Bored and Random

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Bored and Random

Bored and Random Thread

Okay, I found an awesome thread from January 2009 that I thought was pretty cool so...


This is a bored and random thread. You can post whatever you want. Smiley faces, exclamation marks, random sentences, etc. The randomer the better!!!!!

submitted by Princess P.
(April 29, 2011 - 2:55 pm)

Me is a pirate dinosaur.



submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(August 5, 2011 - 2:23 pm)

Chello fellow class faces or as we say in my country.....

Me loves So Random. Me is a a sandwich. Me is a tuna swandwich. mmmm!

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 10, Anubis House
(August 5, 2011 - 5:08 pm)


submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(August 6, 2011 - 9:46 am)

Peas! Peas! Purple peas growing on the dancing vine in Alamos Town! SCREAM! Soda! My soda has lightning bugs in it, which is good because it helps my liver, which needs 12 volts of electricity a day in order to continue manufacturing popsicles that taste like bubble gum! Except I need a new shipment of fulordium mocluxide! BWAHAHAHA! I love oranges, except when there are mouse families living in them! Then I pick up all the boys and put them in peapods and make them float down the Creek of Eternal Doom, where the scary peaflowers live!

(That's me, just typing the first things that pop into my head.)


submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(August 6, 2011 - 12:44 pm)

Does anyone have cream cheese? I want some to put in my hair! heheheheheheheheheh!



submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 10, Anubis house
(August 6, 2011 - 1:24 pm)

I love the smiley show!!! Do some more.

Peanut Butter = poison!!!!!!!!!! AAHHH!!!!!!!! POISON ZOMBIES DANCING WITH FloweRS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Spammy says itbn. It be N? Who's N? One of the zombies?!?!? 

submitted by some random person
(August 8, 2011 - 7:43 pm)

Who is Spammy?


The security code.


submitted by A.S., age None, Nowhere
(August 10, 2011 - 7:41 am)

There are many different names for him/her. There's Zar, Percy, Andy, Vick, CAPTCHA, Spamboy, Spammy, Princess of Spamalot......

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(August 10, 2011 - 2:50 pm)



submitted by SusyQ
(August 10, 2011 - 3:07 pm)

Zombies are out to get me!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Some random person
(August 10, 2011 - 6:40 pm)

Tyger! Tyger! Burning Bright

In the forests of the night!.....


(I forget who wrote this. The admins should know, it's a pretty old and well known poem.)


It's by William Blake.


submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(August 10, 2011 - 7:00 pm)

That didn't show up right. it's supposed to be:





Spammy says  mrre. Mrreow? Meow? Spammy, are you imitating a cat?

submitted by SusyQ
(August 21, 2011 - 12:49 pm)

Now it's time for buffalo ring toss, everyone! Come on, step right up, step right up, all I ask for payment is a couple of deep-fried duck scissors, or possibly a tamed platypus-bear. Two rounds is worth a malfunctioning SIR unit! 42 buffalos available, and check out the next stall for discount prices on monkeys. Fresh kettle-carrots, too!


P.S. Oh, such rain we had! It was delicious.

submitted by Alexandra, age XII, Never Land
(August 16, 2011 - 9:11 pm)

"I'm making the cake!"

"I'm gonna' sing the doom song now."

"THEY"RE COMING!!!"  "Who's coming?"  "...I don't know."

"Am I the only one that sees the alien sitting in class?"

"Grr? What does the G stand for?"  "...I doon't know."

submitted by Invader Zim
(August 21, 2011 - 1:40 pm)

SEAWEED!!! SEAWEED!! FEEEEEERNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

A while ago I happened to notice that dragons are quite fond of playing video games.

NO THEY AREN'T -knocks over with a mutant CD-


that's right put your fingers onto the home row. Noooow reach up to ceeeeee-hey!! 

submitted by Tiffany W., age 11!!!, Venice, I wish
(August 25, 2011 - 5:18 pm)