CBer names!   

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBer names!   

CBer names!   

So, I was wondering how everyone came up with their CB names. Mine is fairly simple. Majestic is one of my favorite adjectives and my name is Mary, and "Majestic Mary" seems to have a good ring to it. How about you?

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Somewhere Special
(April 7, 2020 - 10:06 am)

I picked my name because I really like Peregrine Falcons.  I read somewhere that Peregrine means “wanderer”.  So I also like the meaning of Peregrine.

submitted by Peregrine, age Many moons, USA
(April 20, 2020 - 2:32 pm)

First I was Nex_Thesaurau. Nex because that used to be a name I used online... Thesaurau because I had a panic moment like "How do I spell 'thesaurus'?!" (which is weirrd because I can spell brill) so I turned it into 'thesaurau'

Then it was...... Nobody. Which I use infrequently. Because I am nobody(<Depressing> Oh whatever).

And now I am 'who knows but us'. Because Nobody is kind of a.. downer, I guess. Cordial was giving  me looks.  


submitted by who knows but us
(April 22, 2020 - 2:45 pm)

Haha! I knew a girl we called Brill on a penguin game! But she disappeared one day and I miss her...

submitted by Alex @Nobody knows
(April 26, 2020 - 12:54 pm)

Dunno what a penguin game is What is a penguin game? Fine mistake. I shorten 'brilliant' to 'brill' cause I read a book........... yeah.

submitted by who knows but us
(May 7, 2020 - 8:51 pm)

Heh, it was a game called Club penguin, your avatar was a penguin.  Then when Disney shut the game down a bunch of us moved to Animal Jam.

I didn't figure you were her but a girl can hope.. XD

submitted by Alex
(May 8, 2020 - 5:36 pm)

Whoops mixed up your CB Name XD

Please do respond to my comment, you sound a lot like my friend Brill and I know you might not be her but you might be and AAAA

Ok Sorry

submitted by Alex@who knows
(April 26, 2020 - 1:29 pm)
submitted by Top
(April 28, 2020 - 12:06 pm)

Well, I've been told my personality is happy and summery, and I like the summer (though not as much as I like the spring, which makes me wonder why I didn't name myself Spring). Plus, there's this awesome character in Wonder named Summer. I don't think I'll change my name anytime soon, because it won't really get old.

submitted by Summer, age tau, Nowhere at all
(April 24, 2020 - 9:04 am)
submitted by top@Who knows but us
(April 27, 2020 - 3:07 pm)

Well, Selcouth is actually a OC I created for a Cricket story I submitted too late! Deep Space + Thunder Rift are also my own creations. It's very aesthetic (i love aesthetic things!) and I kinda feel like it describes me. :D

submitted by selcouth, Thunder Rift, Deep Space
(April 28, 2020 - 1:07 pm)

Well, Nyx is the name of the Greek goddess of Night, and I thought it sounded cool, so that's what I chose for a NOOK rp. Then, when I had to leave NOOK rp and eventually decided to come to the CB, I kept Nyx bc it sounds cool, and I somehow thought that my NOOK friends could be on here, and I've considered changing it before.... but I felt like it would just cause confusion, and I like Nyx, and I stubbornly hold out hope that MrDropek or Al or Bella could pop up here somehow.....

submitted by Nyx, age 13 years, earth
(April 28, 2020 - 5:34 pm)



submitted by who knows but us
(May 7, 2020 - 8:54 pm)

Ooh! Me! I have a semi-boring story!!

Okay, so I first joined the CB when I was bored in Digital Art class in January of 2018, I believe?? I'm not sure. Like I said, I was bored. I think I actually originally posted one thread under "Just wondering" or "???" or "New CBer?" or something, asking some clarifying questions about this wonderful part of the internet. I remember Starseeker told me about AEs and names and stuff, and Alizarine, who had just joined at the time, told me how she picked her name.

Anyway, boring asides aside, I went by "Shy Peacock" for my first six months or so on the CB. I was pretty different than I am now-- I existed almost exclusively on the Inkwell, and I rarely go there now. But back to my name-- I guess I liked it because it was supposed to mean hidden beauty or something? I think I was trying to come up with a cool-sounding CB identity, and that contradiction is what I landed on. Fun fact: my original idea for my AE was Shy Peacock when she isn't shy... creative, I know. My location was fun though: "Tree of Life." I still like that, I wish I'd found a way to work it in to my new name.

But as you may have noticed, "Shy Peacock" doesn't really mean anything. I mean, I don't know what it's supposed to be going for, and I'm the one who created it. And around that time, I really liked the idea that everything is made of stardust. I read a book where a character tells another character that 97 percent of people are made of stardust, and the character asks about the other 3 percent of people, which, I don't know, I just really liked it. I got "Ubiquitous" because I felt like "Everywhere" was too boring, and "Omnipotent" just had the wrong kind of vibe. So, "Stardust, Ubiquitous" was born!

Another fun fact through: I got sort of posthumostly attached to the name Shy Peacock, and I dressed up as a peacock for Halloween in 2018. It ws super fun, I made the costume myself! 


submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(May 10, 2020 - 12:57 pm)


i literally just joined Chatterbox. Like, five minuts ago or something... my favorite book series is Heroes Of Olympus and ive always to have that as a user... i got the idea sometime ago to join Chatterbox but havent gotten around to it until now. so i first put my real name in the name section but then remembered heroes of olympus and VOILA (voila or viola?) HeroesOfOlympus. :D

submitted by HeroesOfOlympus, age 11, California
(May 13, 2020 - 11:50 am)

welcome, HeroesofOlympus.

submitted by Strawberri
(May 14, 2020 - 2:58 pm)