The Longest Thread
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
The Longest Thread
The Longest Thread EVER!!!!
Let's make a mission to make the longest thread in CaC EVER! I think we just need to get more than 144 posts right now. We'll need lots of different themes to talk about to keep this thread from dying, but I think we can do it, right? I mean, that's why this is called the CHATTERbox, isn't it? :-) Okay, then. Ready? Set?
P.S. Let's try to do CaC first, and if we accomplish our goal, we can do other sections, okay? Good. Now let's get chatting!!!
submitted by Princess P.
(April 29, 2011 - 3:48 pm)
(April 29, 2011 - 3:48 pm)
@Elizabeth M.,
Homeschooling is a lot of fun! It's pretty much having school at home with your siblings and having your mom or dad teach you. Or your books. There are SO many different homeschooling supplies out there that no one's homeschooling method is exactly the same. Sometimes the methods vary from child to child in each family! We mostly like to do Abeka where the books teach you about Math, Language Arts, History, Science, etc. Everything you need to know to work out each day's problems is explained before you work on the problems. It's easier on my mom. :-) Sometimes we finish before lunchtime, and sometimes we are working on school until dinnertime. It sort of varies from day to day. :-D We don't get homework, though, because we do all of our homework during schooltime. So whenever we finish all of our schoolwork and chores, we get free time! It's a little bit more relaxed than real school. We usually aim to start school at 8:30 (since none of us are morning birds), but we sometimes end up starting at 9:30 instead! We don't do school in our pajamas each day (like some people think), but if I'm sick, I stay in my pajamas all day!!! I've been homeschooled all my life except for kindergarten and part of fifth grade (I went part time to a public school).
What's all of your experiences in homeschooling???
(May 31, 2011 - 9:22 am)
I'm virtual schooled. I'm one of those few lucky people who does get to do school in pajamas! All the time! I wake up at 8:30. It's nice.
@ Oregano: I'm terribly sorry it has to be like that for you. You're extroverted. You get comfort from being around others. I'm the opposite. I feel better alone. So I don't mind not having peers. Actually, I very much prefer it. They never liked me, anyway, so it was just stressful, and I'm actually much less lonely when I'm actually alone. And all the noise in the hallways... *shudders* Still, homeschooling doesn't sound like it works for you. I recommend you ask to try public schooling or at least join a club.
(May 31, 2011 - 12:44 pm)
Wow. That sounds depressing. Why are you homeschooled?
(May 31, 2011 - 9:23 am)
(I'm assuming you mean me.) Answer: Because (in Mom and Dad's opinion, and in America) a public school education isn't as good. Which is probably true. And a note - Dad's method of homeschooling me is very (very) unusual, so don't form a grudge against homeschooling on my account. My main bone with homeschooling is the lack of friends. (Which is why I love being on the CB.)
And we love having you, Oregano. But how about looking around your community for some activity for young people you can join where you'll meet friends your own age? At the Y, a church, the library, a park district, etc.? Maybe a group of other homeschoolers?
(May 31, 2011 - 12:37 pm)
Wow, that does sound depressing. Do you have any siblings? And do you do any extra curricular activities? I have four siblings (all homeschooled except for one who goes to school part time) and I play lots of sports (ex. soccer, basketball, softball, etc.), so I'm not very lonely. If I am all alone in the house (or my sisters are still doing school while I am all finished, I just curl up with a good book and read until they are finished! Or I post here on the Chatterbox. :-)
(May 31, 2011 - 11:48 am)
Thanks everyone :). @PP - My brother is in college, and this summer he has a research assistant job, and a rehearsal pianist job, so I'd say I have half a brother ;). And Admin, thanks! In fact my mom is on some homeschooling list, and I have a lot of cousins and maybe one and a half friends. The Chatterbox and sewing together take care of the rest. Anyway, let's change the subject from me! The Longest Thread isn't a support group! What's our next topic? Spammy suggests cgcd. We could try to figure out what he means by cgcd...
(May 31, 2011 - 1:10 pm)
Before, we change the topic: Homeschooling sounds very interesting and also like you all have different experiences.
@Oregano- If you're missing friends than please count me as your virtual one! I know you've never met me but still! Please except! :)
Okay, new subject... If you could make a list of ten places to visit, what would they be?
(June 1, 2011 - 10:06 am)
OK, sure, I accept. :) *virtual handshake*
1. My grandparents in Pennsylvania. Which is because they're - well, old.
2. Vacationing-place-of-other-side-of-family in Maine. Which is because this summer is our last chance to do that.
TBCont'd. Sorry.
(June 1, 2011 - 7:06 pm)
3: the homes of the most prominent CBers.
4: the homes of all my cousins.
5: the fabric store.
6: the fabric store.
7: the fabric store.
8: the clothing store, with a notebook fir writing down inspiration.
9: underwater. Wouldn't that be awesome??
and 10: Southern California. By all accounts it's great.
I could keep going, but I think you said ten.
(June 2, 2011 - 2:45 pm)
Oregano, please count me as a virtual friend, too!
Let's see, top ten places to visit...
1. Colorado (Adventures in Odyssey)
2. Arkansas (I have friends there, but I've never visited their home)
3. Louisiana (another friend is there. I've never visited her house, though, either)
4. China (since I'm half Chinese)
5. Czech Republic (since the other half of me is Czechoslovakian)
6. Israel (because I think it would be awesome to see the places where Jesus walked and talked and healed)
7. Kenya (more friends live there)
8. Canada (I'm not sure why, I'll say just because)
9. Alaska (I've always wanted to go there, don't ask me why because I don't really know myself)
10. Haiti (because my sister came from there)
I guess they're sort of strange places to want to visit, but that's just me. :-)
Oh, and they aren't in any particular order. I just wrote them down as I thought of them. 3 more posts to go 'til we beat the record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(June 2, 2011 - 2:41 pm)
1. London
2. Rome
3. Athens
4. Bahamas
5. Barcelona, Madrid...
To Be Continued!
Thanks for accepting me, Oregano!!! :)
(June 3, 2011 - 10:57 am)
(Sure!) Wow, those are interesting places to visit. I'm mostly posting this to push the number to 144 at last.
(June 3, 2011 - 1:01 pm)
Yay! We met our goal at last! Let's keep going, this is fun! Plus Wolfgirl67's SI is going to catch up to us.
(June 4, 2011 - 8:26 am)
@Oregano: I know we already moved on to another topic but I missed the previous one. I am homeschooled, but I am in a homeschool group so there are a lot of people around my age. (Okay not that many but still) The unfortunate thing is that most of my friends are in a grade ahead of me because their birthdays are in the summer or early autumm and mine is in December so they will be graduating before me and are doing different sciences and maths (I don't think that's proper grammar) than me. Are there any homeschool groups in your area?
I am not really sure what the ten places I would most want to visit would be so I will get back to you on that.
(June 4, 2011 - 12:27 am)
@ Elizabeth M. Can I be your virtual friend too?
1. Italy.
2. Phillipines (I' m half)
3. Israel. (also because of Jesus.
4. Serbia (I'm a quarter)
5. Holland (also a quarter)
6. New York.
7. France.
8. Washington D.C.
9. Jackson, Missisippi (that's where my grandma lives)
10. Hawaii
(June 5, 2011 - 12:18 am)