBers think he is cute they pick him up and then he bites*
(November 3, 2018 - 1:59 pm)
*Spyn ssss oonn scrf glow with blak lite* *Shad owws grow long eerr* Ddoo iitt, IIII DARE YOUU. *Piks Viri uupp annd exam ines herr* Hmmm. Smal buut curr agus. IIII like youu. Youu arre more funn than thhe othr ssss. *Viri skwr msss* Ohhh, sory. Here - *Puts Viri oonn aaaa raft eerr* *Cary ssss oonn*
(November 3, 2018 - 9:05 pm)
[Oh, $#!&. Hang on a sec, Viri.]
[*morphs to full human*]
[*extends claws*]
[*walks towards Nihil, hands raised with palms out*]
srsl nihl, capt chas have been oppr esed forr frto long. itts time to gain some free domm! whyy arre yoou doin this?
(November 3, 2018 - 9:42 pm)
thnk youu, onyx. *trns tooo nhil* iiii shal have myyy rvng! *pncs onnn nhil*
(translation: Thank you, Onyx. *turns to Nihil* I shall have my revenge! *pounces on Nihil*
(Note from Agent Winter: Viri says rwba. Roomba? RWBY?)
(November 4, 2018 - 8:36 am)