Advice Anonymous

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Advice Anonymous

Advice Anonymous

Hello. I am a CBer not revealing his/her name. My CB name is not Anonymouse. I know there is a CBer called Anonymous, so I added an e to be AnonyMOUSE. This is an advice thread. Want to complain? Rant? Ask advice about a problem in your life? Here is the place. Anyone can post a problem of theirs, and anyone can offer advice. I suggest you all use an alias name for this, though it is not required. Do not try to guess who others are. This is private. I will be Anonymouse. 


CBer 1: My brother is violent. He punches me a lot. I'm scared of him. What should I do?

CBer 2: You should tell your parents or a counselor. They can help you.

CBer 3: I agree with CBer 2. You might also want to tell him how you feel.  

Try to make the advice sympathetic and specific. Remember, you are writing to help somebody, not to make it interesting to read.  

Some Suggestions for Aliases:



-Person With A Problem

-A Friend


Here we go!  

submitted by Anonymouse
(November 25, 2015 - 5:10 pm)

What I meant by "facing" is that I'm far too intelligent for their abscene STUPIDITY, but that is absolutely AMAZING advice. I love what you said about "shallow remarks", and those are typically what I get. But usually I repel them with a discussion about stuff that uses vocabulary. The people wander off, in a daze.... Sorry about that. They just don't- Nevermind. What gets to me is that everyone else like them. What's to like?

submitted by Water Drops
(December 6, 2015 - 8:04 pm)

It's because they think that they are "popular" and they want to be "popular" too. So just ignore the world.

submitted by Cho Chang
(December 7, 2015 - 11:32 am)

I 100% agree with Cho Chang. Who decided that the popular kids were popular? The popular kids! They've said what was cool and who was "good enough to be popular". Popular kids really just think they're better than anybody else because they were invited to more sleepovers or had the most followers on Instagram. They just want attention because they think they're so great that their worth everyone's attention. And they only pay attention to themselves and people who can make them more popular! This really isn't advice. I just wanted to put that out there.

submitted by Puppy
(January 23, 2016 - 1:48 pm)

Hey is anyone willing to keep this thread going and contribute? Because I need advice.

I think I'm depressed (but I'm not really sure) but I'm scared to tell my parents. I guess I'm afraid they won't take me seriously? Like they'll think it's just me being 14, that all 14 yr olds are "emotional" and I'll get over it in a couple years. Also I'm afraid that even if they do agree that I've been showing signs of depression, my mom won't let me get medication for it bc she doesn't like giving kids drugs that affect their brains, and she'll just use her natural remedies on me, and I won't get better.

Maybe this could just be an anonymous confessions thread, because I don't think any of you can give me advice, maybe just moral support.

submitted by Anonymoose, age 14
(January 10, 2016 - 10:38 am)

Dear Anonymoose,

That's a tough one. But think why you are depressed. Can you control it? Ex. A friend is giving you a hard time. If you're good enough friends and you value them, then tell them! If you start with, "I'm telling you this because I trust you" or something like that, it will set a positive mood. If you don't mind losing this person as a friend, stay with people who will support you. They're less likely to pick on you in front of other people. Also, do this:

Mean Person: You're so stupid!

You:  You're right, the weather is nice today.

Mean Person:Uh, no. I said you were stupid.

You: Oh this old thing, I got it at Marshalls.

Mean Person:I don't think you understand,I called you stupid.

You: Yeah, it was only $9.25

Mean Person: Umm...:/ 

And if you can't control the situation, then ask an adult who may be able to. Other than that: Think happy thoughts? My CAPTCHA said toad. Maybe buying a pet toad will solve the problem. Great advice Mr.Cappington!

submitted by Puppy
(January 23, 2016 - 2:27 pm)
submitted by top dude
(January 10, 2016 - 1:49 pm)

So, I'm on this website, and I've been on there a long time... and I've liked it alright. But I feel that no one seems to appreciate me on there. They appreciate older people, and go gaga about someone having been on a long time while there are people who have been on for literally like half a decade and they don't appreicate those people at all. I try to participate a lot and even when I do they complain about "Oldies" "not posting at all" even as people who have actually been on a long time post a lot. They never really bother listening to my imput, and I have other friends. I'm seriously considering leaving, which I have very nearly done before, but when I do then I get guilt tripped by a bunch of people virtually crying and saying how they don't want me to leave and how they appreciate me. I actually did leave -- and I came back, because they said they appreciated me. And, well, I'm still on the website, but it seems to me that no one appreciates me. It's a toxic relationship, and I can't even properly express myself about it because I just have this thing about me, I don't know what it is, but if I tell them I think they're doing something bad they never listen to me. I need advice on how to leave, without having a bunch of people virtually crying and guilt tripping me. I'm considering just slipping off cuz -- it's not like they care. If they did care, they would include me, respect me, and care for me and notice if I left. 

submitted by offended humaniod
(January 10, 2016 - 2:29 pm)

I'll do my best to give you my advice, and I'm also going to voice my own opinion on the same matter here.  Also, I’m going to talk to you like an adult.  If you get offended, I’m sorry, but the real world isn’t always kind, it can be mean and cold.  I will be very polite about it though.  Gah, this got long fast.

One thing that jumps right out at me is, if these people aren't talking specifically to you, or about you, when they talk about "Oldies" never posting, try not to take offense, they probably don't even mean you.  If they do talk specifically about you, and you are still very or at least semi active, then you could reply politely that yes you are still around, and you could also mention that it hurts your feelings when people just assume you're not around.

People tend to miss what isn't there, and talk about it, rather than acknowledging what is still there.  Let's say you are used to get a certain sweet or something at a specific time each day.  You go into the same store every day to buy that sweet.  Then one day you arrive to find out they no longer carry it!  You never acknowledged how much you enjoyed getting that sweet every day, you took it for granted, but now that it's gone you go to the manager of the store and complain.  You go to your friends and complain.  Because it's no longer there, you miss it.

Another thing is, and I really hate to say it, please don't take offense, but perhaps you're being a bit too needy.  Perhaps you need to take a step back from the situation and see if what you really want is to be "popular" among these peers.  Or if you have a chip on your shoulder from people "ignoring" you without really meaning to.  A lot of times people don't always mean what they say, and a lot of times things can be misinterpreted.  I could also be seeing this entirely wrong, and I'm sorry if I offended you.

Now, down to your question about how to leave graciously, if you actually want to.  The first step with this is to decide whether or not you actually want to leave.  If you think you'll come back occasionally, maybe four or five times a month or so, then say so.  Say you're not leaving entirely, that you'll come on every once in awhile, but you will not be as active as before.  If you decide that you are actually leaving for good, and that you'll never post again, then say you're leaving for good.  And mean it.  If you say you're going to do something, do it.  Don't say something and then come back the next day and say 'nevermind, I'm staying'.  If you don't want to see people complaining about you leaving, and trying to guilt trip you into staying, then don't come back and look at your post.  It's guaranteed that if you post that you're leaving, someone will ask you to stay, someone will get all pouty faced on you.  So if you really don't want to see those peoples posts, don't come back to read it.  

To me, at least with your last line, I'm considering just slipping off cuz -- it's not like they care. If they did care, they would include me, respect me, and care for me and notice if I left.“ , it seems as if the guilt tripping is going each way.  If you want people to care, if you want to be respected, don’t guilt trip, don’t whine and complain when people don’t acknowledge your every small whim.  If you wish to be respected, respect others, try to put yourself in other people's shoes.

So, if you don’t actually care what people say, if you really don’t want to stay anymore, and if you don’t want to give anyone the chance at guilt tripping you, then do exactly that.  Leave without saying anything.  Nobody will hold it against you, they’ll probably wonder what happened, but life goes on.  And if you are getting so many negative thoughts and feelings because of this site, it would probably be better to just leave.

If you just say you're leaving to get attention, and come back hoping people will pay more attention to you, sorry, it doesn't work that way.  It's selfish.  Don't do it. People won’t give you more attention simply because you didn’t leave.

About people not listening to you, that frustrates me at times too, but you can’t control how people will react and you can’t make them listen.  So there’s really not much you can do about them not listening to you. Just learn to understand that people don't always listen.

So, I believe your actual question was how to leave without people moaning and guilt tripping and complaining.  The only real way to do that would be to leave without posting anything saying you’re leaving.  If you say you’re leaving, then people will cry, people will try to get you to stay.  If you don’t want to do that, if you don’t want to leave without saying you’re leaving, you’ll have to grow some thick skin.  You’ll have to be able to ignore what people say, or like I said earlier, you can post you’re leaving and then not come back to look at the comments.

Here’s a little example of a way to express that you don’t wish for anyone to try to get you to stay, though they probably will anyway.

Hey guys!  It’s been a fun ride, and I’ve really enjoyed the time I have spent here on this site, but the time has come for my life to move on, and it’s moving away from here.  Please don’t try and get me to stay, I’ve made up my mind and don’t want to have sad feelings about leaving.  I’d like to leave happy and not hurt.  Thanks for all the memories!  Goodbye!  

Now for my little spiel on the “Oldies” of the CB, but more specifically, how people on the CB treat them.  Point number one, they are not idols, don’t idolize them.  Point two, they are people just like everyone else, just like you, just like me.  Just because they’ve been on this site for awhile doesn’t mean that they are gods.  Point three, it hurts everyone else’s feelings when you idolize these few people.  We’re here too, and we don’t like feeling inferior.  Point four, don’t make a huge hullabaloo when/if they decide to leave.  It’s their choice to and they wouldn’t say they were leaving unless they wanted to.  Don’t try and get them to stay by whining and complaining, no one enjoys that.  

Now, after I’ve said that here’s things that are still fine to do, you can admire people!  You can say you enjoy reading the things they post.  But please don’t say things like, “They’re better than so-and-so.”, be polite, be courteous, and always think before you speak.  If you like the way someone writes, or creates characters, or anything, then give specifics.  Say something like, “Gee, I really admire the way Holly writes dialogue, she makes if flow very well.”  Now, in my opinion, people have extremely thin skin these days and get offended way too easily.  Seriously, stop looking for a reason to be offended.

Yeah, my long drawn out help.  I hope it actually helps, and I am sorry if I inadvertently offended you, or anyone else, in any way, shape, or form.

submitted by Anony-Musing
(January 10, 2016 - 6:53 pm)

Are you talking about CB???? 

submitted by Questioner
(January 10, 2016 - 8:54 pm)

I agree with Anony-Musing. If this website causes you so much misery, just leave and don't look back. Simply make a not-overly-dramatic post saying that you're leaving (you don't even have to say why!) and leave. Don't check the comments on the post. Just post it, delete your web history, and go.

(captcha says GOEE. pretty sure that's a sign from the captcha gods.) 

submitted by Anonymoso
(January 13, 2016 - 4:42 pm)

@Anonymooe: I know how you feel. Tell your mother about this and tell her it came from another person who had depression. Depression isn't good. If it gets to the point where you need medication, get medication. Dont get bad medication, just some medication that maybe will help you. You don't want it to be around for years. Now, don't be scared of depression, you can live with it for awhile. I did. But it was miserable. If you can fix it. You definitely should.  For me, I didn't just have a slight sad mood for awhile, I felt like I had a weight on my chest I couldn't get rid of. Just try to be as happy as you can! Talking and hanging out with friends helps. I'll be praying for you! Tee tee afin, tah, tah for now!

submitted by A Sympathizer
(January 11, 2016 - 5:47 pm)

I, for one, respect and appreciate everyone. I bear you no ill will and hope you choose to stay because there's a good chance you're in my ski lodge! 

I think that what we need to remember about the "Oldies" is that they were once new CBers. It's just time that's made them "idolized." This doesn't need to happen, and they aren't always the most skilled authors, or the best editors, or the apex artists. (Sometimes they are, however.) They're just "worshipped" because they've been here for longer than the majority of us. The same could happen to any of us here. They just want to preserve what the CB once was and not make room for new traditions and CBers. I don't like it.

These are my thoughts on the matter. Good luck. 


I don't think anyone is opposed to new traditions and people. I prefer to think of everyone here in just one group: Chatterboxers! It doesn't matter to us how long you've been here. We enjoy hearing from all of you.


submitted by Water Drops
(January 11, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Oh, and, Humanoid- I'd probably notice if you left. I consider myself the somewhat "hawk of the CB" and try to notice things like that. I don't think others do because half the CBers listed in the "Missing CBers" thread aren't even missing. I'm not going to guilt-trip you because, even though I'm sometimes forceful and eloquent to twist people in my direction (Basically manipulative, just not in a really bad way) I won't twist you. 

submitted by Water Drops
(January 11, 2016 - 8:42 pm)

Oh no. Not the war.

submitted by 3.141459265358979323, age 8462643383, 27950288419716939937
(January 16, 2016 - 9:18 pm)

@Pi- I agree. I'll decide to just be oblivious to the "war."

I have a new problem!

My pet parakeet is getting out of hand. What should I do? 

submitted by Water Drops
(January 18, 2016 - 3:34 pm)