The Hearth
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
The Hearth
The Hearth
A fire crackles merrily in a stone fireplace, illuminating the cabin living room with gentle golden warmth. Facing it at eager angles are pillows and fluffy blankets, as well as oaken rocking chairs. Upon the hearth sits a bag of marshmallows accompanied by roasting sticks, graham crackers, and chocolate, as well as a couple of old dusty books. Many a story has been shared here at the hearth, as will many a story more...
Welcome to the coziest place in the Chatterbox! This is the place for sharing stories and memories. I thought it would be neat for newer CBers to hear about what the CB was like before they joined...Older CBers can reminisce together, curious CBers can ask questions, and anyone who has a story should tell it!
Anybody's welcome, so come on in and don't forget to grab yourself a marshmallow!
(October 14, 2018 - 11:25 am)
*bounces in in a cozy sweater* I wanna hear stories! Yay, what a fun idea!
I've actually peeked in on the site a couple times in the past six years (without posting), so I kind of know the happenings. But I missed a lot, and I want to hear stories! *curls up in an armchair with a cat and marshmallows*
(October 14, 2018 - 6:49 pm)
(October 15, 2018 - 6:11 am)
Awesoe, s'mores are my favorite!
Are we telling stories about the CB or irl?
(October 15, 2018 - 7:49 am)
Leafpool edges in and sits down on a rocking chair. She waves hello and gives everyone a small smile. She'll probably stay silent, mostly, while she's here, because she has a hard time putting the CB past into words. But she may chime in...and will try to answer questions that anyone may have.
(October 15, 2018 - 10:05 am)
Sitting in a cozy sweater and with a warm cup of coffee in her hand, Tux slowly sighed.
"Ive been here before the AE war, when Cho and Daisy was here then silently slipped out of view. My first day I remember seeing Coconut the Dog and BelletandBow and others talking about who knows what...
Those were the good ol' days!"
(October 15, 2018 - 12:12 pm)
Taking a sip of her latte, Agent Winter leaned her battered skateboard against the wall, and sat down on one of the chairs near the fireplace. "So... I don't know a lot about the CB's past, I was here for the second Impersonator War (if that's what we're calling the most recent one), but not much else. I was also here when Kyoto left. I didn't say anything on her going-away thread because I was humiliated by everyone else's feels-y poetry, but I was definitely there." Agent Winter shrugged. "I don't have that many stories. It'd be cool to hear other people's stories though." She took another awkward sip of the latte, running a hand through her hair. "Does anyone else have stories?"
(October 15, 2018 - 3:44 pm)
I remember those days.... I miss Cho, Daisy, Coconut, and BalletandBow... *sigh*
(October 15, 2018 - 7:22 pm)
(October 16, 2018 - 1:19 pm)
I'll have been here for a year in a little over a week, so I don't know much. I'll be here, though!
(October 15, 2018 - 1:08 pm)
Joan B. of Arc quickly ran into the room, grabbed some s'more supplies, and jumped into the closest chair next to the fire
Everyone looked up from what they were doing, whether roasting marshmallows, reading a book, or talking. She blushed.
"Oops. Sorry. It's just... I'm so excited! I love hearing stories, and telling stories! And I've got lots of them-especially including memories of the CB!" She blushed again. "Sorry, I hope I don't seem like I"m bragging or anything like that. I consider myself to be one of the older Cbers. Mind you, I wasn't here for the AE war, or even the first impersonator war or for the great AE war I think it was called, which CBers like St. Owl, Brookeira, was.
However, I have been here for 3 years now. About 4. Much has happened in those 3-4 years. You'll find that if you stay long enough, you start to see and become a part of some of the memories of the CB.
I remember some of the biggest events here, and I have had the privelage of rubbing shoulders I guess you could call it, with some of the more "popular" older CBers. "Popular" is probably not the best word to use though. More like "well known." I believe that each of us CBers is well known for one reason or another, whether you think it or not.
If you would like to hear some of the stories I have, then I will share. Because I do not like to take the limelight and seem like I"m bragging-so unless you desire me to share, then I will.
*begins to roast a marshmallow over the fire*
(October 15, 2018 - 6:23 pm)
Cassandra slips into the room, skipping towards the middle and settling in a soft, comfy armchair with a bag of jumbo marshmellows in her arms. She sees Joan B. of Arc, an older CBer, and says, "Please tell us some stories about the CB in the past! I've only been here since January-ish, and I'd love to hear about the history of this grand place!"
*grabs two marshmellows from the bag and starts roasting them over the fire, alternately setting them on fire and barely letting them touch the flames (she never was a good marshmallow-roaster)*
(October 15, 2018 - 9:19 pm)
Joannnnnnnn *tackle hugs*
(October 16, 2018 - 1:20 pm)
Leafpool!!! *tackle hugs back*
You're so amazing!!! :) Please feel free to share some stories too!!! *hugs again*
(October 16, 2018 - 6:02 pm)
*hugs Joan and Leafpool and everyone else*
*settles down in comfy cushioned rocking chair, sipping apple cider* Thanks for coming, everyone! Here's a story I think you'll find amusing...
A couple of years ago, AE drama was just getting started. The first AE ball thread showed up, and since it was a success, more followed. Understandably, it was a bit stressful for the AEs to figure out who they were going with, and Daisy's AE Bolton made a big deal about how he was going to ask someone soon...
Sure enough, he eventually managed to decide--By asking Icy out to the dance.
Icy said no XD
That was the first and only time an AE asked a CBer to go to a dance! I just thought it was hilarious. (Leafpool, I just wanted to say I saw your BoltIcy post a while ago on the Shipping Thread and it made smile :)
Who remembers the EVIL/EVIL's Revenge RPs? I was around for EVIL's Revenge and I know it was a legendary RP, but I still don't know exactly what the plot was!
(October 15, 2018 - 7:28 pm)
St. curled up in a blanket and curled up, cat-like, in the nearest chair with a steaming cup of tea. "Gather round, young ones! My fourth CBversary is fast approaching, and I am happy to share any and all of my stories with you, from Ye Olde Crowd Sorcery Days of Yore to the most recent impersonator. Questions? I am glad to answer!"
(October 15, 2018 - 7:46 pm)