The Longest Thread
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
The Longest Thread
The Longest Thread EVER!!!!
Let's make a mission to make the longest thread in CaC EVER! I think we just need to get more than 144 posts right now. We'll need lots of different themes to talk about to keep this thread from dying, but I think we can do it, right? I mean, that's why this is called the CHATTERbox, isn't it? :-) Okay, then. Ready? Set?
P.S. Let's try to do CaC first, and if we accomplish our goal, we can do other sections, okay? Good. Now let's get chatting!!!
submitted by Princess P.
(April 29, 2011 - 3:48 pm)
(April 29, 2011 - 3:48 pm)
@Christina - Wow, that's interesting, I'm half Filipino too! 'Spose we're related? ;)
(June 5, 2011 - 9:57 am)
Hm, might as well contribute to the longevity of this thread.
1. Mongolia
2. Greenland
3. Alaska
4. Turkey
5. England
6. Switzerland
7. Home!
(June 5, 2011 - 1:55 pm)
@Christina M.-- Yep! :)
Okay, let me try to continue this...
Fiji (maybe)
Ahh!! I just had a blackout! I'll get back to you people on this!
YAY YAY! We passed up the limit!!
(June 7, 2011 - 9:28 am)
I decided to post my real location this time, just because the topic is places.
1. Paris, France (yummy food )
2. Japan
3. Taiwan (I have a friend there)
4. Malaysia (Another friend)
5. Canada (Yet another friend!)
6. Great America (It would take less than an hour to drive there, but I've still never been.)
7. Disneyland :)
8. Crazy Buffet (Restaraunt near my house. I've always wanted to try it!)
I can't think of two more, so I'll just stop here.
(June 8, 2011 - 10:01 am)
Re: Favourite words: I'm quite fond of crepuscular (this refers to animals active during twilight), pulchritude (beauty), eudaimonic (causing happiness), and defenestration (the act of throwing something out a window).
(June 10, 2011 - 11:14 am)
Ooh, and spelunking.
Re: Real names: Sorry; I'm uncomfortable with sharing my real name.
(July 6, 2011 - 2:06 pm)
I think there's a girl scout song (my sister is a girl scout) about throwing things out a window. It's a great example of defenestration! It goes something like, "Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey. Along came a spider and sat down beside her, and she threw it out the window! The window, the window, the second story window..." Girl scout songs often don't make a lot of sense.
Spammy says "ttmm". Two double letters!
There's an old musical children's game called "Go In and Out the Windows." I think players hold hands in a circle and some others weave in and out, but all on the ground. Not jumping out a second-story window!
(June 10, 2011 - 7:45 pm)
Admin, I've heard of the song "Go In and Out the Windows"! I heard it from...(*blushes shyly*) Barney! Hey, you can't blame me, I have four younger siblings! :-)
No one's posted on here for a day and two hours! Keep this thread alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(June 13, 2011 - 3:47 pm)
Please help bring this to the TOP TOP TOP!
(June 21, 2011 - 4:29 pm)
I would like to direct all Chatterboxers who like to post on this thread to a new "Longest Thread" on Blab about Books. We will be chatting about our favorite books, new books coming out, and other topics about books. Please check it out and comment on it. Thank you!
(June 27, 2011 - 3:44 pm)
Okay, Thread Director! I'm looking for it now!
(June 28, 2011 - 10:32 am)
i have an idea! Everyone put their real name & age. (I don't know, it's just weird looking @ fake names.) Oh and I also want 2 thank Hawkheart/Princess P. (whatever ur REAL name is, TELL ME) 4 posting on FireClan. I'm getting braces in like 6 MONTHS. AAAHHH!!!!!!! Does anyone have braces? If u do, TELL ME! In response 2 an earlier post, my favorite word is QUIRKY. Oh and in response 2 ANOTHER earlier post, I have a running joke with my BEST FRIEND, Jenna. Once, for some reason, we started talking about maraschino (I have NO idea how 2 spell that) cherries, and then we started talking about how weird it is that maraschino cherries are THAT red, and then Jenna said that she had GREEN maraschino cherries once, and then we started cracking up. It was REALLY FUNNY!
(July 4, 2011 - 7:55 am)
Some people don't want to post their real name and age for privacy reasons. I don't mind, though, so I'll tell you that I'm Katie, and I turn 13 in a two weeks.
(July 4, 2011 - 6:41 pm)
Hey guys, I think this is a great idea! I'm kind of new to this forum thingy, but I love it already!
(July 5, 2011 - 3:06 pm)
I'm Christina M. @Ima my real nickname is Ina. I live in Los Angeles, California, and I'm almost 12...I've been on Chatterbox since'09 (with a few vacations of CB of course).
(July 5, 2011 - 7:42 pm)