CBer names!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
CBer names!
CBer names!
So, I was wondering how everyone came up with their CB names. Mine is fairly simple. Majestic is one of my favorite adjectives and my name is Mary, and "Majestic Mary" seems to have a good ring to it. How about you?
submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, Somewhere Special
(April 7, 2020 - 10:06 am)
(April 7, 2020 - 10:06 am)
*Throws confetti everywhere* Happy anniversary!!!!
(April 11, 2020 - 6:50 am)
EEK happy ANNIVERSARY (did i spell that right?)
*Tosses bucketfulls of confettii*
note: my spelling is horrible on computers... so many TYPOZZZZ
(May 13, 2020 - 11:47 am)
Well, in reality, my name is indeed, Holly!
In my school, I would usually get suprised by the most smallest things, so they'd always call me "Holly-Shock". A few people call me "Holly-Shooketh", but that's what my close friends all me. I then just decided to go by that.
I know it's not very exciting, but at least it's something meangingful to me!
(April 9, 2020 - 10:15 pm)
Ah, there was a thread like this a while back! Here, I'm copying and pasting what I said there because it's explanitory and somewhat funny.
"Ahh, okay. Storytime. *rubs hands together*
So, when I originally joined, it was May 2018. (Wow that makes me sound kinda oldish) I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I thought the "first name and initial" thing was required. So I went with, not my own first name because I thought that was boring, the two things I was most obsessed with at the time: Harry Potter and... Minecraft Story Mode. (hides in shame) Thus, I became Soren P, 'P' standing for Potter.
(Side note: what even happened to me in sixth grade. I was obsessed with that derpy game for the longest time and I had this disgusting Justin Beiber bowl cut. My CB personality was that of a deranged geek who was trying way too hard to be cool. It is so bad I can't even laugh about it. Okay. Moving on.)
A month later, right when I turned eleven, it had dawned on me by that time that the "first name last initial" was a mere suggestion and not a requirement, so I was eager to shed my not-actual-last-initial-initial and went for a far cooler "surname" of sorts, which was the name of a dragonic character I had recently invented and was also one of my favorite words. Plus, as I defended in the original post, "it sounds cooler". I was then, for a very long period of time, "Soren infinity".
Fast forward to August of 2019. I was growing out of Soren infinity; it didn't feel meaningful or lasting or whatever else. So the following is a conversation reminiscent to one of which I had with myself upon debating what else I could be called on the CB:
Me #1: so I'm kinda not loving my CB name anymore
Me #2: well what else could you possibly go by Eliza
Me #1: well I don't know I want it to be all in-depth you know. Like has this strong connection to and/or alludes to things that are important in my life
Me #2: okay so what could that be
Me#1: well i mean,
Me #3: hi what are yall talking about
Me #1: the CB kinda like,, played a big role in the development of my writing you know, so like maybe something to do with that
Me #2: okay so,... where are you
Me #3: what does the word quinessential actually mean guys
Me #1: OO I KNOW,
Me #2: wow i'm so enticed, please continue the suspence is killing me,,
Me #3: i'm bored let's play slitherio
Me #1: you know how we wrote a novel like last month? let's do something with that
So it kinda went from there. the main character in said novel was named Luna, and for that like one week I was super obsessed with using "Star" with an extra 'r' in random things, and since Luna means moon I was like "well it's stupid but clever & it won't get old", so I became Luna-Starr. yayy. Thank you for anyone who listened to my story, especially Admin thank you very much you work very hard and it is your job to listen to such stories, I hope you enjoyed my recreation of my internall conversation and that it wasn't weird and bothersome. "
(April 11, 2020 - 12:57 pm)
Bravo, bravo. Wonderful story. *applause*
(April 11, 2020 - 5:48 pm)
I'm four days late but Luna, this is truly the best thing I've read in days.
(April 16, 2020 - 1:47 am)
OK! Time for a story!
I tested out a few names when I started CB, but none of them really stuck.
When I created my first OC, a blue Catdragon (I still use her today) she could control water. This is where the 'mist' part of my name came from because she could conjure it. I also really like Warriors, and I have created a Warriors AU with my cats. One of the Clans is called TimberClan.
One day, when I was trying to get a username on an app, Timbermist4318 came up and I was like, "perfect!"
I started calling myself Timbermist online, and changed it on here too.
(April 16, 2020 - 3:01 pm)
Cool story. Cool name, too.
(April 17, 2020 - 9:20 am)
Okee here we go.
Most of you know the orgins of my name. Embarrassing incident, hair problems...but I'll tell it anyway and you don't have to listen.
(I am female).
I was in ELA with a sub. Cool! I'm pretty sure we were having a spelling test. I had a question, so I raised my hand. The sub(who was trying to be cool or something maybe?) said, "Yes, sir? Dead silence. I'm trying to remember my question, which has flitted away from my memory, when this REEALLY ANNOYING/CLUELESS/SEALER OF MY SOCIALLY TERRIBLE DOOM kid pipes up and says, "That's a girl". Instead of a choking stillness, this time, laughter fills the entire room. Humiliation literrally complete.
Fast forward a week: I had come across the CB actually while half surfing the internet half sketching a new superhero (I'm into that kinda thing) named Sirfire who had short hair and fire powers. Coincedence? Yes, but still.
Anyway, THE END.
I'm actually thinking of changing my name to Liladite.
(April 17, 2020 - 2:18 pm)
Personally I love the way Calypso sounds. I love the way it just rolls off your tongue. I think it's a really pretty name too. And "H" Is the first letter of my middle name so..... Yeah.
(April 17, 2020 - 4:39 pm)
Hmm. Well, that might be a little more gender um, revealing, but I love your name. It's just really cool.
(April 18, 2020 - 9:04 am)
Are you talking to me? Also thank you if yes.
(April 19, 2020 - 1:43 pm)
(April 22, 2020 - 3:40 pm)
Hi All!
I chose my name because I love hummingbirds, and they sort of sum up my personality. Loyal, dramitic, colorful, and, if need be, ferocious. They're also quite petite, which is a bonus.
(April 17, 2020 - 7:18 pm)
Well, when I first joined the CB, I went by two names, Spiffycat and Jithkeeper. (I used Jithkeeper on Inkwell and Spiffycat for everything else..... Idk why :D). Anyway, spiffycat is just a name that I liked to call myself (and still do), and Jithkeeper is because Jith is the name of my imaginary world.
Having two names was confusing, (although I enjoyed having the nickname SpiffJith) so I decided to just use Spiffycat, though I changed it to spiffycat because I like that better.
Then at one point I thought I was going to leave the CB, and I did for a month, and when I returned I decided to go by cerinthe because Cerinthe is the name of a character in one of my favorite fantasy books, and it's a really pretty name.
:) so, that's all.
(April 18, 2020 - 4:34 pm)