Is anybody else
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Is anybody else
Is anybody else on here Jewish?
I've already asked that question, but that was many months ago, and tons of new people have joined. Also, I was inspired by the "Asian Invasion" thread that Air made.
One reason I'm asking is because I go to a Jewish school and if I were to talk about my daily life at school in detail, like some people do, non-Jewish people wouldn't understand half of it. So, if there are other Jews around here, I'll share one particualarly embarassing story that happened on Tuesday!
And another thing: Purim is coming! Yahoo! We have school on Purim, so everybody wears costumes to school It's gonna be on Thursday and I am sooooo excitied! I'm dressing up as Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender. Also, the middle school gets to run a Purim carnival! I'm so excited, and I'm doing a karaoke booth with my friends. And one other awesome thing about this coming Thursday: Usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we get let out an hour later than normal (which is 4:30, by the way) which nobody likes, and on Purim everybody will go home at 3:30! Hooorayyyyyyy!
So, Jewish people: First of all, are there any? Second of all, are you do anything for Purim at your synagogue/school/home?
Enough of my typing, because it won't even make sense if none of you are Jewish.
Bye for now!
(March 17, 2016 - 6:06 am)
I'm actually not Jewish, but good guess. I choose Shoshannah as a username... because... well, it's a long story. In short, my real name is Susanna, which means lily. I go by Shoshannah because that is the Hebrew for lily and I like how it's sounds.
(March 21, 2016 - 8:26 am)
Does anyone else celebrate the fast of Esther? It's tomorrow, and I'm kind of mad because tomorrow is our Greek Food Festival at school! So I won't be able to eat anything because I'll be fasting! ):<
(March 22, 2016 - 9:13 pm)
(March 28, 2016 - 6:54 am)