Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Obviously everyone here speaks English, but what other languages do you guys speak, for the bi and trilingual people out there? I speak English and French.
submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(June 4, 2017 - 8:40 pm)
(June 4, 2017 - 8:40 pm)
I speak fluent gibberish!
Seriously, almost everyone in my school is bilengual (it's quite the Russian/Asian hub) and when they start talking about first languages, I just offhand mention gibberish and it cracks people up.
I don't speak any (other) languages (besides sarcasm, music, and English), though I have taken an Irish course and I can say a few phrases in pretty good French. Irish, French, and German are the languages I really want to know, so I hope I can take classes/go to a school that offers them in the future!
For everyone else who likes sounding cool by speaking in other languages: Google Translate really is your friend, but always switch around the languages to double-check that the grammar/phrasing is right. If not, either rephrase your sentence, or use a different translator.
(June 5, 2017 - 8:04 pm)
Other than English, Sarcasm, Harry Potter, Gibberish, and those types of language, I don't speak any language. I do know a bit of Hebrew (סלsorry, thanks, and a lot more), but not enough to hold a conversation.
(June 5, 2017 - 9:07 pm)
Also, I want to learn Cantonise but no one teaches it anymore. The traditional Chinese is dying.
(June 5, 2017 - 10:17 pm)
I speak English, Spanish, a little bit of Klingon, and am currently learning Japanese.
(June 6, 2017 - 7:25 am)
@General Waffleson:
you speak Klingon?? That's so awesome! Assuming you know what you're talking about and you're a Trekkie like me, I'm on season 5 of the Next Generation! So I know just a tad bit of Klingon. Not much, but I could recognize Klingon if I saw it. I can't, however, tell you what most words mean.
@Everyone else:
I speak only English fluently, but I know a few words in Klingon, Spanish, German (okay, two words, thanks Sherlock), and French. I have a friend that speaks... seven (nine?) languages? I think? It's a lot! And those are the ones she speaks fluently. I think they're... Portuguese, English, Mandarin, German, Russian (??), Spanish, French, and... um... well, she speaks a lot of languages. She told me once, but it was at an overnight camp a year ago, and it was 1 am. So. Oh, and she's fluent in sign language!
(June 6, 2017 - 10:57 am)
American English, some Latin, some French, a tiny portion of Spanish and German, and I have been doing my best to learn Finnish. Our local library has this great program called 'Pronunciator', which offers fifty languages... heaven to the language lover.. also sarcasm (definitely), Elvish (not Sindarin, though I speak a bit, I wouldn't claim to be fluent), Draconic, Feynäre, my other languages that I've made up...and music.
No, I don't use Duolingo, but my friend does. She was learning Italian, but she recently switched to Spanish, because her family is going to a country in Latin America to visit her cousin sometime this summer.
I love languages... it's difficult to pick only one solid one to learn and stick with, but I am consistently still learning Latin, (by myself), French (with my mother and sister) and Finnish (by myself) because I want to...however, the only phrase I remember from Finnish is 'opiskelijä', which means student. Also on the to-learn list are Spanish (essential, really, if you live in the USA), Arabic, British English, Hebrew, Greek, Russian, Gaelic, Norwegian, Polish, German, Portuguese, and Chinese. Also Japanese. And Maori. And possibly Swahili. And I know there are more that I'm forgetting... I don't know whether I'll get to all of these languages in my lifetime, but they're certainly all worth getting to know, so I hope so.
(June 6, 2017 - 1:04 am)
Yeah, I get trying to pick one single language to stick to when there are so many really weird, really cool ones! There is a list of about 10 languages that I decided that I have to learn and several more that I would like to. I'm jealous of your friend, that would be really cool to know all those languages. I wanted to learn Latin, but everyone talked me out of learning a dead language. Besides that, I would have no one to practice it with because apparently NONE of my friends and family are willing to learn Latin.
Still unamed Captcha says znad. I feel like that is familiar somehow? Somehow it reminds me of Zaphod Beeblebrox???
(June 6, 2017 - 1:38 pm)
I speak fluent gibberish, sarcasm, and fangirl.
(June 6, 2017 - 2:33 pm)
@Nianad, I never thought of British English as another language. Cool!
@Waffleson, no way! I'm starting Klingon, that's funny. Also, how many words do you know in Japanese?
@St. Owl, that's funny how kids at your school are Russian/Asian. At my old school (I'm going into high school now) there were literally no Asian kids. I was 1 out of maybe 10 out of a 500+ school.
(June 7, 2017 - 8:10 am)
Besides for English, (duh), I speak almost fluent Hebrew (High 5 Cockleburr and Abigail S.!) and a bunch of German.
(June 7, 2017 - 3:41 pm)
Right, I forgot! I also know some Latin, though I'm obviously not fluent. Domino, like in coyotedomino, actually means lord. So coyote-lord.
CAPTCHA says ayip! A yip is one of the sounds a coyote makes!
(June 7, 2017 - 4:34 pm)
I can't remember every language I know some of! I just remembered that I know some Ancient Aramaic, too.
(June 7, 2017 - 4:37 pm)
I speak English, Cantonese, and I'm learning Spanish!
(June 7, 2017 - 6:04 pm)
I know English (obviously) and I am learning Spanish, French, and Hebrew (I mostly only can read it and don't know what the words mean- I have to learn it because I'm Jewish, but we don't really do conversational Hebrew).
(June 7, 2017 - 7:29 pm)
I can read but not pronouce French, I know a little bit of Hindi, a little bit of Norwegian, and some Latin.
(June 7, 2017 - 7:39 pm)