N.Y.C.!!! :) Hey
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
N.Y.C.!!! :) Hey
N.Y.C.!!! :) Hey everybuggy! I might not post a lot this week, because I'll be in New York City!!! I am so excited to explore! :) Have any of you been there before? If so, have any suggestions of fun places to check out? :) If you guys want, I'll try and post some NY pictures next week, (Don't worry Admin, I won't post any pictures with people in them! :) ). I hope to make a post about photography soon, I love taking photos! :) Well, talk to everybuggy later! :)
(Admin, just wondering, I made a 4th of July post on Sunday, and I can't find it anywhere! Have you seen it? :) )
I do remember posting one or more comments from you sometime over the weekend, but the days are sort of blurred together.
I visited NYC with my family when I was 8 years old--a long time ago! I remember visiting the Statue of Liberty and seeing a show with the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. Maybe you can gather with the crowd for one of the morning TV shows: Today, Good Morning, America, or CBS's The Morning Show. We were in the audience for an old quiz show and also saw a Broadway musical. We ate at The Automat, but I don't know if that's still in business. And we went to Coney Island!I remember riding the Steeplechase ride. Have fun and let us know what you do!
(July 6, 2010 - 11:59 am)
San Fran is so awesome! One of my favorite cities. :) Last time we were there, we rode the trolleys through the city; my siblings and I rode on the outside by holding onto the bars along the edge! We had to squeeze in close to the trolley when a car drove by. :) It was really cool! :)
Ha, ha, sorry, it's kind of random to post pictures! :)
(August 12, 2010 - 10:20 am)
Great pics Kimmie! They really do capture San Fran pretty well. I loove those houses!! And the really steep streets that are so classic. :) :)
(August 12, 2010 - 5:09 pm)
Thanks Leaf! :) Yeah, I love the houses too, they're so cute! :)
(August 13, 2010 - 10:26 am)
Kimmie and Leaf, have you heard of Lumbard Street (I don't know if I spelled it right)? Anyway, there's this really steep street that leads up to the top of Lumbard St., with a trolley running up it. The trolley line was so long that my family decided to walk. Big mistake! That street was about a forty-five degree angle, and we were slogging up it while people in the trolleys looked at us like we were crazy. Which I suppose we were. However, I'll take hills to Florida flatness even if it does mean really steep streets.
(August 16, 2010 - 11:48 am)
Yes Allison, I've heard of and seen Lombard Street; man, it's so steep! Wow, you guys must have been so exhasted when you finished walking up that! ;) :)
(August 16, 2010 - 10:13 pm)