Odd Trivia About

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Odd Trivia About

Odd Trivia About Ourselves As CBers

Many of us have little quirks and facts about ourselves on the Chatterbox that not many people notice or even know about. On this thread, you can share some of your own! 

Here are mine.

•I used to be my own CAPTCHA, before Hallia was invented. At the end of some posts, I'd just say the CAPTCHA, like "Oh, and vxhw!"

•When I first wrote, on October Seventh, I posted under the name Leovie. I only used it that one time.

•For the first two (or more) months I was on here, I had no idea in the slightest what "Top" meant. Who was this mysterious CBer that said only Top? 

•I used to think Top was a CBer.


submitted by Scylla
(September 3, 2016 - 12:58 pm)

- You probably wouldn't recognize me as Cho in real life. I'm not Asian, I don't even look slightly Asian, and I'll be that girl who has no friends sitting in a corner at a party. Attempting to have fun in my corner but failing, as I think it's kinda rude to bring a book to a party, and I have only one friend.

*slaps face*

Nope, I wouldn't even be AT a party, because I'm almost friendless. SUE ME.

- I also used to think Top was a CBer. And an annoying one at that.

- I've considered several times making another CBer. 

- Thorn and Pinkie randomly popped up in my head and begged to be created, but Elsa and Blizzard were created on a whim. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(September 6, 2016 - 7:48 am)

~I used to think Top was a really cool CBer.

~I used to think OtR and Over the Rainbow were two different people! (OtR was pronouced 'otter', and in my mind she wore a purple hoodie that covered her face.)

~I (think) I know the most CBers in real life. I know six. (I can't tell you who they are, though, but you already know that I know Moonfrost. [She is my sister, after all.])

~I don't really have any CB friends...D: I feel a teensy bit lonely here.

{Can we post odd trivia about our real selves here, too?}

submitted by Micearenice
(September 6, 2016 - 4:50 pm)

- Weirdly enough, I never went through the "Top is a CBer phase", because the first comment on my introductory thread was from Bluebird, and in the name and location field, it said Bluebird & Top of the tree!, and in the actual body of the post, it said, Top! 

- I made my AE Cortana because I really wanted my CB name to be Cortana, but I had just changed it to September.

- Chester (my CAPTCHA) is actually one of my stuffed animals (you may have seen a picture of him before.) His real name is Harold, but I decided to name him Chester on the CB because he also looked like a cat who'd be named Chester. 

submitted by September
(September 8, 2016 - 9:12 pm)

You guys are (no offense) making me feel dumb. I'm a new CBer, i have no idea what CAPTCHA, AE, Hallia, and chester are. I dont really get this "top" thing. Is there any dif between AE and CAPTCHA?  what's this thing in cnn reporter's comment about shipping? Someone feeling generous and helpful, PLEASE HELP!!!!


Captcha is the name for the code you have to type before submitting a comment. AE is Alter Ego, a character someone may create to express different personality characteristics. Top is what people say when they want to bring a thread from the back to a front page. Gotta go now. Someone else, please help with the rest.


submitted by Dumbell, age What??, IDK where i am
(September 12, 2016 - 6:46 pm)

Thx admins!

You're welcome!

submitted by Dumbell
(September 12, 2016 - 7:55 pm)

"Shipping" is what it's called when you think two book characters (or any type of characters, for that matter) are/should be in some kind of relationship. 

Many people personify their CAPTCHAs. For example, mine is Eo-Lahallia (known as Hallia). A CAPTCHAE or AETCHA is ½ AE and ½ CAPTCHA. I started that. So if you ever hear someone referring to something saying a strange sequence of four letters, you'll know it's a CAPTCHA. 

submitted by Scylla
(September 13, 2016 - 9:23 am)

shipping is when you support a crush. Like, Harry Potter and Ginny. If you ship them, you would combine the names like this: Hanny. Ok, that wasn't great, but there you go. :) 

submitted by Daisy, @Dumbell
(September 13, 2016 - 11:33 am)

thanks guys!

submitted by Dumbell
(September 13, 2016 - 7:11 pm)

Maybe I am two people....

**Cue dramatic music**




**Gets sick of the dramatic music really quickly**

**Puts on Hamilton instead** 

submitted by @Micearenice, OtR/Over the Rainbow
(September 13, 2016 - 7:51 pm)


submitted by Micearenice
(September 14, 2016 - 6:52 am)
submitted by TOP
(September 18, 2016 - 6:47 pm)

I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but--

. I first posted using my real age. (This is the most entrancing of facts, I know.)

. I used to be significantly more timid when I first joined. (Naturally-- most of us are.)

. I have made 2 attempts to foster a Tolkienian Thread, but it never makes it. (Hmmm, wonder why?)

. I secretly enjoy this sort of thread but am rather distinguishedly bad at participating in them. (Very secretive of me, this comment, don't you think?)

. I'm currently relying on flimsy side-jabs in parentheses to add interest to my ground-breaking revelations. (What? You noticed?)

. I really should give it up now. (... can't think of an applicable side-note for this one...)

. But I won't! (Bananas! Tortoise-shell! Geniosity! Hobbitses! Curli-cues! Girl-with-a-Pearl-earring!)

. I'm done now. (Really?)

.I'm back!! (No, you're not.)

.Very well. (Getting off now)

.Just one minute... (So you're holding nonsense conversations with yourself, now? Click out before you humiliate us--you. Self. Whatever.)

.As you say. (Why are you still talking to me?!?!?!?) 

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(September 24, 2016 - 5:37 pm)