Cricket Summer Camp
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Cricket Summer Camp
Cricket Summer Camp
Okay, Indigo, don't be crazy. Let's be practical so we can figure out how we would actually be able to do this.
It might be hard to do one for ALL of the CBers- some live in England and other countries and only a few people actually live in the same state. I wouldn't be able to see everyone but I mean meeting a few CBers is better than none, right? We could have a Camp for CA (There are a heck of a lot of CBers in CA, and I know there are like three or four people in the same city) and maybe a few other states with CA, and then some for NY and up north, and then some for down south near BHR and... yeah.
We could have it be more writing based and we could also do other physical things but most importantly for me would be seeing what everyone looks like in real life and learning those little things like what color their toothbrush is.
I know it would be hard to do and I would definitely not expect it to happen this summer, probably not the next or maybe not until I'm a teenager. But one of my longtime, heartfelt dreams that may never be fullfilled but is always there with me is seeing these people who have made my life so much more bearable. Up there with having wings and flying, publishing a book, and having Hogwarts be real, is meeting these people who are... who are so good they should get prizes for being awesome!
I also know it is not your Admins or magazine editors forté.
But please please please consider it. Ask the people who figure that kind of things out. Cuz I think it would a huge hit with the other CBers and Cricket Readers. And it would probably make me cry if it actually did happen.
(July 3, 2015 - 8:23 pm)
(July 3, 2015 - 10:39 pm)
(July 4, 2015 - 9:12 am)
That sounds awesome!!!! It would probably be really hard since I think the admins are in charge (mostly) of the CB and with just the three of them, it would probably be chaos, trying to figure everything out. (No offense) Still, it sounds AMAZINGLY AWESOME. If it is made someday and I'm still young enough to be a camper, I would definitely join. If not, I want to work there. I know I've said this a lot, but........ Awesome idea Indigo! I really hope that CBer camps are created someday, even if the CBers themselves have to be the ones to make it.
(July 4, 2015 - 10:32 am)
I, for one, completely agree!
(July 5, 2015 - 3:21 pm)
Cool idea!
(July 4, 2015 - 11:21 am)
If we do it like that, I could make it to CA maybe because I live in NV, so maybe somewhere in San Francisco! We go there frequently anyways!
You know what would be AWESOME??? Video calls between camps!!! Like, we could have a computer and we could Skype the other camps... or something. That way we would get to see everyone! YayyayYAAAAAY!!!
*rereads post*
Wow, I sound like Volcano.
(July 4, 2015 - 12:53 pm)
I could probably make it to the CA one too!!! Because we go to CA and OR a lot, (we have relatives and friends there).
This is a cool idea Indigo!!!
(July 4, 2015 - 2:58 pm)
Awesome idea!
I got so excited when I saw the back of the July/August issue...and then...Not that it is not a good idea...
(July 4, 2015 - 4:30 pm)
I guess when these camps are made (I really should be saying if they're made, but I like the idea too much to say that it might not happen!!!!), it should start in CA because a lot of CBers live there, but there should also be one in New England or someplace around there, like NY, MA, NH, or PA. Then there should be 1 or 2 in the middle, like Michigan or something.
(July 4, 2015 - 8:20 pm)
Ditto- especially when I saw the age range...
(July 5, 2015 - 7:15 am)
I agree with your guys's opinions on the mag's Summer camp... :-/
(July 7, 2015 - 11:20 pm)
l'm glad that this might happen for other CBers, but the truth is, l don't think it would for me.
First of all, l live in WY, far, far away from CA. Second, my family doesn't travel that much. Maybe if it was in Denver, because we go there about every year, but any other place, would be near impossible.
l do hate sounding so negative, but that's how things are.
So good luck to everyone with this, 'cause l know it would be really fun to meet you all.
(July 5, 2015 - 1:32 pm)
NY would be awesome! Would you have it in the city or the state?
(July 5, 2015 - 2:04 pm)
I'm kinda confused but I think the general idea is to have a camp in each of our general areas and I think that is really cool and good idea! I would love to meet other people who love this magazine like I do and maybe even more! Maybe we could hold a camp meeting-in real life-in New Jersey and places! That would be really cool. Maybe if some people can't come or something, if you guys want we could send them the stuff we can send, and let them video-call and participate still. Also, if we can't fund this camp, maybe we can all exchange contact information or something and video-call each other and talk! That would be REAL fun!
(July 5, 2015 - 3:19 pm)
I SALUTE you, Indigo! ThatwouldbesoamazingbecauseIreallywanttoseewhatyoulook*breaths*like.
But first, we should figure out what the best city would be. I, myself, live in the Bay Area, and in the City San Jose, but I'm mighty sure no one else does.
How about a more internet based camp? Like, we use some kind of Skype thing. I mean, we could still do the camp thing where we are in the same city, but we could also use skype for the people who can't do it (such as Shadow).
Yeah, I would LOVEEE to do that!
(July 5, 2015 - 5:30 pm)