CB Record book!
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket
CB Record book!
CB Record book!
This is exactly what the name sounds like: A place to keep record of everyone!
It's like another way of organizing the CB, but people are less likely to be offended, since there is no ranking in this one.
It's basically a survey, or a charrie sheet.
CB name:
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial):
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined:
How you came up with name:
Link to introduction thread, if applicable:
CAPTCHA's name:
CAPTCHA's appearance:
Number of Æs:
Their names:
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc:
Roleplays you are in:
How did you come up with your name:
CB personality (3 sentence limit):
And here is my entry/page:
CB name: Mei-xue
Real name(optional): It's a secret…Mwahaha!!!
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined: October 7, 2015. Same as Scylla!
How you came up with name: Name of character in show.
Age(optional): 3.142592653589793238462643383279502884297169399375105820974944592307816406266208998626034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725354808128…Just kidding! (BTW, I typed that from memory.)
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: N/A. I just randomly signed up for an RP!
CAPTCHA's name: Xiǎo tùzǐ
CAPTCHA's appearance: Little white bunny! Extremely cute.
Number of Æs: 2
Their names: Hèmǐn and Fúdìmó
Their appearances: They are the Chinese Hermione and Voldemort, respectively.
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Hèmǐn's crushes are 8-Piece, Torstyn, and Dev. Fúdìmó does not believe in love, so he looks down on Licorice.
Roleplays you are in:
Redone Harry Potter RP--balletandbow
True Selves RP--Me
Percy Jackson RP--Me
Warriors RP--Me
Marked RP--September
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I don't hide my flaws, feelings, or opinions. I'm rather fiery, I stand up for what I believe in and am interested in civil rights. I love the CB, and while most people try to keep their bad traits off of here, I throw myself into it and so all my flaws are visible.
HP hybrid House: Slytherdor.
Other: Harry Potter rules! Bunnies are cute! CB is the best!
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 1:44 pm)
(June 5, 2016 - 1:44 pm)
Oops the image...
(June 18, 2016 - 6:17 pm)