Moral Support for
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Moral Support for
Moral Support for Chatterboxers! Or MSC, however you'd like it.
See, I know that we all have different talents and different experiences. I'm also sure that tons if us have different problems that we need to talk about. There's no need to apologize for ranting – ranting is good for you. And if you don't have problems, try to encourage someone else. We have lots of different age groups, people with different hobbies and experiences. I think that together, we could improve and encourage each other.
Or is this a really lame idea..? I can feel this thread dropping slowly to the bottom.
submitted by FantasyQuill
(July 31, 2013 - 11:35 pm)
(July 31, 2013 - 11:35 pm)
This is basically how it is for me. So I understand what you're going through
(October 15, 2013 - 5:37 am)
Thanks Admin, I am! And my parents aren't worried either. I just can't put much weight on it for awhile.
@ Legion I: Believe me, I can relate! Maybe you could talk with your parents, and explain to them that your grateful for the oppertunities they've given you, but it's just too much. There's a chance you can't drop out if your commited, but maybe you and your parents could look over your schedule for next semester, and decide what would truly be beneficial, and what is just sort of extra. I bet your parents would be grateful for more time to breathe too. If there's other stuff you really want to persue, tell them, and maybe you could trade out one thing your not as crazy about, for something you really want! If you at least come to them calmly and respectfully, they're probably likely to at least listen, and take your thoughts and feelings into consideration. Also, about the privacy, your parents are probably just guarded. They want to be sure of the things your doing, and don't want anything to be secret. It's probably not that they don't trust you, they just want to be involved with you, and want to make sure your grades, etc. are doing okay. Maybe you could offer to come forth with the information, and even show proof for awhile, to show you really are in ernest, and maybe they won't feel as much a need to check on your things all the time. As long as you really strive to do your best, you've got nothing to hide, and you can show them this! Yes, I can speak from experience!
(October 15, 2013 - 11:00 am)
I had that happening for me, too, one school year. And also last spring. I would say if these are things you don't want to do, talk to parents, explain that you've tried it and don't like and would be happier doing something else.
@ Ruby:
That... was amazing. Humans have not invented an adjective to accurately describe that comment.
(October 19, 2013 - 6:07 pm)
@Legion I, your parents might not understand that all the after school activities are stressing you out. Usually, if there's a thing I'm signed up for I don't like, I can talk to my parents and they'll let me get out of it once it's over. I agree that NINE is way too much, I can barely deal with the TWO activities I do.
How does your school do their grading? If it's against peers, then a B+ might be as good as you're going to get. If not, B+ is still really good! That's from 80--89%! Maybe you should talk to your parents about this too. It might help if you can go over the grading system. That's helped for me, actually recently, when I've felt stressed about grades.
The privacy thing can be hard. My parents won't even let me close the door to my room if I'm going to read or anything (which hardly ever happens anymore....). I agree with Admin, here, though, because if you earn their parent's trust, they will give you some privacy.
(October 15, 2013 - 5:24 pm)
Thanks, Admin!
I haven't really explained much though.. I actually have more than nine activities, but there is no homework for it so I don't count it. I didn't really get a B+. Also, my mom isn't exactly an understanding person. I've tried to tell her about it, but she claims I don't have that much, I should be more efficient and spend my time more wisely, and then starts to compare me with other people and how I should be more like them.
(October 18, 2013 - 4:01 pm)
I mentioned breaking the fourth wall to my language arts teacher and showed him an example in The Grimm Conclusion, and he asked me to write an essay (150 words) about what breaking the fourth wall is and that was my homework and it kind of ended up centering around metafiction in The Grimm Conclusion. #sorrynotsorry And if I don't get an A, I will be incredibly mad.
(October 15, 2013 - 8:32 pm)
We went to the Renaissance Festival today and I was sitting with my friend Nadia on the bus and we were talking about all kinds of stuff. We talked about marriage equality, and I talked about my mental health some. And a teacher was sitting near us and as I was getting off the bus she stopped me and asked:
Teacher: What's your name?
Me: Maggie....
Teacher: Maggie who?
Me: Maggie [last name]
Teacher: I was listening to y'all's conversation.
And so now I'm really scared that she told my teachers my political views and stuff and I'm scared that my teachers are going to ask me about my political views. In case you guys are wondering, I'm a Democrat, and although gay marriage is not legal in North Carolina I think it should be, and I'm pro-choice.
(October 16, 2013 - 4:06 pm)
For my language arts essay last night I didn't know what I was going to write about and so I just sat down at the computer and started typing and I ended up with this really really personal thing and I'm scared of what my teacher will say
(October 18, 2013 - 6:07 am)
My life is falling apart.
(October 20, 2013 - 12:16 pm)
I think we make big deals out of little things--we worry about things so much and then it turns out it was nothing--your teacher might not have told anyone, or the teacher could just have been concerned
(October 20, 2013 - 11:28 pm)
Yeah, maybe not, but she knows and that scares me.
(October 21, 2013 - 6:54 pm)
On a very recent and personal youtube video, I posted a comment about how the host's videos helped my depression somewhat. This got a flood of replies (some religion-oriented) telling me to stay strong, keep fighting, etc. This made me really happy because these people don't even know me and they were saying "I'm sure you're a wonderful person." This is how wonderful the human race can be.
Yes, Maggie, the world is full of wonderful people, including you and all your fellow Chatterboxers. We Admins are so proud of how you all support each other.
(October 29, 2013 - 10:07 pm)
Humans can be wonderful but they can also be pretty cruel. They're no different than any other race.
(November 3, 2013 - 7:40 pm)
Today I was suppose to help this new kid around school, and I felt kind of like a jerk because
A) I knew everybody (a lot of people anyways) and they knew no one.
B) I am a horrible person at introductions and explaining things and being socialble, why did the teachers choose ME for this?!
C) They're new, they're nervous, I'm not helping, I don't understand what it's like to be new to a school.
D) Has anyone read WONDER? Yeah, I felt like Charolette from WONDER. Kind of fake, not going to be a real friend
But the thing is, I do actually want to be friends with this kid, I'm just no good at being sociable. I know we have a lot of the same interests (writing, acting) but I'm horrible at conversation starters. Even with my friends who I've know my whole life. Especially around new people. Once we acutally got into a normal conversation, and it was awesome, but then we had to order lunch. And the whole lunchtime my friends were engaging me in random conversations. One of my friends was helpful, though, and mentioned that they sat next to them in English. Which was better than what they had been doing, which was beckoning me to a table with one spot left.
So basically I've become "Locker-opening buddy." *Sigh.* I had to rant it out somewhere.
But maybe things'll go better tomorrow. Plus, my new term teachers are awesome!!!
(November 5, 2013 - 8:46 pm)
Okay you basically just described what it's like for me when I'm around a lot of people in A-C.
(November 5, 2013 - 9:31 pm)