Music and Stuff
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
Music and Stuff
Music and Stuff thread.
What type of music do y'all listen to?
Personally I like pop and alternative. Taylor Swift, Melanie Martinez, and Halsey are my favorite artists, and you all know who Tayior Swift is, but do we have any other Crybabies or Halsey fans on here?
Also, what instruments do you guys play?
I play guitar, trumpet, piano, and drums, but mostly guitar. I've taken lessons in all, but currently I only take guitar lessons and that's probably my favorite instrument to play.
Also, who else writes songs?
I'm sure some of you have seen my songs on YouTube, so yeah. If you haven't, they're called Optimist, Confession Song, You Can't Stop Me, Heroes, and Wishes. Well those are the ones on YouTube. My favorites are Wishes and Heroes, but everyone else like Optimist the best, probably because it's the first song I posted.
So yeah!
(July 5, 2016 - 10:06 am)
You listen to Thomas Bergensen? I LOVE his music! Some of my favorites from him are Archangel, Heart of Courage, Strength of a Thousand Men, and Protectors of the Earth. And of course, Lindsey Stirling and Piano Guys are the best.
(July 6, 2016 - 12:16 pm)
*faints from fangirling*
I enjoy Empire of Angels, Two Hearts, and Creation. Those are my favs. Heart of Courage is also pretty good. Dragonworld is also cool.
Also, I forgot to mention: #OwlCity
(July 8, 2016 - 11:56 am)
I don't particularly listen to any set type of music. If you had to ask my favorite genre, I'd probably say rock, but I only like it when it's more mild. I'll listen to the Beatles. I listen to this one kind of bluegrass-y band called the Punch Brothers, who are all-strings (although in their latest album they have drums), and Regina Spektor, which I have no idea what she plays. I listen to snippets of other bands-- my friend and I made a deal, he'd listen to some Beatles if I listened to some Twenty One Pilots, I hear a bit of Wilco, and I want to get more into David Bowie, Prince, and Paul Simon.
I play the piano and my dad's kind of teaching me guitar-- I learned a few chords from him in April and I'm hoping we can do more this summer.
As for writing songs. . . I have written exactly two good ones. One I wrote when I was maybe six, but actually sounds alright-- I called it "Darkness." And the other I wrote only a few months ago because I had this chorus stuck in my head and nobody knew what I was talking about, so I called it "King and Queen." It goes like this:
In a land far away
Ruins fall into decay
Stones fall into the murk
I thought I'd never see the day
Now I'd love to see you pay
Destroying all our hard work
[chorus]We built it up
You broke it down
Now all I see
Is flaming town
I don't know why
You thought that I
Would let this fly
We could have been founders, conquerors, doctors, or priests
We could have been king and queen
You would've been the king and I would've been your queen
Wearing those solid gold rings
We could have been big stars or heroes, those magical things
We could have been king and queen
We would have sat on thrones so far up high
Feeling we owned the sky
I don't know why
You thought that I
Would let this fly
At that time our ELA teacher was making us study pop songs to find poetic stuff (and ironically, we never actually read any poetry), so I may have been influenced a little too much by Taylor Swift. I am happy I was able to finish it, though. "Darkness" really needs a different ending verse. . .
(July 6, 2016 - 4:33 pm)
Taylor Swift is awesome! Best SONG WRITER and SINGER EVER! Her songs are VERY appropriate in my opinion, better than the other junk we have today. I do not like Hamilton. I love Carrie Underwood too!!!!!!!!!!!
(July 6, 2016 - 6:23 pm)
Sorry Elmodaisy. I just never really found her music that great. But I DO agree that we have much worse stuff on the radio from the pop, hip-hop, and rap culture that the US has developed. Yes, not everything from those genres are bad. And no, Taylor Swift is not the worse in her genre. I am just not a huge fan of it.
I do have to admit, though, I love the song Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift. Mainly because, like I said before, it relates to the Hunger Games. And it is much more appropriate, in my mind. But everyone has different standards.
Who is Hamilton?
(July 6, 2016 - 10:44 pm)
Hamilton is a musical following the life of Alexander Hamilton in the revolutionary war. I've never seen it, but the soundtrack is pretty good, and has become very popular since it was released.
(July 7, 2016 - 6:23 am)
actually, Ashlee, I dislike safe and sound! *laughs* I am not allowed to watch or read the hunger games. Or Percy Jackson. Hamilton is this artist that most people it seems on the CB like. I tried a song but couldn't sit through it.
(July 7, 2016 - 6:45 am)
Thank you, HOB and Elmbodaisy! Hunger Games is pretty good - not the best - but good. Although I can see why you are not allowed to watch/read it. It has... moments. Sort of inappropriate at times. Although PJ? I cannot think anything off the top of my head with that. It does have a lot of violence, though. And so does HG.
I'll have to check out Hamilton. That is all many CBers seem to discuss, so I might as well check it out.
(July 7, 2016 - 1:38 pm)
The Hunger Games movies are rated PJ-13 baisicly for violence. Also, the books are way better than the movies. Personally, the best song that I have found that goes along well with the Hunger Games is "Heartbeat Song" and I forgot who that was by, but I can look it up for you if you want.
(July 8, 2016 - 7:36 am)
I think I recognize the song's title. The best for Hunger Games in my opinion, is the Hanging Tree, actually sang by Jennifer Lawrence (the actress for Katniss in the movies). She actually sang the song in the book - if that makes any sense - to, who? Prim? In the end of the second book, I believe. Both the movies and books are good, but I prefer the books. The movies always exaggerate the romance and cut good scenes. The violence doesn't bug me.
(July 8, 2016 - 2:31 pm)
Hamilton isn't an artist! It's a musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton and it is unbearably amazing. It's written by Lin-Manuel Miranda who also plays Alexander Hamilton and who is the most amazing genius on the planet Earth/The Entire Universe. There are 46 songs and no scenes in between them, and you definitely need to listen to it because it is the most amazing thing on the face of the Earth and you will be completely blown away. It just set the record for most Tony nominations, with 16, and won 11 of them, just 1 away from the record for most Tony's. But 2 categories have multiple nominees in each and so Hamilton couldn't have won all of them. But it won Best Musical and Best Score, among other things, and it's way better than the musical that got 12 tony's. Michelle Obama has proclaimed it the best piece of art in any form she has ever seen, and I fully agree. You just need to ignore the swears. I should probably stop talking now. Bye!
(July 7, 2016 - 4:46 pm)
Thank you, The Riddler! I'll see how it is if I get the chance.
(July 7, 2016 - 6:51 pm)
Oh my Luna, other CBers like Halsey, I think I'm exploding. My favorite song by her is most definitely Colors, and u know it seems like I like it just because it's a single, but I just love it. Also Gasoline is good. And Ghost, but I think I just like that one because the verses sound like taps and I love rapping. (CoughcoughHAMILTONcoughcough) Castle is probably my favorite to sing though. Blah, why do I have so many favorites?
Also I love Lindesy Stirling and Alessia Cara too!
And, yeah, I am kinda fading out of the Taylor Swift faze, I don't really listen to her stuff anymore, but hey, I was memorizing her songs when I was three years old, so it's not something I'm letting go of that easily.
(July 7, 2016 - 1:45 pm)
I like Electro music currently, so mainly Daft Punk, but I also DJ and have created some electro songs myself!
(July 7, 2016 - 6:53 pm)
Ok, here is my list of favorite songs;
Son of Flynn, remixed by Moby By Daft Punk
Harder Better Faster Stronger By Daft Punk
Superheroes By Daft Punk
Human after All By Daft Punk
Alive 2007 an Album by Daft Punk
Orange Crush By R.E.M., which I would love to discuss. It has a great double meaning.
Bad Day by R.E.M.
Phase Two by Dakaiju
Double Fisted Attack by Dakaiju
25 album by Adele
Maybe something else, but that is the main thing.
(July 8, 2016 - 7:32 am)