Music and Stuff
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Music and Stuff
Music and Stuff thread.
What type of music do y'all listen to?
Personally I like pop and alternative. Taylor Swift, Melanie Martinez, and Halsey are my favorite artists, and you all know who Tayior Swift is, but do we have any other Crybabies or Halsey fans on here?
Also, what instruments do you guys play?
I play guitar, trumpet, piano, and drums, but mostly guitar. I've taken lessons in all, but currently I only take guitar lessons and that's probably my favorite instrument to play.
Also, who else writes songs?
I'm sure some of you have seen my songs on YouTube, so yeah. If you haven't, they're called Optimist, Confession Song, You Can't Stop Me, Heroes, and Wishes. Well those are the ones on YouTube. My favorites are Wishes and Heroes, but everyone else like Optimist the best, probably because it's the first song I posted.
So yeah!
(July 5, 2016 - 10:06 am)
I go through stages where I like Adele. Sad songs are my favorite!
(July 20, 2016 - 10:11 pm)
Okay. This is for MCR fans everywhere.
So yesterday my friend sent me a link to this YouTube video (look up 'MCRX' on YouTube; it should be the first video) and I was confused at first because it's just the intro to Welcome To The Black Parade over and over, but at the end, there was a date. (9/23/16.) I didn't think much of it, until I found out that MCR deleted their breakup tweet off of Twitter. So, I don't want to possibly give y'all false hope, but MCR could potentially be getting back together.
I just wanted to share this news because I went crazy when I found out.
(July 21, 2016 - 9:40 am)
Did u listen to those songs?
(July 21, 2016 - 1:27 pm)
Ugh... The description for the MCRX video has been edited or something and apparently it was just a celebration for the release of The Black Parade. Ughhhhhhhhhhh now I'm upset.
(July 21, 2016 - 2:24 pm)
Who is MCR, and what kind of genre are they? I am always eager to try out new music, so if it is a reasonable genre, I might listen to them.
(July 21, 2016 - 4:29 pm)
Well... I don't really know what genre they are. You could call them emo, I guess?
(July 22, 2016 - 7:49 am)
Lol, emo could work, I suppose, but I looked it up and they're officially alternative rock.
But, to answer your question, OceanWolf, MCR stands for My Chemical Romance, and alternative band that broke up in 2013. *cries*
They have some good songs, but just beware, a few of them have curse words. I'm not really sure which ones, as I haven't listened to any of those.
(July 22, 2016 - 11:09 am)
Hmm... Sounds interesting. I'll probably listen to some of their songs later. I often listen to alternative rock, so they could be within my range of music.
(July 22, 2016 - 2:11 pm)