Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



I am just curious... does anyone have a second language or a third language?

If so, I have a great idea!

If you know any language besides English, let's talk about random things on here but in your second language!

We would understand each other when you go on google and type in "google translate"

I speak English as my first language, Spanish as my second language, and a little bit of French as my third!

(I was born in Spain :D)

What about you guys? 

submitted by KATNISSLOVER:), age 12 1/2
(January 17, 2017 - 9:13 am)

I speak English and am learning Spanish. I'm not very good at Spanish, but I can carry on a very basic conversation and pick out a couple of words here and there. I'm better at reading than writing Spanish, and better at reading and writing than speaking or listening to Spanish. The odd thing is, I've noticed that some French and Portugese words are similar enough to Spanish I can get an impression of what a sentence in French or Portugese means. I guess it's because they're Romance languages... 

¡Hola! ̉¿Como estás? Yo eres cansada, pero bien. Hablo muy mal Espanól, disculpe. Llevo un pantalones cortos negro, un camiseta negro, y capucha negro.

Disclaimer- I had to look up "hoodie" and "wearing" (I was pretty sure about "wearing" but I wanted to be sure). 

submitted by Indigo
(January 24, 2017 - 10:02 am)

I can write in what I'm pretty sure is ancient Norse runes. Does that count as a second language?

submitted by Arwen
(January 30, 2017 - 4:29 pm)