Odd Trivia About

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Odd Trivia About

Odd Trivia About Ourselves As CBers

Many of us have little quirks and facts about ourselves on the Chatterbox that not many people notice or even know about. On this thread, you can share some of your own! 

Here are mine.

•I used to be my own CAPTCHA, before Hallia was invented. At the end of some posts, I'd just say the CAPTCHA, like "Oh, and vxhw!"

•When I first wrote, on October Seventh, I posted under the name Leovie. I only used it that one time.

•For the first two (or more) months I was on here, I had no idea in the slightest what "Top" meant. Who was this mysterious CBer that said only Top? 

•I used to think Top was a CBer.


submitted by Scylla
(September 3, 2016 - 12:58 pm)

-The first time I ever posted it was under my real name. It only came up once afterwards, when a friend of mine (who is STILL anonymous) posted and revealed it.

-I too used to think Top was a real CBer.

-My age box, which says "recarnated," is supposed to be "reincarnated," but it's too many characters. Funnily enough, "recarnated" means that the carnage-- as in, your body-- has come back to life as opposed to the soul.

-For a few days I debated putting "Nowhere" as opposed to "everywhere" in my location box. But I decided I wanted more of a positive vibe.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(September 3, 2016 - 2:34 pm)
submitted by Top
(September 3, 2016 - 6:11 pm)

-I looked at CB during August of 2015, but I either didn't post anything or don't remember what I said

-I thought Top meant 'post'

-I thought shipping meant mailing and ship meant boat

-All of the book/series abreviations, XD, OTP, etc. I had to Google search

-I made Pavlavla one day when I had had pavlavla around that time

submitted by CNN Reporter, age 11
(September 3, 2016 - 7:44 pm)

-I sometime joke around and tell people I'm a vampire because of my odd schedule habits. 

-Love, hate, and beautiful are the wordds I use the least

-I rarely use jokes like "I'm gonna kill you" and "duh" etc.

-I don't start conversations much in fear of bringing up a sensitive topic.

-I'm actually quite coniving and sneaky, for I have learned to sneak across an old, wooden floor without making it creak at all.

-I can have a pretty bad temper and tend to be impatient.  

submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(September 3, 2016 - 8:40 pm)

~I used to think Top was a CBer, too! Once, on a SI, I guessed if someone was Top, and that kind of explained it for me. 

~I used to create a very optimistic and cheerful personality and tried to make myself follow that on the CB. I still do that, but not as much. Anyone notice?

~I was debating between making my AE Queenie's name Queenie or Princess of the Golden Sun.

~I don't really have any CB friends, but there is one person in particular who I really want to be my CB friend.

~Ashlee was my CB role model for a while, and I adored her.

~I read the whole EVIL'S REVENGE RP and the AYA Spies RP, but didn't post one either. I read the EVIL'S REVENGE one while it was going on, and my favorite charrie from that was probably Roselyn or Madison.


submitted by Alexandra
(September 3, 2016 - 8:57 pm)

+I used to always use the location "Where Bluebirds Fly." I don't know why or when I stopped doing it.

+I also would always top as Over the Topbow, Where Toppers Fly, but I don't really do that anymore, either.

+I used to think that Top was something people said when they thought a thread was really cool!

+My first few posts were under my real name and my initials. When I made my first thread as Over the Rainbow, it was bottomed!

Luckily, I'm still here. 

+I used to do Inkwell all the time, but as my life got busier, I just kinda stopped.

+I invited my friend to the Chatterbox, but I haven't seen anything posted by her yet. You know who you are if you are reading this! 

submitted by Over the Rainbow, Where Bluebirds Fly
(September 4, 2016 - 6:29 am)

+I used to always use the location "Where Bluebirds Fly." I don't know why or when I stopped doing it.

+I also would always top as Over the Topbow, Where Toppers Fly, but I don't really do that anymore, either.

+I used to think that Top was something people said when they thought a thread was really cool!

+My first few posts were under my real name and my initials. When I made my first thread as Over the Rainbow, it was bottomed!

Luckily, I'm still here. 

+I used to do Inkwell all the time, but as my life got busier, I just kinda stopped.

+I invited my friend to the Chatterbox, but I haven't seen anything posted by her yet. You know who you are if you are reading this! 

submitted by Over the Rainbow, Where Bluebirds Fly
(September 4, 2016 - 6:33 am)

Cool idea. Here's a few.

~ I used to be terrifed of the Inkwell. I was on CB for a month or so before I would even go on it. I guess it was kind of overwhelming.

~ I believe most everyone, including me, went through the "Top-is-a-CBer" phase. Oh well.

~ Ookz was named when I got "Ookz" in the CAPTCHA box. Before that, I called him "Capchay".

~ I went on the Muse Townhall before I got into Cricket. I was Abigail S there, too. 

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(September 4, 2016 - 10:52 am)

- When I first joined, the inkwell intimidated me too! I told Cho that I would never go on it. 

- my least favorite section of the CB is BaB, while my favorite is probably CaC or DtE.

- in real life, I really am not romantic. I've been asked out two times but hopefully made it very clear I am not interested in that. I just like to imagine about romance. ;)

- I actually never really thought about "top". I just thought it was something people posted from boredom.

- I have a Shetland sheepdog, a cat, two gerbils, and fish.

-  it took a full week of thinking and Cho's explanations for me to fully grasp what AE's were. 


submitted by Daisy
(September 4, 2016 - 8:33 pm)


- The first time I posted, I used my real name. 

- I also used at least two other names before settling on 'Aquina'

- "Top" confused me for a while

- I found out what an AE was from a very helpful CB'er on Inkwell. Joss, maybe? Can't remember.


submitted by Aquina W.
(September 4, 2016 - 12:17 pm)

Love the idea!

- I also used to think Top was a CBer that liked to annoy people

- My name years ago used to be Pandagirl AND Ashlee G. Yeah, I had two names that I treated as separate CBers for a prank... Prehistoric AEs right there! 

- I joined back in 2012, yet most people know me of having joined in June or July of this year

- My old location used to be Washington, then Someplace (if I remember correctly), and now it is The Future. For by the time the comment or thread is posted, it's already the future. xD

- I rarely post anonymously, for I believe that whatever people think of me doesn't matter. I have a right to voice my opinion as I please, but I must be willing to face the good or bad consequences.  

- I was VERY confused by what a Ski Lodge was at first. The entry to the thread always sounds very jolly and good, making me think it is an RP... Then I was shocked to find it is a murder story. Very surprising to see you were murdered one day! 

- And finally, my favorite AE, Zeon, is actually based off of my gaming personality. Originally, he was supposed to be more of a pest, also based off of me. As I grew out of that more, so did Zeon. Same goes for my other AE, Quill. She went from more of a know-it-all to mature and calm, again like me.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(September 4, 2016 - 12:43 pm)

Oh yes... I always asked Top what it meant, but it never answered.... How rude and annoying...

Believe it or not, Mei-xue did something like Pandagirl as well, only her pseudonym was Pandora.  Only she's gone now, so she can't tell you... I actually dreamed last night she came back....

submitted by Scylla
(September 5, 2016 - 8:43 am)

~The very first time I posted on the Chatterbox, I was actually Doctor Boox, attempting to calm down everyone with cookies on the infamous Politics Thread. That name quickly changed to Doctor Boox/Ronan(my Kyngdom character), which even quicker changed to Remus Skeeter, or Remus for short.

~I have the only AE who is based off a real person, I think. Iona is actually based off my baby sister, Iona(of course).

~My current CB name came from a HP name generator.

~When I was Doctor Boox, I used to use The Dogs as my AE(kind of). All the dogs would say is "Row, row row" which I would then "translate". 

submitted by Remus , Ravenclaw Tower
(September 5, 2016 - 10:42 am)

Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who thought top was a CBer! (In fact, I didn't top anything for a month because I wasn't entirely sure!)

~My sister is Lavender (you may or may not know her, she posts every so often)

~I tried to join Kyngdom under the name Linh C. (Linh Cinder) but it was so overwhelming and I didn't know where to start.

~When topping, I sometimes put Bluebird in the name box and TOP of the tree in the location box.

~I chose the name Bluebird for 3 reasons: 1. I love the color blue (And I think you all know that by now, haha)  2. Bluebirds are symbols of happiness, and I try really hard to be optimistic 3. There's a line in a Fall Out Boy song (Novocaine) that says, If you knew, knew, what the bluebird sang at you, you, would never sing along... and I couldn't think of anything else, so it stuck!

~My first RP was about the 50s and only one person joined (so it never got started)

~I go through so many different phases and obsessions over a short period of time. It's like, one week I'm blabbering nonstop about the architechture of the Victorian Era, and the next I'm reading three books on the religions of ancient Mesopotamia. (The reason I used that example is because we're doing World History in History class at my school, which is so awesome! I love learning about that kind of stuff!)

~Hmm... what else can I say... oh, well, I use parentheses, the wink thing--> ;), the tilde(~) or whatever it's called, and the dot-dot-dot(...)(I don't know its name!) a lot on here. That's all the trivia about me, I guess.

~Oh yeah! And I have a captcha named Cha Cha(wow, so creative, but the name was actually a reference to the musical Grease)(Did I mention that I am a big theater nerd but don't actually do anything like singing, dancing, or acting?) I also have two AEs named Liaryn and Eyeless Jack, but they rarely speak. 

submitted by Bluebird
(September 4, 2016 - 8:09 pm)

•After I made a welcome post, I went on Crowd Sorcery, because Ellie said it was cool. I didn't really know what it was or what to do, so I clicked on "Start Here!" Which was a pretty logical place to click. It told me to creates main character. So I did. Little did I know, the main characters had already been voted on and I wasn't supposed to make one... It's okay through because my writing was really terrible back ten, and I hope no one ever reads that charge for sheet.

•I got on Cricket because my grandma gave Ellie the magazine. I hated the magazine. HATED IT. But Ellie kept bragging about how fun the website was so... Here I am. Don't worry, I like the nag now.

•I don't know what else to type...hmm... Well, one time I accidentally clicked to go to one of the back pages, and saw a Welcme post from, like, 2009, but I didn't know it was from so long ago, and I didn't know I was in the back pages, so I commented a big welcome post for someone named Claire who hasn't posted anything since like 2010. 


submitted by Savvy44x
(September 5, 2016 - 9:11 am)