Is anybody else
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Is anybody else
Is anybody else on here Jewish?
I've already asked that question, but that was many months ago, and tons of new people have joined. Also, I was inspired by the "Asian Invasion" thread that Air made.
One reason I'm asking is because I go to a Jewish school and if I were to talk about my daily life at school in detail, like some people do, non-Jewish people wouldn't understand half of it. So, if there are other Jews around here, I'll share one particualarly embarassing story that happened on Tuesday!
And another thing: Purim is coming! Yahoo! We have school on Purim, so everybody wears costumes to school It's gonna be on Thursday and I am sooooo excitied! I'm dressing up as Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender. Also, the middle school gets to run a Purim carnival! I'm so excited, and I'm doing a karaoke booth with my friends. And one other awesome thing about this coming Thursday: Usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we get let out an hour later than normal (which is 4:30, by the way) which nobody likes, and on Purim everybody will go home at 3:30! Hooorayyyyyyy!
So, Jewish people: First of all, are there any? Second of all, are you do anything for Purim at your synagogue/school/home?
Enough of my typing, because it won't even make sense if none of you are Jewish.
Bye for now!
(March 17, 2016 - 6:06 am)
I'm not Jewish, but I know what you're talking about.
I hope you have fun!
(March 17, 2016 - 1:01 pm)
Yep, I'm Jewish! Sort of weird, because I'm half-Vietnamese and half-Russian, half-Jewish and half-Catholic, but I identify as fully Vietnamese (even though I actually look more Caucasian) and Jewish.
Like I said, weird.
But anyway, my school isn't a Jewish school but I go to Hebrew school on Tuesdays and Sundays and my Bat Mitzvah is semi-soon but not really. I LOVE Purim and my school's going to have a Carnival with games and a raffle and the megillah reading and a play of the story! Yay it's so fuuuun!
(March 17, 2016 - 11:10 pm)
Cool! My shul does that too, but I don't think I'm going to go to the carnival this year. I kinda grew out of it. My Bat Mitzvah is in December. I'm learning the Torah Service right now, and I already know all of my haftarah. My mom is teaching me, because that's actually her job.
My suspects for being Jewish: Owlgirl ( I'm pretty sure she mentioned being Jewish before) and ShoshanaLily. I mean, Shoshana means lily in Hebrew, and the only Shoshanas I've ever met have been Jewish.
It's not weird at all that you are Vietnamese and Jewish! I think it is really cool.
(March 18, 2016 - 6:42 am)
I obviously don't think being Vietnamese and Jewish is weird, but some people I've talked to seem to. Our carnival was a lot more fun when I was younger, but I still have a good time. My friend Rachel and I like helping out at the booths and stuff. Our synogogue is reform; we do a lot of untraditional things and embrace change. I don't want to offend anyone if their beliefs are different, but I like being able to believe in both God and science. My Bat Mitzvah is a year from this July. I'm starting work in September but I already know quite a few of the blessings.
(March 18, 2016 - 6:31 pm)
I'm half Jewish! My family is reform and humanist. My dad is secular, and we don't go to temple. I go to Church with my mother. My Great something or other on my dad's side was a reform rabbi.
Do you eat Matzo ball Soup? It's one of my favorite foods, my dad makes it homemade at least twice a year.
(March 18, 2016 - 9:24 am)
Oh, forgot to answer the main question- I know what Purim is but don't celebrate. My family celebrates all of the other holidays, though.
(March 18, 2016 - 5:49 pm)
Yes! I love Matzo ball soup. It's one of our Passover foods. Passover is really fun even if it doesn't have a reputation for being a "fun" holiday. We invite our family friends over every year. My mom makes really good charoset. :)
(March 18, 2016 - 6:25 pm)
I'm Jewish! My secular Jewish school is doing a purim shpiel and I am King Ahasueros (is that how you spell it)? I also made hamantaschen for Purim with my father.
(March 18, 2016 - 6:42 pm)
Cool! My family made Hamentashen yesterday.
@Passover people
I guess Seders are fun, but I really don't like Matzah!
(March 19, 2016 - 4:48 pm)
Me neither. Try it chocolate-covered, though. Chocolate makes everything better.
(My sincere apologies if you are allergic.)
Unsolveablez say ghwi. You want to go to Hawaii?
(March 20, 2016 - 4:28 pm)
Oh, yes! I love chocolate covered matzah!
*Nom nom nom*
I always find it a little bit frustrating around Passover when all my non-Jewish friends are eating cookies or sandwiches or something and they don't understand why I'm not...
(March 20, 2016 - 10:22 pm)
Whoa! I had no idea there were so many other Jewish people here! I think I just had a heart attack when I saw the word 'Jewish'! I am pretty observant, like no turning on the lights on shabbas stuff, although we do drive on shabbas. I have gone to Jewish school from first grade to eighth grade. I am so excited for Purim! What are you guys going to be? I love giving mishloach manos!
(March 20, 2016 - 4:33 pm)
Hey OtR, Shoshana means Rose, actually! At my shull we read the megila and stuff, and we also have 'Shushan Sushi'! So, basically just a sushi party, because Purim is fun! Does anyone else go to a Chabad? At my school we read the Megilah, dress up, give mishloach manos, and the teachers put on a play! I am still so suprised that there are other Jewish people here! I don't go on the CB on Friday nights and Saturdays because of shabbas. Well, shalom!
(March 20, 2016 - 4:39 pm)
I love giving mishloach manos. It's really fun to put them together and just to do nice things for other people. Our family is pretty reform. I still go on the computer on Fridays/Saturdays.
(March 20, 2016 - 10:23 pm)
Oh, huh. OK, cool! We also do megilah at my school, and my mom is going to read the first chapter. My family is not as observant as yours, we don't go to shul that regularly and don't keep kosher, but we do celebrate all the holidays, make kiddush on shabbat, stuff like that. We're going to do Mishloach Manot sometime this week, although I don't know when...
(March 21, 2016 - 6:56 am)