Opinions on religion

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Opinions on religion

Opinions on religion .


Alright , Ive been scared to
post this because I don't know how it's going to be perceived .. but it's
something I'm really interested in hearing your opinions on . I'm a
Christian , if you didn't all already know .. but I don't really know
what you all are . I'm pretty sure most of us live in America , but if
you don't , I'd love to hear about your culture / religous practices (
as goes for us Americans as well !) . 


Now , this is NOT a
debate . Please
NO bad mouthing other religions or denomimations . It's okay to state your opinion but please , don't speak ugly . And if someone tries to come at YOU , be MATURE about it please . Thanks everyone .

 ( Whether or not you agree with someone's beliefs , please read their statement all the way . It's only fair Thanks . )


Ok . So here is what I believe . I belive that Christianity is not a religion ; it's a relationship with God . There is only one True God , and He is the God of Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob . I believe without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ died on the cross a HORRIBLE death ( see John 3:16 ) so we don't have to , in Hell . He saved us from the eternal fire and torment in Hades . Jesus was Perfect . He was Sinless . He was the Son of God , sent down to this earth through Mary , the Virgin . Jesus was a human man . He truly walked the Earth . He really did face temptations ( see Mark 4 ). I believe in sowing and reaping . If you sow money , you will reap money . If you sow time , you will reap time . If you sow hate , you will reap hate . If you sow love , you will reap love , and so on .

As humans , we are tempted . We all have bad habits , issues , and so on . No one is perfect , that was Jesus' job . BUT , as Christians we are to live in LOVE , we are to obey the BIBLE , we are to PREACH the Gospel message ,and we are to try and live our lives as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ lived His . I beleive that even the worst of the worst people can be sinless through Christ . The Bible says that no sin is greater than the next . So the serial killer on death row can have the exact same Grace that the teenager who said a cuss word can have . 

Now , don't think for a SECOND that because I'm a Christian my life is perfect , that I don't have drama , I don't have temptations , and I'm a Saint . Because Lord knows , I am NOT and neither are any of my friends . Sometimes , it's even harder for us because we KNOW there is a God . We KNOW when we are doing something wrong . But trust me , I am not perfect . Heeeck no . I sometimes cuss . I've done stuff that no teenager should've done . I've turned my back on God before . BUT , I've repented . And now , I KNOW that I will go to Heaven . I KNOW that I will meet my dead loved ones and I have peace that if I die , I am not really dead because I will be in the Presence of my KING , and that I will meet all the GREAT people in the Bible and the people that many have been saved because of them . And He will do the same for you . You may say there is no God , or God would never love you . But baby let me tell you something . The THIEF comes to STEAL , KILL and DESTROY , but JESUS has come to give you life , and life more abundantly ( see John 10:10 ) . All you gotta do is talk to Him .


Alright . There you have it everyone ! That is what I believe . It's my own words , it's not copied and I didn't steal it from some preacher . So now you've heard what I have to say , I'd like to hear what YOU have to say . Go for it .


( if you have any questions about what I believe , just comment below. )  Smile

submitted by Vida, age Finally 14
(January 15, 2014 - 3:53 pm)

I don't know if you're there yet, but chapter 7, page 62, I quote from the book: "Muhammad declared "an unbelivers will be put to death!" It is HISTORICAL FACT that he said anyone who entered Mecca would be SAFE.  Now you know what I mean?

submitted by Nightingale, age 11, A.K.A Gilraen
(January 24, 2014 - 6:28 pm)

Isn't Muhammad the person who discovered Islam? 

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(January 26, 2014 - 3:03 pm)

I'm enjoying it too! We're still on book 1, but I love it cause I'm learing all the Greek myths I'd never really gotten to learn. We're on chapter 24, The Wars of the Greeks.

Book 2 sounds so interesting! Wasn't the Black Death the Plague, or am I getting myself mixed up?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(January 24, 2014 - 6:37 pm)


Yes, the plague is the Black Death, just a more scientific term.

I LOVED book 1, we did it last year. Oh, gosh, though, all those wars!! Why can't people just be friends??:) 

@Gilrean AKA Nightengale 

Hmmm, we've already read about Muhammad, but I don't remember that part.

submitted by Abigail A., age 12, VT
(January 25, 2014 - 8:18 am)

I don't associate with any specific religion, but I'm not an entire atheist, either.  I do believe in ethics and treating others with respect and kindness (I guess you could say it's kind of like karma?) but there isn't any particular ultimate punishment or reward.  Basically I believe that there is a bit of God in everyone (not that everyone is divine, just that everyone has a bit of something that is inherently good) and whether they choose to act with that is their own moral beliefs.

I recently had a conversation with my friend about this when our teacher mentioned evolution.  It turned out that she's really religious and has read the Bible three times all the way through and didn't believe in evolution or Darwin.  None of the people I know have beliefs like that, so I was kind of surprised.

submitted by Gollum
(January 24, 2014 - 3:45 pm)

For those of you who read the Bible, what are some of your favorite miracles of Jesus? Mine are the Wedding Feast at Cana and the mulitiplication of bread and loaves. I believe you can find the miracles in sections of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 


submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(January 24, 2014 - 8:54 pm)