Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
First of all, I only say any of this because I LOVE YOU GUYS.
I just saw what happened on the Evil AE War, and I am ashamed of you! Just because you are all RPing as "rude" AEs doesn't mean you should be, to put it bluntly, downright mean.
See, a little while ago I was mad because everyone copied my idea: to make a person that I could act like who was my polar opposite/insane. That was my AE, Masked Piester. She was the first true AE. BTW, the CB has deliberated and Masked Piester was definitely first, so don't try anything. A bunch of people copied me, and many of them started having about 3 AEs each.
I felt that Masked Piester had been discarded, and that the CB was in control of the AEs.
So I withdrew Masked Piester from the CB, saying she would not return.
There was backlash. I put her back in eventually (due to peer pressure), and the CB agreed that everyone having more than two AEs was TOO MUCH.
Eventually, I took a hiatus from the CB. I returned to find many new members, with all of them having AEs and many having more than two. I was hurt that no one had mentioned the "no more than two AEs each" rule in my absence, but said nothing because everything seemed to be working well.
The crush war was even fun.
However, it is ALWAYS a bad idea to have a TWO-SIDED war. Once the CB had a "Ruler of the Chatterbox AE Contest" and it ended... badly.
So I have made a decision.
I am pulling both Baelfire and Masked Piester from the CB.
Until everyone promises to a) NEVER make another AE without first checking to see "how would this HELP the Chatterbox, not just myself" and B) NEVER START ANOTHER TWO-OR-THREE-OR-WHATEVER SIDED AE WAR, MP AND BAE ARE NOT COMING BACK.
I'm sorry for shouting, and I love you all.
(June 25, 2016 - 2:18 pm)
Nobody likes the fruit roll-ups so we're throwing them out and buying some triple-chewy toffee.
I think a lot of "wars" start out as innocent, ahem, discussions and get out of hand. We just have to be careful with our tempers, put things in perspective, and try our best to realize when we're just rage typing.
(June 28, 2016 - 9:09 am)
l'm only adding my two cents to this, l'm not really involed in any of this Alter Ego stuff anymore (R.I.P Silvery Ink, l never liked you anyways.)
For Ski Lodges and CB stories, 3+ alter egps is just really a pain for the person writing it, it's distracting from the real people involed in it. They are fun and all, but you do have to draw a line somewhere.
(June 27, 2016 - 11:33 am)
@South Dakota I mean Shadow Dragon: Very true... whenever someone says "I'm bringing all of my AEs!" I think ugh.
@Somebody: Don't worry, there's still toffee found in the coffee grounds. Stay a while. These newbies will grow on you.
(June 27, 2016 - 3:31 pm)
Brook, I'm sorry.
Here's my story, truthfully and uncencered:
When Evil Devin first came on the CB, I thought, Okay, cute! Now Dev has to be allied with someone he completely hates and Feather loves. This will be fun! So I kind of accepted the Devin/Dev idea and decided I'd have a little fun with it. But to be honest, the Fúdìmó/MewFour vs. Dev/Devin thing was completely unexpected for me. I didn't see exactly what they thought was going to happen, so I went along with it. Peer pressure, I suppose.
But then Mei and I-- or, I suppose, Mei and Feather-- started "debating." Except I get really into debates. I can't stop. I have to prove myself right, and I get incredibly frustrated when people keep arguing, especially when they're stupid reasons or ones that have already been addressed. When I realized that was happening, I said, All right. I'm not doing this anymore, then, and I just left the thread because I didn't want to get out of control.
So I honestly don't know what's happening and if it's as bad as you say then I don't want to.
Here's a bit more talking.
To be honest, I agree with the 2 AEs limit. Once it goes over, it gets really confusing. There are so many AEs right now I honestly can't keep track, and I get confused and have to go on the AE census all the time so I can get everyone straight. I think it's good that everyone gets a chance to have an AE or two, but too many and it gets out of hand. That's why I never really made a third AE-- I simply didn't see the point. I'd probably end up not using it, and it would just be more confusing for everyone.
Also, I have to agree with South Dakota. So many CAPTCHAs and AEs make it really hard to write a Ski Lodge.
(June 27, 2016 - 3:10 pm)
I only have two AES, and I made them Alter Egos.
I'm super bad at portraying them.... But they are legitimately diffent, darker sides of myself put into Grasshopper and KitKat (Cricket)
Grasshopper is rude and loves messing with people! I do too, but in reality I keep !my rude remarks to myself instead of insulting people.....I'd probably be a bully if I let him shine through. I bet I'd even loose a couple friends.
KitKat is the murderous, evil villain, depressed and insane side of me. It only shines through with close friends, when I will start making jokes about blood, death, murder, killing everybody....ect.
I thought that's what AEs were supposed to be, I guess. So I modelled mine after them, to kind of show people that...I'm weird...and different. They are both a part of me, Katydid. Without them...well, people probably wouldn't notice, but I would.
I feel like some people make them for the heck of it. I did originally, actually. When I made Grasshopper. Making AES was 'in' so I made mine. But as his personality shone through...I realized we were one person.
Bug. Whatever.
I don't know where I'm going with this.
I really love your AES, Brookeira, and you are fabulous too, but I understand why you want to revoke them.
I legitimately barely use my AES....
But they will miss you, Baelfire and MP.
Now I'm depressed after writing this, for some weird reason. Huh. Maybe KitKat is lonely. Guess I'll just have to find a way to send her back to her room in the dark, recesses of my mind!
I love y'all, big or small. <3
(June 27, 2016 - 4:36 pm)
It's the same thing with me. Princess Icicle is literally my Alter Ego. She is my jealous, bitter, haughty, and condescending side. She is the way I feel inside my head sometimes, and she is my temper which sometimes comes out of me on it's own accord. I made her because I was needing a outlet, and I had been considering creating her for a long time.
(June 27, 2016 - 5:05 pm)
PLEASE. Just because I came here, like, seven months ago (My first post was in October, but I never posted so it doesn't count) DOES NOT MEAN I'M A NEWBIE!!! I know the CB back and front, all the hacks, tricks, topping secrets, everything. Just because the older CBers don't know me doesn't mean I don't dedicate hours and hours of my time to the Chatterbox. Does not mean that I don't have many, many, CB friends. Does not mean I'm not listed as one of the "prominent" or "popular" CBers (I don't belive in it either, just saying). Does not mean I don't know how this place works. I don't use texting language. I care about grammar.
(June 27, 2016 - 6:22 pm)
I'm not aware of anyone saying that being a newer CBer was a bad thing. Being a newer CBer just is. I was new once too. I actually started a war by accident, in my young, bad-grammer, hot-headed days... *cringes*
Hey, hear's a good idea. If you don't believe in something, don't participate it or reference it. By referencing how you're "popular" you're giving it value in your world and condradicting how you're saying it "doesn't matter". It looks to me like due to the fact you randomly brought it up, you do care at least a bit.
ALL OF YOU NEW PEOPLE: I REALLY DO NOT CARE THAT YOU'RE NEW. Honestly we need some new life. But you guys aren't really giving the CB new life. It's just old stuff, taking out of context without commitment or meaning. AEs becoming random crazies running around on sugar highes instead of well thought, carefully made alter egos. I know there are some of you guys out there creative and awesome, SO SHOW THIS TOO ME.
(June 28, 2016 - 8:57 am)
Well, that makes me super insignificant... Because apparently, I don't have any CB friends...
Sorry, sorry, that was bitter. Sorry.
Mei, you're an amazing, super prominent CBer. No one is calling you otherwise. But... If I may ask it... Could you not make it seem like CBers don't matter if they don't spend hours on here? And are unpopular and don't have any friends? Well, I guess I don't matter that much, but I like to feel like I do.
(June 28, 2016 - 9:59 am)
Booksy! You're an awesome, amazing, kind, sweet CBer. I don't know if you consider me one of your CB friends, but I definitely consider you one of mine. Don't you dare think that you aren't importent, or well liked, or just incredibly cool.
(June 28, 2016 - 7:52 pm)
Thank you. SO MUCH. And YES, I do consider you as one of my friends, though I could never hope to be one in return... Thank you.
(June 29, 2016 - 7:44 pm)
Lyra; *looks away, holding back pained tears*
Maple: Oh Brook. I understand.
Lyra: *mumbling* I don't...
Maple: you arnt even real, get out of here.
Maple: it's your descision. Your making the right choice
(June 27, 2016 - 6:28 pm)
Brookeira, may I please still incorportate MP into my Ski Lodge, the Island Paradise Resort one? She's already in it, and I have plans for her.
(June 27, 2016 - 7:22 pm)
@Owlgirl: Yes.
(June 28, 2016 - 8:28 am)
Oh, that's sad. Baelfire was just starting to grow on me.
Also, I totally understand what you're getting at. I do agree that AEs can get very confusing, and there may seem like too many. (I know, because I drew all the AEs from the AE Crush thread) But I disagree about the 'only two' limit. I have three AEs; MewFour, 8-Piece, and Nougat. And when I created, I never did so because I wanted an AE simply because other people had one.
MewFour I made because I loved Pokemon, and really liked writing about vain characters. I thought he'd be fun to have, and fun to dole out his ego and boasts. 8-Piece I made because he seemed fun to draw, and to combat MewFour. Nougat because I needed somewhere to putput my puns, and share the lightest side of myself.
It's kind of hard to make an AE that will 'help the Chatterbox', in a sense. AEs are made because you want them to be made. If they particpate in things, cool. But I'm not quite sure what you're getting at by saying help the Chatterbox, though. If you could explain, please...
P.S. Also, on the AE War. MewFour is my AE, and he was on Fudimo's 'side'. I did participate inthe first part, when we were deciding whether it was an RP, or whatever. But when it desceneded ino arguments similar to the ones on the Political Thread, I stopped writing on it. It just turned into bickering and fighting, and that was not what it was made for.
(June 27, 2016 - 7:24 pm)