CB Record book!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CB Record book!

CB Record book!
This is exactly what the name sounds like: A place to keep record of everyone!
It's like another way of organizing the CB, but people are less likely to be offended, since there is no ranking in this one.
It's basically a survey, or a charrie sheet.
CB name:
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial):
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined:
How you came up with name:
Link to introduction thread, if applicable:
CAPTCHA's name:
CAPTCHA's appearance:
Number of Æs:
Their names:
Their appearances:
Their crushes, enemies, etc:
Roleplays you are in:
How did you come up with your name:
CB personality (3 sentence limit):
And here is my entry/page:
CB name: Mei-xue
Real name(optional): It's a secret…Mwahaha!!!
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): 
Date joined: October 7, 2015. Same as Scylla!
How you came up with name: Name of character in show.
Age(optional): 3.142592653589793238462643383279502884297169399375105820974944592307816406266208998626034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725354808128…Just kidding! (BTW, I typed that from memory.)
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: N/A. I just randomly signed up for an RP!
CAPTCHA's name: Xiǎo tùzǐ 
CAPTCHA's appearance: Little white bunny! Extremely cute.
Number of Æs: 2
Their names: Hèmǐn and Fúdìmó
Their appearances: They are the Chinese Hermione and Voldemort, respectively.
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Hèmǐn's crushes are 8-Piece, Torstyn, and Dev. Fúdìmó does not believe in love, so he looks down on Licorice.
Roleplays you are in: 
Redone Harry Potter RP--balletandbow 
True Selves RP--Me
Percy Jackson RP--Me
Warriors RP--Me
Marked RP--September 
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I don't hide my flaws, feelings, or opinions. I'm rather fiery, I stand up for what I believe in and am interested in civil rights. I love the CB, and while most people try to keep their bad traits off of here, I throw myself into it and so all my flaws are visible. 
HP hybrid House: Slytherdor.
Other: Harry Potter rules! Bunnies are cute! CB is the best!
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 1:44 pm)

CB name: hotairballoon, but couldn't you tell that by looking at the name underneath the post?

Real name: Nope. 

CB appearance: No thanks. Not into that avatar creator. 

Date joined: April 30th, 2014 (B.C.)

How you came up with name: Owl city song, for the fifth time

Age: Twelve (billion)

Link to introduction thread: Didn't make one. My very first post was on crowd sorcery, under my real name.

CAPTCHA's name: Dolphin. I was reaaally creative at age 10.

CAPTCHA's appearance: Take a wild guess.

Number of AEs: One

Their names: Spyro

Their appearances: Dark purple dragon with yellow wings and underbelly, and red / silver markings.

Their crushes, enemies, etc.: Crush on Shifting, enemy of everyone. Especially me.

Roleplays you are in:

Uhhh... alter ego school RP. I don't join a lot.

CB personality: Half the time I'm hyperenergetic, nervous, and awkward, and the other half of the time, I'm reserved, nervous, and awkward. I regret most of the things I post, create, take part in, etc. Oh well.

HP hybrid house: Don't know or care. Didn't really take to that series anyway.

Other: It's currently 5:35 PM, Eastern Standard Time, and I'm BORED. Also, Dolphin just said "rmmm," so apparently she identifies as a motorcycle.


submitted by hotairballoon
(June 5, 2016 - 4:36 pm)
CB name: September 
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Megan H. 
CB appearance(anime avatar creator):
Date joined: 4/24 
How you came up with name: My favorite book character 
Age(optional): 12 
Link to introduction thread, if applicable:
CAPTCHA's name: I don't have one yet 
CAPTCHA's appearance:
Number of Æs: 1
Their names: Cortana 
Their appearances: A shape-shifter, so whatever she feels like. She's being a cat right now, before that, she was a quill 
Their crushes, enemies, etc: N/A
Roleplays you are in:
Argwen RP by Echo
4 so I RP by Vikki
Medieval RP by Rose Bud
Overnight Camp RP by Natalie
Marel RP by Natalie
Marked RP by Me
The Jungle RP by Shai
The Masters RP by Archmage
CB personality:Hmmm... I haven't really thought about this...I'll post this later.  
HP hybrid House: Slytherclaw 
Other: N/A
submitted by September
(June 5, 2016 - 4:37 pm)

My CB appearance didn't show! Let me try again: 


Sorry, everything after the colon is blank.


submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 4:49 pm)

CB name: Mirax T.

Real name: Not telling

Date joined: February 5, 2016. I just realized I've been on here four months!

How you came up with the name: It's a charrie's name in the Star Wars: X-Wing series.

Age: 12

Link to introduction thread:http://www.cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox/downtoearth/node/200084

Captcha's name: Whistler

Captcha's appearence: A green R2 unit.

Number of AEs: two!

Their names: Sprankje, and Mrs Elton.

Their appearences: I'll post pictures.

Their crushes: Sprankje has a slight crush on 8-piece, and has vowed to pickpocket Hemin. Mrs Elton has a crush on Thorn.

Roleplays you are in: Oddly enough, I think I'm only in one or two. I'm in the Kastro Elenchou RP by St. Owl, and a couple others which I'm not sure are dead or not.

CB personality: I try to be as kind as possible. I pop up where you least expect me. I'm a crazy fangirl.    

HP hybrid House: I've no idea. I've taken a lot of different "What's you hybrid house" quizes, and gotten a different answer everytime. I'm a Gryffindor on Pottermore.

Other: May the force be with, and live long and prosper.

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, Coruscant
(June 5, 2016 - 4:51 pm)
CB name: Bluebird
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Amelia... it says that in a lot of the RP's I'm in.
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): See below. (It might not show because I can't crop off the web adress)
Date joined: April 11, 2016
How you came up with name: I love the color blue! And bluebirds are symbols of happiness, which I liked.
Age(optional): 12
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: 
(If it doesn't show the whole thing the node number is 212175 
CAPTCHA's name: Cha Cha
CAPTCHA's appearance: She looks just like Cha Cha from Grease(the musical).
Number of Æs: 1
Their names: Eyeless Jack
Their appearances: Empty eye sockets, medium brown hair, wears a black hoodie and a blue mask showing only his eyes(he is pretty much exactly like Eyeless Jack the creepypasta, if you've ever heard of it)
Their crushes, enemies, etc: He sort of has a crush on Crysti...
Roleplays you are in:
Mega Charrie sheet RP
Marked RP
True Selves RP
Argwen RP
Worlds RP
Enchanted Fores Chronicles RP
Historical Fic RP
CB personality (3 sentence limit): I don't really know. My personality changes from day to day, but I think I'm pretty much just a basic fangirl. 
Other: Lavender is my sister. 
Bluebird, please delete the web address at the top of the picture and resubmit it.
submitted by Bluebird
(June 5, 2016 - 4:53 pm)

I will be staying as far away as possible from your alter ego at all times

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 5, 2016 - 7:52 pm)


submitted by Top!
(June 5, 2016 - 4:54 pm)
CB name: Shadow Dragon
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Jessica.
CB appearance (anime avatar creator): l'm too lazy to use to avatar creator, and l just depicit myself as a black dragon anyways. 
Date joined: 4/10/15
How you came up with name: l like shadows and dragons, l guess. 
Age(optional): 12
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: N/A, l didn't make one. 
CAPTCHA's name: Cyclone
CAPTCHA's appearance: l have no idea....
Number of Æs: Negative zero.
Their names: Completely nonexistant.
Their appearances: Invisible.
Their crushes, enemies, etc: Neutral. 
Roleplays you are in:
Dragonrider RP, by Maple
Evil's Revenge by Buggy
The Kástro Elénchou RP, by St.
CB personality (3 sentence limit): l'm blunt, dark, sarcastic, not very active, somewhat cool-headed, and l hate perfection. 
Harry Potter Hybrid: Don't know, don't care. l don't even like Harry Potter.  
Other: l'm distracted and can't focus on anything...gahhhh....
submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Everest
(June 5, 2016 - 8:31 pm)

I'll try again:

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 8:47 pm)
CB name: Scylla
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Scylla C.
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): Nunquam
Date joined: 10/7/15
How you came up with name: It clicked with me. Completely random, but I love it.
Age(optional): 447. Believe it, it's true. 
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: I slunk out of the shadows, I did not make a flashy introduction thread. 
CAPTCHA's name: Eo-Lahallia
CAPTCHA's appearance: Tiny shape-shifter.
Number of AEs: 1
Name: Charybdis
Appearance: A whirlpool with sharp things flashing out of it
Crushes, enemies, etc: None. 
Roleplays you are in: Worlds RP (Vikki), Warriors RP (Mei-xue)
CB personality (3 sentence limit): ...
Other: ...
submitted by Scylla
(June 5, 2016 - 8:52 pm)

Wait, your real name is actually Scylla?

submitted by ❤️Mei-xue❤️ , Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 9:50 pm)

Most likely.

submitted by Scylla
(June 6, 2016 - 7:53 am)

And also my HP house is pure Ravenclaw. I've never gotten anything else in quizzes.

submitted by Scylla
(June 7, 2016 - 5:17 pm)
CB name: balletandbow (NO caps)
Real name (optional, but only first name, last initial): Sorry, my mom won't let me tell. 
CB appearance(anime avatar creator): Uh.... I'll attach it to the bottom
Date joined: Septemeber 8, 2015
How you came up with name: It's my username for like, everything
Age(optional): 12
Link to introduction thread, if applicable: Hmm... Lemme see... Aha!
CAPTCHA's name: Meox
CAPTCHA's appearance: A cute kitten. Y'all can elaborate for yourselves 
Number of Æs: 3
Their names: BowAndBalletTheMechanicalPencil (BABTMP [All caps, italic]), PieSlingerXtreme (PSXtreme, first three in caps), and Torstyn. 
Their appearances: So many pics! I'll have to put them in separate posts. 
Their crushes, enemies, etc: BABTMP: None all 'round. PSXtreme: Crush on Feisty, a random tendency to throw pies at everyone, but really nothing else. Torstyn: He's caught up in the whole Dev/Puck/Him/Elsa thing, has a MOJOR crush on Puck, and is literally TERRIFIED of Elsa. 
Roleplays you are in: Ok, let's see...
Marked RP
Mega Charrie Sheet RP
That's pretty much it. A couple of RPs I joined had died and then kinda come back, but then they died again... 
How did you come up with your name: Like I said, it's my username for like, EVERYTHING 
CB personality (3 sentence limit): Erm... Well, I'm a bit random and crazy at times, WAAAAAAAY to into our fun little AE Crush War, and kinda scatterbrained at times, so if I forget some thread, just tell me, PLEASE 
Hybrid House: Ravenpuff!!!!! Most normal quizzes I get Ravenclaw, but if I actually went to Hogwarts I would totally ask the Sorting Hat for Hufflepuff.  
Other: It's let 10 at night here, so I need to get to bed. 
submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(June 5, 2016 - 10:03 pm)

Ok here's BABTMP's pic... Oh and her house is Ravenclaw. She hasn't taken a hybrid quiz. 

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(June 5, 2016 - 10:04 pm)