Compliment Thread!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Compliment Thread!
Compliment Thread!
We sure do need one of these! It's pretty much self-explanatory, so I'll get right into the compliments:
@Admins, thanks for everything. I know there's been a lot of backlash and kerfluffle, and I know that can be hard to deal with, especially with all the comments flooding in.Thank you for making the Chatterbox possible in the first place, and you've also been really on top of posts this summer! On multiple occasions, my posts have shown up just minutes later!!
@Gared, I wish you weren't leaving, but I understand your reasoning. Anyways, you've always been really creative and you've always had amazing ideas!
@Bluebird, your art skills and poetry are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! You're also really supportive of everyone else, and you give out awesome art tips!
@Impunity Jane, I don't see you on as much anymore, but you were an awesome RPer who always had really creative characters!
@Bibliophile, you are the best book twin ever! Thanks for all of the book recommendations and Six of Crows fangirling moments!
@Booksy Owly, I'm so glad you're back! I definitely missed you, your kind words, and awesome poetry!
@Claaws, props to you for speaking out for everything you believe in! I love your energy and enthusiasm!
@Leeli, I love how you're so welcoming and nice to everyone, and you were an awesome person to be in roleplays with!
@Blond Heroines Rule, first of all, awesome name! Secondly, thanks for always popping up with your wisdom when we need it most!
@Ashlee G, you're always so nice and supportive; I feel like I can always count on you! You're also an amazing writer and poet!
@Elementgirl18917, congratulations on being published! You're a really, really good writer, and you're super nice and welcoming to everyone!
@the Riddler, I'd like to thank you for all the supportive comments you posted on my ski lodge. You have such a big heart, and you're always so nice to everyone!
@Cockleburr, whenever I think of you, I literally think of a giant puppy. You're always really friendly, and you're an amazing artist and writer as well!
Y'all are the most amazing people ever— if I didn't get to you here, I'll get to you in my next round of compliments!
(July 2, 2017 - 12:34 am)
*hugs really tight*
(July 6, 2017 - 9:27 am)
*blushes* Awa you guys.....that's so sweet! <3 you all!
Mei~ you always have a voice, an opinion, and you don't like fading into the background. You're so sweet, all the time, and try to make to best of every situation. You're so optimistic! I admire that. <3 (ps, come back to Kyndom!)
Ashlee~ we have so much in common, you and I, but I could never have your skill in writing and awesomely creative ideas, or calmness in perilous situations, or your kindness to everyone. <3 u, long lost cous!
September~ Where do I even start? You're kind, creative, accepting, optimistic, and you stand up for those who can't or need help. <3
Gared~ I know you're bot reading this, but whatever. You're kind, creative, and stand up for those who need it, even if you're outnumbered. <3
Viola~ Kind, creative, smarter then I could ever hope to be, and awesome! Your drawing makes my jaw fall, and your writing makes it fall off!! You're amazing just the way you are. <3
Kestrel~ I don't know if you're still here, but if you are know that it was a pleaser writing with you. You were so creative, and kind, and optimistic, and flexible when we needed help writing. <3
Storm~ It's been awesome reading your writing, from Kyndom to Spirit animals. You're so creative, Never stop, my dear friend! <3
Nebs~ my dragon loving friend, you always have the best ideas. I mean, just look at your CB self! You're creative, kind, and did I mention creative? <3
I'll do more later!
(July 4, 2017 - 11:46 am)
Aw, thank you! I'm afraid I don't have anyone specific to compliment; you're all just so amazing and I'm so new. But let me say that I admire each and every one of you, and I hope that one day I can be as creative and skilled as you are.
(July 6, 2017 - 8:43 am)
@Admins, thank you for keeping this place clean, but I am still mad at you, sorry.
@Gared, know you aren't here, but I looked up to you and loved how you stood up for other people's rights and for what you believed in
@Mei, you are light, you bring peace to others minds.
@Rosebud, your RP ideas are, I have no words for you amazing they are.
@Claaws, You are also a CBer, that I look up too, your a strong mighty dragon that fights for what he believes in
@September, you are like Mei, you shed light for the sake of others happiness.
@Lucy B, I adore how you try to stay out of the drama, when everyone is in it, you seem like a very upbeat person.
@GreenMango, you remind me as a fruit, sometimes ripe and fresh but sometimes sour, and that is a great thing.
@Nubela, you are so happy and your charries sparkle.
@BHR, I may not like your veiws on life, but Bode Heriones do rule. I really like your taste in superheroes.
@Everyone, stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out from the rest
(July 4, 2017 - 11:57 am)
Um, Daisy? I'm really sorry but you could consider changing your name? Because not too long ago we had a much-loved CBer who was named Daisy and she left...I was so excited when I saw the name Daisy, but it's not actually her. It kind of upset me.
@Everyone else: September, Mei, Ashlee, and Cockleburr are being complimented a lot. I'd like to request that people such as Applejaguar, HAB, Zeus, Brooklyn Newsie, etc. be complimented because they don't get complimented a lot.
This Daisy has posted several times already. May I suggest she just amend her name to something like Daisy2 or Daisy with a capital initial at the end?
(July 4, 2017 - 1:35 pm)
Um, nope.
(July 5, 2017 - 7:58 am)
Leafpool, I love how considerate you are for other people. You are a great and wonderful writer, and i love reading whatever you create. I also love your name so much!
(July 7, 2017 - 5:58 pm)
Thanks Daisy! And thanks Ashlee! I didn't really expect anything since I've just gotten out of an off and on hiatus, so this brightened my day. I'm going to do some complements soon, but I'm way behind on Nano and I've got to finish my summer homework.
You know what Daisy, you're blunt. I like that about you. You tell people straight up what you think, no beating around the bush. That's admirable, never change. When I read your compliment to me, I laughed, you just made my day!
(July 4, 2017 - 2:25 pm)
Thank you GreenMango! You made my whole week.
(July 5, 2017 - 9:57 am)
I agree with GreenMango, Daisy. Reading through your post really made me laugh. Thanks for cheering up the CB! :)
(July 18, 2017 - 1:33 pm)
Everyone: thankyou. Thankyou so much for being the people you are, because all of you, young and old, with so many different personalities that shine through the CB, you all accomplish one thing day after day, month after month, year after year, and will never change. You all shape our CB community. I am not going to post individual compliments, because no matter how hard people try, others are still left out. And not many people can ignore the left-out feeling of seeing a long line of compliments without your name listed on it. So instead I choose to write about you. Not only Claaws, though she is remarkable, nor Elementgirl, though she is truly special, but you. Whoever may be reading this. Because you are so kind, so brave, so caring, and so special. I will never come across a forum quite like this one. Please, don't ever change. Thank you for being who you are.
I love you all,
(July 4, 2017 - 6:16 pm)
@LilyPad- You are one of my best CB friends, and so empathetic, funny kind, and optimistic. For me, at least, this place would definitely
@Icy- Thanks so much for 'having my back' in Kyngdom! You're a really sweet, helpful CBer and I would still probably be completely lost without you, XD.
@Booksy- I don't really know you that well, but you seem like a super sweet, kind person who I want to get to know better!
@Rosebud- You're such a creative person with great ideas, and the Theater RPG was probably my favorite RP of all time. Thank you for supporting and helping me when I was a three-day-old CBer with no self-confidence whatsoever!
@Admins- You guys are literally the glue holding this place together. Without you, this place would be in shambles and still recovering from the first war. I am infinitely grateful to you for this, and also for putting up with me!
I will write more in the next post, gtg!
(July 4, 2017 - 7:40 pm)
Thankyou, my awesome friend EG. Im sorry I didn't see your post until now. ❤
(July 16, 2017 - 2:29 am)
(July 16, 2017 - 2:34 pm)
What do you mean, "um, nope"? Because it broke my heart to think that Daisy was back when she really wasn't.
(July 5, 2017 - 10:10 am)