Has anyone had

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Has anyone had

Has anyone had any weird dreams lately? I think I had this dream and some of you guys were in it. I can't remember the dream, though. That's what I get for sleeping so little. 


I had a weird dream last night: I had a lot of luggage from my whole family. I left a big city hotel in a taxicab with all the luggage and several other passengers I didn't know. My family left the hotel walking to get our car. They were going to bring it back to the hotel to get me and all the luggage. But I was crammed into a taxi with all the bags and a bunch of other people traveling away from the hotel to who knows where. I finally got the taxi driver to stop and let me out. Then I had to struggle to pick up all the suitcases and bags and was just beginning to try to walk back to the hotel when I woke up in a sweat. I was so worried that I wouldn't get back to the hotel in time.

 I'm still wondering what anxiety brought this on!


submitted by Maggie
(December 10, 2013 - 10:18 pm)

Last night I had a dream where I was in the school cafeteria and there was a substitute teacher with a British accent (who actually does substitute at our school) sitting on one of the seats and I was thinking in the dream "she sits there everyday". Then this boy started telling everyone that he lost his hat and went door to door looking for it. He explained that this one guy had a fan on his lawn that was for sale and that the guy said fan twice during the conversation and after that the guy found an animal cracker on his lawn and accused the boy's mom of throwing it at him. Then the girl I was sitting next to asked me if I wanted blood from her head, I said no that's unsanitary and she said she was just kidding and showed me a huge cut on her Knee. The girl recently moved in real life so in the dream a teacher came up and said she would need a new doctor in a whole different state. After that I reached in my sock and started pulling out animal crackers and eating tham then I got upset because there were less animal crackers in my sock than I thought there were. I then woke up.

Sorry if this doesn't make any sense; it is kind of hard to explain. What could have caused a dream like that, although I did eat animal crackers before bed so that part makes sense. Come to think of it, my gramma's looking for her lost cat and the kid lost his hat and my aunt did go door to door asking about the cat so maybe it isn't crazy afterall. 


It never ceases to amaze me what little bits of things stored in the brain can be combined into such crazy dreams!


submitted by Katie, age 11, NH
(January 20, 2014 - 12:30 pm)

I had a dream last night. I think it was a nightmare. And in it I lost five followers on tumblr. #lame

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 22, 2014 - 6:14 pm)

TOP this page, somebody was looking for it.

submitted by ?, age ?, ?
(January 25, 2014 - 9:06 am)

I had this dream last night. I was at my house and my mom was looking on the CB and....I don't know. I think my sister said something about TWIRP? Strange. Also at some point in the dream I was in science class and Laughter Lines by Bastille just started playing out of nowhere (which makes sense, because I listened to that song right before I went to bed).

submitted by Maggie, age 12, nowhere pleasant
(January 30, 2014 - 10:19 am)