*Weird Survey with

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

*Weird Survey with

*Weird Survey with a side of WHAT????*



Rose Bud: um why am i in the location?

Cloudy: Hush I am giving my return to the chatterbox speech -as i was saying, HAIL MY FELLOW CHATTERBOXERS, I COME WITH GLAD TIDINGS OF A NEW SURVEY

Rose bud: *curtisies suspiciously*

Cloudy: rose bud, where is my phone?!?

Rose bud: Hmmmph. 5 seconds, that's got to be a new record for you not finding it. *hands over phone*

Cloudy: fight me...

Rose bud: I surrender! I am a Roman citizen! I protest! I am Voldemort! I am pie! I am ARTEMIS FOWL how darest thee touch me! (the rest of the speech is spoken in a condesending irish acent), I am a fairy! I am a koala! I am pie! I am moldy! No...wait....that itsn't right. I'm moldyvoldyiii. 

Cloudy: Well I am a glitterific owner of three giant squids, two rabbits, fourteen stars, ten vials of mourning dewdrops from lituania, and a vampire who shops at the stores in the mall. BEAT THAT.

**Wildflower**: You are best friends, that is what you are. Could you please keep the exclamation points to a minimum? 

Rose bud: We're actually just quietly passing the computer back and fourth on an inflatable mattress (CLOUDY GET OFF YOUR PHONE!)  


**Wildflower**: *Rolls eyes* see what I mean?

Cloudy: I said that I get to close it down!


Sooo, to business.

1. When you're pet fairy throws a temper tantrum, do you stick her in a book, singe her nose with an inflatable candle, or defy all magical laws and do something different?

Rose bud: Singe her nose with an inflatable candle. She needs to learn disipline. 

Cloudy: I'd take it to the supreme court, JUSTICE SHALL BE SERVED LIKE A CUPCAKE 

2. You hear that the greatest asassin in all the land is coming to hunt you down for reasons unknown. What do you do?


Rose bud: Conrad, we have an problem. Can you think your way out of this one? 

3. If Cleopatra fell in love with one of your male paper dolls, what would your responce be?  

Cloudy: I am a sucker for any sort of love. weird love? yep. paper doll love? you bet. finding rose bud a crush love? 130% yes.

Rose bud: Yeck. Love. My paper dolls aren't aloud to kiss.

4. How to get away with murder (of a popsicle)?

Rose bud: Didn't you right that on my logic book when we were supposed to be paying attention in class?

Cloudy: what happens in logic class stays in logic class.

5. Your blueberry pie explodes, and Piper Mcloud jumps out of it yelping that her cloak is on fire so she can't fly anymore. Your response:

Cloudy: Nobody knows who Piper is.

Rose bud: Somehow you totally brushed over the fact that I put Conrad in...

6. On a scale of 1-14, how crazy is Rose BUd? 

Cloudy: 16

Rose bud: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 20899862803482534211706798214808 do ya'll remember the pi war?

7. Okay so Draco Malfoy runs up all out of breath and asks you if he can hide in your closet. What do you say?

Cloudy: *wiggles eyebrows* 

Rose bud: Beware of the Macadonian Beslubbering Wolfhound!

8. Cats, seahorses, or rainbows?

Rose bud: Rainbows are like a dream. Always just beyond reach, always in the act of fading. They are like a shimmer of magic through the sky; a glimpse of the dream world. Well what do you think I'm gonna pick? CATS of course!

Cloudy: Did you know that male seahorses carry the baby seahorse after the mommy gives birth in thier little tummy pouches???

9. While you are studying for the ACT, your pencil suddenly leaps into the air and is caught by a strange hand from another dimension. You have just enough time to grab the hand before it disppears. Do you grab it?

Rose bud: *Checks to see if she has silver on* oh yeah! Let's go to Hybris!

Cloudy: I hug it and thank the hand for saving my pencil.

10. Chicken Salad or Pasta Salad

Cloudy: Chicken salad!!

Rose bud: Mango!

11. So for some reason me, you, and Shadowmoon are together (Cloudy is still busy in her alternate dimension), and all three of us sprout wings and our eyes all strangly resemble those of Snow White. Your response:

Cloudy: i will use my newfound power to take over the world !!!

Rose bud: Without Cloudy's phone to steal, I take Shadow's iPod and listen to For King and Country in the choas (funny thing is, I can't remember either person's password for more than 3 seconds).

12. Okay, so you live with your grandma in an apartment above a bakery in Paris, where you work making creme rolls and honey buns. You want to become a doctor, but you don't have the money for Medical School. One day an attractive young business owner of a multi million euro company walks into the bakery and tells you he will pay your way into med school if you become his personal psychologist as he is mourning the loss of his goldfish Murphy? Your response?

Rose bud: The way you were building up to this (for example NOT LETTING ME SEE while you were typing), made me thing that it had something to do with me... especially because you asked my mom how to spell siciatrist.

Cloudy: I'd take that deal in a heartbeat


Rose bud: I answered last time. So long! Moldy Voldy out!

Cloudy:Ciao Amore!

Rose bud: Isn't that what you were writing on my eraser when we were supposed to be paying attention in Latin?

Cloudy:Italian ismore important than latin don't let those evil teachers corrupt you.

Rose bud: Funny the things that we do in class... okay so Cloudy likes Dracula, Draco Malfoy, Snape (was that a joke?), and a bunch of other people that I can't remember.  

Cloudy: hey well rose bud agreed to buy me a vampire!!!!

Rose bud: Let's end this before she decides to announce my fictional crush...goodbye 

submitted by Cloudy Dweller, age and, Rose bud
(June 21, 2016 - 10:14 am)

Never can turn down a wierd survey

1. Singer her nose with the candle. I'm with Rose on this one

2.  Time to break out the pen sword!!!! PS. Conrad? like, from Shannon Hale's books? Goose Girl and such?

3. . . . Just walk away. . . sloooooooowly. . .

4. Don't worry, Cloudy. I would write portions of my book in Latin class.

5. Who the popsicles is Piper McCloud?

6. Less so than me!

7. Go run for daddy, heartless jerk! (PS I haven't read all the books yet so if he shapes up this is just my current veiw of him)



10. Chicken Pasta salad. Duuuuuuh

11. A. Fly to the moon #causeIcan B. Oh, Rose Bud, you're a Christian! Yay! Me too! :)

12. I can't be a doctor. I almsot throw up at the sight of blood.

13. Too much. . . Far, Far too much. . .


Peacing out! Live long and prosper! DFTBA! PTX FORVER! 

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(June 21, 2016 - 1:22 pm)

Top! Do you listen to For King and Country Tardis? I saw them at Winter Jam concert (they were the finale so I was falling asleep by then) and it was awesome! So yeah! I am a Christian! I'm glad to see that you are too :)

submitted by Rose bud
(June 21, 2016 - 4:38 pm)

Yeah! they're really cool. I especially like 'Shoulders' and 'It's Not Over Yet'. Some of my favorite Christian artists are probably TobyMac and maybe Skillet (my Dad is really into rock like that, so he played it a lot while I was growing up :P I personally don't care for that style too much, but I can't resist Skillet). Have you ever heard 'Soul On Fire' by Third Day? that's one of my favorites, along with 'God Is On The Move'. I don't know who that's by.

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(June 22, 2016 - 9:38 am)

*shrugs* Why the heck not.

1. I wouldn't have the heart to punish her xP

2. Freak out, tell my friends, ask my friends, hide, stress out, etc. And in the back of my mind I would be thinking, "Oh gosh I must be really special or something do I have powers maybe?"

3. ....I'm not sure. I mean, I would question why I have paper dolls in the first place, but besides that I would just give her the paper doll and run away.

4. Hide the evidence. AKA the popsicle.

5. I would scream, and run away as fast as I could. Afterwards, I would hate myself for screaming like a little girl. I would also be very glad because finally something interesting would happy in my life.

6. *shrugs* I dunno.

7. I would freak out, ask myself isthatDracoFromHarryPotterdoesthatMeanHarryExiststooOhMyGod. and then stutter, "s-s-s-s-sure..."


9. YEAH! Of course I do! My first thought would be, "maaagggicc!"

10. chicken salad ;)

11. I mean, there are a lot of factors. Was I someone transported there? To this alternate demension? Or was it always like this and I have the memories before?

12. Eeeeewwwww doctor. I can't stand the sight of blood, or just... *shudder* Well, if I want to be a doctor as much as I want to be a youtuber, then I would probably say yes.

13. *scoots away*

*scoots farther*




submitted by Danie
(June 21, 2016 - 5:49 pm)

1. I don't have a pet fairy. They're wild creatures by nature and should remain that way! #FreeTheFairies

2. Hide under a bridge until he passes, I dunno. Also, Rose, you can't answer a question with another question! That's illegal!

3. Paper dolls? Are you crazy? (Shoot, that was two questions. I've been one-upped!)

4. Eat it with a fork so the blood / juice doesn't get on your hands.

5. What the heck, Piper! I was just about to eat that!

6. 6.28! Pi is weak! This treachery will not stand!

7. Shove off.

8. Genetically modified rainbow colored seahorse-cat hybrid! The best of all three worlds!

9. What's an ACT? (Ack, three now! It's surprisingly hard to avoid!)

10. Fruit salad! With whipped cream on top!

11. Pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming (or more accurately, having a nightmare).

12. Of course!

13. Is this a trick question? (Four! I have to press submit before I commit more of these terrible crimes! Goodnight!)

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 21, 2016 - 6:00 pm)

I'm copy/pasting the questions 'cause I'm lazy and I can be lax with a weird survey. Also, I took the liberty of correcting your grammatical mistakes.

1. When your pet fairy throws a temper tantrum, do you stick her in a
book, singe her nose with an inflatable candle, or defy all magical laws
and do
something different?

First, who says it's female? Second, why do I have a pet fairy in the first place? (come to think of it, that should be my first question.) Third, why in the world would I do something cruel like that? I'd just put it into a cage until it finished freaking. Or maybe I'd just run screaming for the hills and hope a stray spell doesn't hit me. Who knows?
2. You hear that the greatest asassin in all the land is coming to hunt you down for reasons unknown. What do you do?

Um, sprout wings and fly to Mars?

3. If Cleopatra fell in love with one of your male paper dolls, what would your response be?

One, why is Cleopatra in my house? Two, I don't make paper dolls. Three, what would make a paper doll so appealing to the girlfriend/wife of Julius Caesar? Come on, guys. Think of these things.

BUT logistics aside, I suppose I'd just give her the nonexistant paper doll, bring her to the TARDIS, and have the Doctor transport her back to her time.

4.  How do you get away with murder (of a popsicle)?

Geez, the original question sounded like a book/essay title. Anyway, I wouldn't have to get away with it, as eating a Popsicle is a) not cannibalism or murder and b) even so, it would be legal, as Popsicles are inanimate objects. You might be carted off to the asylum if you repeatedly stabbed a Popsicle with a kitchen knife screaming "DIE, BILLY, DIE!", though. (Why Billy? I don't know. Why are you stabbing a Popsicle with a kitchen knife?)

5. Your blueberry pie explodes, and Piper McCloud jumps out of it yelping
that her cloak is on fire so she can't fly anymore. Your response:

I know who she is, and I would say (perfectly coolly and logically) that she doesn't need a cloak to fly, why in the world is she burning up/exploding my delicious blueberry pie, and would she like a fire extinguisher.

(if there's something in The Boy who Knew Everything about Piper and a cloak, though, I haven't read it, though I'd like to, and therefore I don't know about it.)

6. On a scale of 1-14, how crazy is Rose bud?

That depends. Is she repeatedly stabbing a Popsicle named Billy with a kitchen knife?
7. Okay so Draco Malfoy runs up all out of breath and asks you if he can hide in your closet. What do you say?

Ignoring the possible swearing, he's a pompous idiotic jerk who really should not be pitied in any way and NO you cannot hide in my closet! Go next door!

8. Cats, seahorses, or rainbows?

Cats! Rainbows are stereotypical (although slightly cool) and seahorses are only awesome in pictures. Sorry, Cloudy.

9. While you are studying for the ACT, your pencil suddenly leaps into the
air and is caught by a strange hand from another dimension. You have
just enough time to grab the hand before it disppears. Do you grab it?

Why would I be studying for the ACT? I'm not taking it yet. But anyway, I'd probably slap the hand really hard and hope it drops the pencil. If it doesn't, well, I have more.

10. Chicken Salad or Pasta Salad?

I would have to sample them each very carefully before coming to a conclusion.

11.  So for some reason me, you, and Shadowmoon are together (Cloudy is still
busy in her alternate dimension), and all three of us sprout wings and
our eyes all strangly resemble those of Snow White. Your response:

Um, FLY! Duh.

12.  Okay, so you live with your grandma in an apartment above a bakery in
Paris, where you work making creme rolls and honey buns. You want to
become a doctor, but you don't have the money for Medical School. One
day an attractive young business owner of a multi million euro company
walks into the bakery and tells you he will pay your way into med school
if you become his personal psychologist as he is mourning the loss of
his goldfish Murphy. Your response?

There is so much wrong with this I can't even say, but throwing logic to the beasts, YES! Duh, again.

13.  FICTIONAL CRUSHES??????????

Errr. . . no idea. Do I have one, even?
Oh. Oh, right.

Johannes Cabal (no one's gonna know who he is, and I don't blame ya. He's epic is all I'm saying) and the 10th Doctor.



submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 21, 2016 - 6:40 pm)

1. Defy all magical laws and do some thing different. When the question is A or B, I like to find a C.

2. I AM NOT THAT BRAVE. I'd be terrified! I'll just magically summon all of the strongest and awesomely book heroes to protect me.

3. Grab some popcorn, sit back, and watch, because that is something you don't see every day, and I don't feel any sort of protection instincts for my male paper doll...so let the entertainment begin!

4. Be sneaky. Kill it quickly, then wipe the juice from your chin, your fingers, the floor, and anywhere it might have dripped.

5. Who's Piper?

6. Depends. We all hav our crazy moments. At the most, I think Rose Bud can be a 12.5 Or 13.

7. Say yes, but lock him inside. When he comes out, spray him with goop, blueberry sauce, or somethings that will permanently stain his smug face. 

8. Rose bud is right about rainbows. So....seahorse!

9. Uh, sure.

10. Chicken and pasta. SEE? Answer C.

11.  Fly to NYC in five seconds and fly into the Richard Rodgers Theter to see HMilton with Lin. I'll just sit in the aisle.

12. Say, "sure!" When he leaves, rode my clone who happens to be a psychiatrist to help the rich guy. 

13. Hmm, no true fictional crush at the moment...but I have in the past liked, and still do kind of like: Leo from Willow Falls, Kai and Thorne from Lunar Chron, more, but gtg. 



submitted by Owlgirl
(June 21, 2016 - 6:49 pm)

I just have one response to all of this. ARTIMIS FOWL!!!!!!!! FANGIRL IN 'DA HOUSE!!!!!!!'

( I just went to Six Flags all day, and I am exhausted, so I will answer the survey later :)

Peace out! 

submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 21, 2016 - 7:27 pm)

YASSSS!!!! Glad to see some more AF fans! 

Byte says ayuo. Yes Byte, the Euro voting is tommorow... 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(June 22, 2016 - 8:27 pm)

1. When you're pet fairy throws a temper tantrum, do you stick her in a book, singe her nose with an inflatable candle, or defy all magical laws and do something different?

Eat her. Or something. l'm pretty sure you can do that.

2. You hear that the greatest asassin in all the land is coming to hunt you down for reasons unknown. What do you do?

...Can l eat him? No? Hold him hostage? That sounds good. l'll blackmail his employers while l'm at it. 

3. If Cleopatra fell in love with one of your male paper dolls, what would your responce be?  

Aren't you supposed to be dead? Because l'm pretty sure you're dead.  Nevermind, you're rich, right? l'll kidnap you.



4. How to get away with murder (of a popsicle)?

Eat it. Cover up all evidance. Blame the crime and nearest innocent person. Case closed. 


5. Your blueberry pie explodes, and Piper Mcloud jumps out of it yelping that her cloak is on fire so she can't fly anymore. Your response:

Who's Piper? Also, WHERE IS MY PIE?

6. On a scale of 1-14, how crazy is Rose BUd? 

Three trillion four billion many thousands and a hundred or so. 

(Yes, l remember the Pi war, by the by.) 

7. Okay so Draco Malfoy runs up all out of breath and asks you if he can hide in your closet. What do you say?

l try to eat him, apon finding that Draco Malfoy isn't eatable, l tie him along with the assassin and Cleopatra and blackmail his realitives. 

8. Cats, seahorses, or rainbows?


9. While you are studying for the ACT, your pencil suddenly leaps into the air and is caught by a strange hand from another dimension. You have just enough time to grab the hand before it disppears. Do you grab it?

Yes, l do, but it turns out the hand is bomb, and it explodes right in front of me. It doesn't kill me, however, instead l wake up in a hospital with no memory of who l am. l turn into a supervillian to take revenge for the ACT ruining my life.  

10. Chicken Salad or Pasta Salad

Pasta salad, l've never had chicken salad.

11. So for some reason me, you, and Shadowmoon are together (Cloudy is still busy in her alternate dimension), and all three of us sprout wings and our eyes all strangly resemble those of Snow White. Your response:


12. Okay, so you live with your grandma in an apartment above a bakery in Paris, where you work making creme rolls and honey buns. You want to become a doctor, but you don't have the money for Medical School. One day an attractive young business owner of a multi million euro company walks into the bakery and tells you he will pay your way into med school if you become his personal psychologist as he is mourning the loss of his goldfish Murphy? Your response?

l kidnap him and tie him up, along with that assassin, Cleopatra and Draco Malfoy, all of whom are still there after l lost my memory and turned into a supervillian. 


Kylo Ren......? l actually can't think of any at the present moment.  

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(June 21, 2016 - 8:39 pm)

GREETINGS THE VERY RANDOM CLOUDY (btw how are u related to Rose bud I forgot)


1. I'd defy all magical laws and just refuse her the thing she wantsto do or something.If she were throwing one just for the heck of it, I'd tie her wings together and place her in a cage for about an hour.

2. Investigate! Figure out why! Learn awesome martial arts skills and always be one step aheaad of the asassin.

3. Um, idk. I'd be like . . . "what?"

4. This randomness is beyond my knowledge. Uh, melt the popsicle, clean up the mess and throw everything away in a trash can?

5. You're right, idk who Piper McCloud is. I'd just stand there, and probably internally freak out that someone jumped out of a blueberry pie...

6. 4. Tbh I think Cloudy's the crazy one here . . . (no offense)

7. I'd ask why and if the reason was good, I'd say okay and never look inside my closet again.


9. Yes.

10. NOt crazy about salads ... I guess chicken

11. I'd fly to great heights and travel the world.

12. Um, I'd say yes but keep my distance away from him (congrats you just gave me a great book idea)

13. no. I don't have any crushes or fandoms!!! I have tested this theory, and I think I'm 99 percent immune. (of course, we can never be too sure about that 1%)

submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 22, 2016 - 3:02 am)

No, we are not another Danie/Squeak. We are actually best friends who are very different/similar. Cloudy has long hair, I have short hair. Cloudy is taller and younger :) we're both crazy though. 

submitted by Rose bud
(June 22, 2016 - 8:49 am)

*rubs hands together* Ok, let's do this thing.

1: Put her in a pet carrier shaped like a tree. Duh.


3: I'd trade him for a BOAT FULL OF GOLD!!!!!

4: Eat it.

5: Are we talking about Percy Jackson here?

6: There isn't an infinity sign on my keyboard.......

7: No. No, no, never.

8: Siberian tigers!

9: Hybris, here I come!


11: Woohoo for King and country! And wings! And Snow White eyeballs!


13: ARTIMIS FOWL!!!!! 


submitted by Shadowmoon
(June 22, 2016 - 8:20 am)

Novelist, in reply to your answer on number six, Cloudy and I alternated questions (mine were all the super crazy ones), so we're both on the same level. By the way, Piper and Conrad (we knew that nobody would know either, but let's just say that Cloudy's answer for number thirteen would be CONRAD in all caps so she let it slide) are from The Girl Who Could Fly, an amazing book that I'd reccommend to everyone. All the other references are from Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl. 

submitted by Rose bud
(June 22, 2016 - 9:28 am)


Have you not read the sequel/companion, Rose bud? I seriously want to, but I have no idea if it's published or not, or where I would find it if it was.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 22, 2016 - 3:29 pm)