The Hearth

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

The Hearth

The Hearth

A fire crackles merrily in a stone fireplace, illuminating the cabin living room with gentle golden warmth. Facing it at eager angles are pillows and fluffy blankets, as well as oaken rocking chairs. Upon the hearth sits a bag of marshmallows accompanied by roasting sticks, graham crackers, and chocolate, as well as a couple of old dusty books. Many a story has been shared here at the hearth, as will many a story more...

Welcome to the coziest place in the Chatterbox! This is the place for sharing stories and memories. I thought it would be neat for newer CBers to hear about what the CB was like before they joined...Older CBers can reminisce together, curious CBers can ask questions, and anyone who has a story should tell it!

Anybody's welcome, so come on in and don't forget to grab yourself a marshmallow!

submitted by Micearenice, The CB Hearth
(October 14, 2018 - 11:25 am)

Gracia bounced up and down on an armchair, thinking of a story to tell. After diving extremely deeply into old threads, she found one. Not a great one, but, eh, it's still a story.

The Magic Ones RP!

My very first RP. I joined, posted a couple times, and then... just stopped. I don't even know why! I do this all the time in RPs, and I feel so guilty about it, but I never have time. (I'm sorry to everyone tht has created an RP only to have me join and never post!!!) Anyways, I'm trying to distance myself from RPs. Anyways. This RP actually finished, and there was talk a couple weeks ago about making a sequel, but as of yet it hasn't happened.

submitted by Gracia
(October 16, 2018 - 1:51 pm)

Quill enters the room and curls up in a cozy armchair by the fire, grabbing a few marshmallows. She says,

"I've been here for almost 2 years (give or take a few months), so I wasn't there for the big wars years ago. I was obviously here for the most recent impersonator thing, and I think I met several of the older CBers and saw some leave. I've seen a ton of new people join, too. I don't know if I have that many stories to tell, but I would love to hear some of yours!"

She eats a marshmallow and leans forward eagerly. 

submitted by Quill
(October 16, 2018 - 3:33 pm)

I sneak into the room quietly, as the discussion has already begun. Spooning semi-sweet chocolate chips into my mouth from a big bag of them and getting my fuzzy-socked feet as close to the fire as possible, I snuggle up contently and listen.

submitted by artisticbirdie
(October 16, 2018 - 4:30 pm)

Viola? wandered quietly in, the usual wool socks cushioning her steps. She carried a sketchbook cradled in her arms, a pen and pencil between her fingers, and a dazed look in her eyes. She was a little tired. 

Turning as soon as she crossed the threshold, she wove her way between chairs and behind cushions, keeping to the dim edges out of habit. She turned again once she'd made her way across and settled down in a yogibo with a good close view of the fireplace, thinking as soon as she sat down about Hestia, Greek goddess of the hearth. Following the thought came memories of many a Thanksgiving, when she'd sat by the fire and half-pretended to be the goddess. She opened her sketchbook over her knees and flipped softly to a blank page, uncapped her pen, and began to draw almost absentmindedly, keeping at least one eye on the paper and at least one ear to the gentle murmurs of conversation. She wondered if anyone could tell she was still listening. She thought she'd better work on her picturings or Inktober, but she'd have time later. Right now she wanted to be here. 

Eventually there came a pause, and the voice of the crackling fire rose in the quiet. Viola? decided to offer her own memories once she'd gathered her thoughts. The pen in her hand looped a little more aimlessly. 

"I've been on the Chatterbox for a year or so, but I've been on Kyngdom longer," she began, her gaze turning up to the ceiling, then down to sweep the faces of those around her. She couldn't tell if all of them were paying attention. This simultaneously irked and soothed her, and Sea Glass and Nymph rose briefly in the back of her head. She went on. 

"It was three or four years ago now. I made a self-insert character and started running around like... I don't know what. A baby rabbit, maybe." She shook her head, remembering the blush that lurked below her cheeks. "I gradually learned the rules and had a lovely time acting as a historian, devoted to that site which I had claimed as my own. Then, not too long ago, I made my first--well, second, but that's another story--venture onto the CB. And thus I began to coast. There was so much here, all new and exciting and big, and the way I thought began to shift. I was running on a treadmill here. It was... different, on Kyngdom. I feel like an old whale now. Like I've joined the distant giants I always thought of people like Claaws and Icy as. But oh, when I had nothing else to do. I think I really got going in the Underwater Ball. I remember when someone praised me for posting on the thread I made even when no one else did. And Mina! She's gone now, but there was a lot going on with her. shadow, too. shadow of everywhere..."

She trailed off, looking dreamily into the fire, spinning through a sudden rush of memory, wondering if anyone else would join her when she looked up.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 16, 2018 - 5:16 pm)

The door blows open, letting in a gust of cool autumn wind. Cockleburr stands in the doorway, oversized flannel flapping around her, as if summoned by a single phrase.

"Somebody asked about EVIL's Revenge?" She walks over to the sofa, losing much of the moment's drama with a cheerful half-skip every other step. Plunking herself down on the floor, she repeats, "Somebody did ask about EVIL's Revenge, right?" 

Micearenice waves her fingers. "Yeah, that was me. What was it about, again?" 

Cockleburr grins. "Awesome! I was probably going to tell you all anyway, cause that's one of the best CB stories I have, but I'm glad you asked. EVIL's Revenge was an RP that lasted over two years. It was made up of Buggy, Lindsey, Katydid, Shadow Dragon, Rosebud, and I. Rosebud still comes around, but I haven't seen the others here for a long time. I'm the last active revenger.
"EVIL's Revenge was actually a sequel to a different RP which I was not a part of, one of the few to ever finish: AYA Spies. AYA was about a group of twelve-thirteen year olds who were training to be spies at school. The enemy group was named LIVE, but refered to as EVIL by the characters. After AYA finished the writers agreed to make another RP about their characters, set three years in the future. 
"EVIL is centered around the spies, of course, who are now trying to live normal lives. However as their past comes back to haunt them, they find themselves deep in EVIL's twisting plot to destroy the world and realize they are the only ones who can stop it. And that’s when I showed up. On page 21. In my defense, I was new and had almost no idea of how roleplays worked. I had read the entire thing, and the original, and wanted to compliment them on it. I also rather obviously hinted that I would really like to join, which is a bit embarrassing to admit now. However, they agreed that I could join as a new character. And so we got to page 57, in what is almost definitely the longest RP in history of the CB!”

“Did it ever finish?” someone calls from near the fireplace. Cockleburr shrugs, sighing.

“No, it never did. Most of the roleplayers left and we could only contact a few of them. It started up again for a while last year, but died for good soon after.” Her mouth quirks in a half smile as she adds, “I even wrote a few ‘happily-ever-after’ stories because I wanted closure so badly. I loved that RP and I loved my character even more. Clover. My sweet Clover.”

submitted by Cockleburr
(October 16, 2018 - 9:23 pm)

Kianna eagerly listens to the stories. She wishes she was on the Chatterbox when all the stories took place, but is happy she can at least hear what happened. 

"What story is next?" Kianna wonders.

submitted by Kianna L, age 11, Sacramento, CA
(October 16, 2018 - 10:27 pm)

I gobble marshmallows, listening intently to the stories.  I wonder if I will ever have the endurance to stay on as long as these old-timers. XD

Nom nom nom.

submitted by Marigold, The Hearth
(October 17, 2018 - 8:29 am)

Icy attempted to rock back and forth slowly in an imitation of a relaxed woman. Unfortunately, her rocking grew into an obnoxious frenzy. She scowled.

"Ooh, I have one!" Icy offered while brandishing a mug of hot cocoa. She cleared her throat and began to speak in her best narrator voice.

"Does anyone remember the 100 Ways to Annoy lists?" She asked. "The first was created by Daisy, wasn't it? I remember three--two Darth Vader ones and a Voldemort. People listed hilarious things, each so creative.."

submitted by Icy, age 14, The Forest
(October 17, 2018 - 11:06 am)

Joan covered her mouth to stop from squealing with excitement. Unfortunately, the squeal came out anyways.

"Oh my gosh-I TOTALLY remember that!!!! Those threads were so much fun.... we should totally try to make another one-that is, if we want to anyways." 

She coughed slightly, and went back to drinking her hot cocoa. 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 16, Camelot
(October 17, 2018 - 2:09 pm)

Soren had snuggled herself into a comfortable position, magically wearing her fuzziest pair of pajamas with her mug of cocoa in hand. She was paying rapt attentipon to all the stories, soaking up the long-forgotten history of her favorite place.

She had also eaten too many marshmallows for her own good. Oops... 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(October 17, 2018 - 4:07 pm)

Tyberious Walks into the large, cozy room, finding a pillow and sitting right In front of the fireplace on the stone counter before it, as they do so often at home outside of cricket. Their appearance has altered slightly, their hair is very blond, and they are wearing glasses like James Halliday, and have a twisting tattoo of roses, in the center, in the middle of their arm, there is a tribal dragon tattoo. The red dragon wings stay, but their eyes are blue now. "I found out about the CB in 6th grade. Storm Windwhisperer showed both Darkking and I the ropes."  They whispered, their eyes flitting around the room. They take out a small plush cat, it looks to have been attacked by a dog a while ago, it's once green eyes are now replaced with blue buttons, and it's once richly colored tan coat with three white paws is now slightly darker. They notice the odd glances at their new appearance. "... oh, friends, meet the real Ty." They smile slightly, and hug the cat tightly, before saying, " Please continue. I do love a good story."

Velix strides in, wearing sunglasses and yells "DAWG" and walks out, while raven screams in the background. (Sorry, couldn't resist a CAPTCHA like that XD)

Screenshot 2018-10-17 at 5.36.28 PM.png
submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(October 17, 2018 - 7:37 pm)

Coroline sighed and took another sip of Hot Chocolate. She loved to here stories of the CB in the past and yet...She wondered if she'd ever have bonds with other CBers as strong as the older CBers did with each other.

submitted by Coroline
(October 18, 2018 - 12:16 am)

"The tattoo Is just an added on, like the wings. Both are something I wish I had." They murmur, " I'm too young to get a tattoo." They look slightly embarrassed for not saying this sooner.

submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(October 18, 2018 - 10:49 am)

*Barges in with scarf completly covering her face*

She walks over to the fire and sits dwon in a rocking chair where she grabs a cup of hot coco and eagerly gulps it down. 


Ahh! Hello to the oldies and all you newbies on the CB! I came to tell a story! This one is about the tragic...ish love story of two AEs.

So, an AE named Zion (forgot who he belongs too. And i don't know if he's still around) had a crush on Arawan. So, like the typical AE he denided all feelings for her. But it turned out that Arawan liked him to. So, they went to the AE ball together and had some fun. Now, Arawan's CB was leaving (I also forgot who her CB was) so Zion and Arawan decied to get married before it was too late. So they got married and Arawan disapeared from the face of the CB. The end.

And that's it! 

Now, time for some reminishing.

Blab about Books used to be really popular when I first joined. When you posted something people would replie and their was enough people posting that you threads would fall down the pages really quickly. One of the most popular thread was St. Owl's Harry Potter trivia, which is still going strong after three years! 

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(October 18, 2018 - 10:20 am)

Joan coughed slightly.

"I do remember that. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to clear up, or clarify a few things pertaining to your story. 

First of all-the names are "Zeon" and "Arwen." Not Zion and Arawen. Sorry. 

Zeon belongs to his CBer named Ashlee G. And no, Ashlee has not been seen around lately with both of her troublesome twin AEs, Quill and Zeon. Hopefully she, along with many other older CBers return on Valentine's Day 2019. (Sidenote: THAT'S IN LESS THAN 4 MONTHS!!!! *squeal*)

Anyways, continuing on... Arwen belongs to Leafpool, who is still an active CBer here-and her AEs were recently brought back to the CB." 


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 16, Camelot
(October 18, 2018 - 12:17 pm)