Fred Thread 3

Chatterbox: Crowd Sorcery

Fred Thread 3

Fred Thread 3

In a secret closet where s/he lives, our villain keeps something that no one else alive has ever seen. What is it?
submitted by Fred Durbin, Ukraine
(June 5, 2014 - 1:16 pm)

He keeps a song, a song that tells of the futre to come, No one knows what it says, even Khaos is not sure but he listens to the enrapturing notes for days decoding their meaning.

submitted by Forrest
(August 3, 2014 - 11:01 am)

It was a simple yet intricate thing of beauty.  Hidden behind the moth-bitten clothes that had hung there for a century, in the dusty, paneled wall, there was a drawer.  A very small drawer, with a golden hook as a handle.

The villain himself had not dared open it, for though they protected it, they were afraid of what was in that drawer with the golden hook.  Only three people ever had.  The first was the woman who created it.  The second was the first Keeper.  The third was a Keeper who had gotten too curious, and no one knew what had caused his death, an hour after opening that drawer.

Few people know of it, but if you were to open it, inside you would find a simple gold chain.  The gold chain has nothing on it, although you can tell it was made with care and thought.  The chain holds all memories of happiness, although if you wear it, it will change colors to black, and every suffering you endure with it turns a single link gold, but if you are not suffering when you wear the chain, it will sap your memories and your life force, until you are dead.  You cannot take it off until every single link is gold, or until it has killed you.  Then it's drawer, which is linked with it, will summon it back. 

submitted by Isabel S., age 12, Delaware
(September 10, 2014 - 5:47 pm)

it is a golden ball it holds the power to control all the wether and the animals. By the people it is called The Hapla.  

submitted by LyraT , age 11, Lubbock TX
(November 5, 2014 - 11:36 am)

I gripped the handle, its metal surface cold against my naked palms. My breath was heavy as a yanked as hard as I could. The heavy wooden door didn't budge. I threw my weight towards the door and suddenly I was on the floor. The door had opened! My eyes bulged as I absorbed everything. The sphere was in here, just as Niko had promised. I groped for my magic gloves in my stuffed bag, but soon I heard a creak--someone was coming! I pressed myself against the wall in the process knocking into the sphere. It crashed down to the floor with a mighty bang. If the person hadn't heard me before now they definitely did. I heard the patter of footsteps getting closer and closer to the closet. With explosive force the door swung open and when I saw who was there I promptly fainted. 

submitted by Olive E.C., age 11, Massachusetts
(November 6, 2014 - 6:25 pm)

It's kind of hard to explain, difficult to describe. After all, they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And honestly, sometimes the most beautiful things can be the most evil. All the better to lulling people into a false sense of security. I've only ever seen it once, this strange, wicked, beautiful thing. It almost blinded me, so I didn't get a good look. I'm not sure, but I think it was... I think it was his heart.

(I understand that nobody else alive has ever seen it, but I wouldn't exactly describe my condition that way. I'm kind of... forever. You know?)
submitted by The Ninja, age 13, Everywhere
(November 6, 2014 - 7:27 pm)

It is a small block of wood, wrapped in an oily cloth. On the block there is a painting, made from a very fine brush, of a woman. The woman has long black locks and elegant brown eyes. She is the mother of the villain. She was a native to a small island. When she was captured to be put into slavery, the villain tried, but failed at saving her. Thats the very last he saw of her. The painting brings happy memories, sadness, and anger.

submitted by Anna S., age 11 years, Cincinnati, OH
(January 7, 2015 - 7:48 am)