CB Name Explanations

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CB Name Explanations

CB Name Explanations Reboot!

I think we've had a few of these before, so credits to whoever first thought of it. I've found myself wondering about many people's CB names, so feel free to ask about anyone's name, and explain your own! You can also add pronunciation, because I know we've had threads about that too. 

submitted by Leeli
(September 4, 2017 - 10:01 am)

I came on to Cricket at the tail end of Crowd Sorcery and I was a young and inexperenced ten year old with no idea how social media worked. I posted under my real name ( Lyra ) for a while then well I was on a random baby nameing site, I searched up names with meanings that were related to elves. I was going to use Elvina but I decided on Elvina instead ( It means Elf Friend) I've used that name for about six years on this and other sites and I'm really attached to it.

But... I'm considering changing it because When I say Elvina out loud, my brain comes up with a picture of a shining silver tower with a big pink flag and I really hope that that isn't me. 

Also My CAPACHA is Legolas and I'm considering makeing an AE called Arya.

submitted by Elvina
(September 5, 2017 - 10:56 pm)

My name is from the book called Impunity Jane by Rumer Godden, It's about 99% of my childhood, so that's why I picked it.

submitted by Impunity Jane
(September 6, 2017 - 11:42 am)

Rae is partly from Star Wars, and partly from a ray of sun. I spelled it Rae because it's a bit more like a name, and it's also just cool. I didn't particularly feel like Rey was me, exactly, so... yeah. Rae. I do feel very close to it, even though I have been considering a name change. 

submitted by Rae
(September 7, 2017 - 6:13 am)

Before I even started writing, I was fascinated with pen names.( Or Pseudonyms) (however you spell it) My second favorite author was Lemony Snicket, and I always wondered how he came up with the name.

The G. on the end of my username stands for Greene. I took my two favorite colors, violet, and green, changed the spelling around a little, and there you have it. Vyolette Greene was born. 
submitted by Vyolette G., age Classified, Wisconsin
(September 7, 2017 - 4:56 pm)

Everyone knows my basic story, it's kind of boring. Elementgirl because I memorized the periodic table in third grade, 18917 because that was my first sail number, even though no one including my self ever pays any attention to it. XD Just call me EG.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(September 8, 2017 - 6:13 am)

I picked my name for three reasons. 

1. I needed a name.

2. I like Greek mythology.

3. Scylla looks and sounds pretty cool in my opinion.

Unfortunately, not many know how to pronounce it. If you were wondering, here's how: 'Sill-la'. Congratulations! XD

submitted by Scylla
(September 8, 2017 - 6:34 pm)

WHAT. I've always pronounced it as "Sky-la" xD

I must agree though, Greek mythology is spectacular. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(September 8, 2017 - 10:56 pm)

Oh, that's a relief! XD That's always how I pronounced it, but I was kinda afraid that it was actually pronounced SKY-la, and I would've had trouble adapting to that after I had always pronounced it SCILL-la. But turns out I was pronouncing it right all along. XD

submitted by Leeli
(September 9, 2017 - 8:45 am)

It's pronounced 'sill-ah' as in if you were to say the word 'science'.

submitted by Vyolette G., age Classified, Wisconsin
(September 9, 2017 - 7:10 pm)

Your name is pronounced Lee-lee?! I always thought it was lee-lie! 

So- my name. I didn't actually put much thought into it. I didn't make an introduction thread or anything. I was looking on the CB and I saw the poetry contest and I wanted to join and I just joined without really thinking about it. Kitten is the name I use on a lot of sites and so I put it in the name box and it stuck. I was actually kinda thinking about changing my name. What do you guys think?

submitted by Kitten
(September 8, 2017 - 7:19 pm)

Yeah, Lee-lie is a common mispronounciation of the name, and I figured some people would think that. XD

submitted by Leeli
(September 9, 2017 - 8:47 am)

My name stems from a fact that most, if not all, of you know about me. I am a fangirl. A supreme fangirl. And my thought process was something like "Hey, I need a name. I am a fangirl, and am epic, and fangirl epically." And thus I was born. Or, this name was. Pretty simple in my opinion.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(September 8, 2017 - 9:44 pm)

@Starseeker- Your CB name is one of my favorites! I was about to call myself something to do with space (I know yours isn't about space but still), because I'm a bit of an astromony nerd- Wolf-Rayet (pronouced Wolf-RAY-aye) was one I seriously considered, because I watched this documentary about them on the history channel when I was four and I think that's what got me interested in space in the first place. I don't know, just a story.

So I've lied about the meaning of my name for a while! I don't know if you remember me saying I chose it because blue was my favorite color... that was true when I chose it, but at the moment I really like the color peach, too. Anyways, I always said that I also chose the name Bluebird because they were a symbol of happiness, but in truth, I found that out after. It's really kind of cool though because my 12 year old "life mission" was to have a more optimistic outlook on life, and I've become a much happier person since I've come on here. 

I also like the imagery that Bluebird has, I guess? I like names with colors in them. I think I might've gone by my real name (Amelia) for a few posts, too, but I can't remember.


submitted by Bluebird
(September 8, 2017 - 10:15 pm)

Ha, my name is quite clear on the meaning. I mean, lemme get this straight - y'all have epic name meanings which means I got to make this interesting. Let's see... ah yes!

So I joined when I was 9, unable to read or write at the time. My mom had to do all the reading and writing according to what I wanted (I wasn't too active at this time for that exact reason). So when I posted, I did exactly as told. It said "Name (First & Last name initial only, example: "John S.")" so what did I do? Exactly that. xD BUT I don't know if that was my first name. It is kinda hard to find records of me. For those who didn't know, "Ashlee" is an English name meaning "Meadow of ash trees", also leading to my nickname (only one of two) being Ash.

Although at one point back in 2012 or 2013 my name was both Ashlee G. and Pandagirl as a prank to both the others and myself. On the official introduction thread of Pandagirl, I, as Ashlee G. came on there and introduced myself. My pen name even had a "real" name of Samantha S. I believe, which was the name of my penpal. The reason for this was that Samantha was a nice penpal, so I decided to use her name as a cover up for my prank. Pandagirl itself is because I loved Giant Pandas at the time (still do!) and well, obviously a girl. Apparently, the prank was quite effective, even on myself in the future!


So yep, my names. I've also went by "Mimi Cheescake" and a Latin name as occasional pranks. Mimi Cheesecake was because I love cheesecake and Mimi was just an interesting name opposite of my personality. Way to girly for me, so I used it to make the prank even crazier. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(September 8, 2017 - 11:06 pm)

I don't really know why my name is GreenMango. I had been agonising for months whether to joing or not, and then one morning I did, and the name just sort of popped into my head. I gave an explanation- My favorite color is green and my favorite food is mango. It's sort of a boring name and I've been thinking about changing it to something else, but I can't think of anything else and I'm too lazy to do so. The green colors mangoes turn isn't even my favorite shade of green, and I don't really have a specific favorite food. Whichever food I feel like eating at a specific time is my favorite food. And while I do really like mangoes, that morning I just felt like eating a mango.

submitted by GreenMango
(September 9, 2017 - 8:25 am)