Talking thread!!!!!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Talking thread!!!!!

Talking thread!!!!!

Anyone up for it? Just want Talk about anything!!! Sad things, happy things, funny things, mad things.

Stuff like that!

Let's start with happy things....


Puppies! I have two beagles...

Now I gtg. Ill tell you the whole story behind them later!


submitted by Katydid
(November 4, 2015 - 6:37 pm)

I'm super really sad my cat is dying.

submitted by Joss
(November 11, 2015 - 11:03 am)

Oh, Joss, I'm sorry.

submitted by Sydney C., age 13
(November 11, 2015 - 2:07 pm)

Oh i'm sorry! Have hugs! *hugs!!!*

One time, when me and my brother were littler, we had a kitten and we would pull its tail. My dad talked with us about it, and told us if we continued to do so, it would die!

The next morning, it had died. My dad had buried it in the snow. Or so he told us. Recently, when. I asked, he said he had to shoot it. So yeah...

We've had a nice cat, the one i talked of, a mean cat. And then the two cats we have now, a hilarious, big, fat cat with black fuzzy fur who sleeps in the sink. His name is Pepper, and hes mine. And Ginger,  a long-haired, ginger-colored, old fart, who will come for pets all the time.

Ginger is old, so im not sure how much longer she'll live. I hope your cat has a peacful death, as that is the best i can wish.


submitted by Katydid
(November 11, 2015 - 2:45 pm)

Katydid, Joss, I know how hard it is to lose a kitty. My first one was Zoe. She lived to be really old and I'd love to say she had a peaceful life. Her sister, Chloe, died before I was born and Zoe died of cancer. It was sad. Then we got Catalina and Calypso. Despite their beautiful names, they were horrid and ran away. Now we have Leo and Lovie and they are the best cats anyone could ever ask for. 

submitted by Scylla
(November 11, 2015 - 4:58 pm)

Thank you guys!

submitted by Joss
(November 11, 2015 - 6:09 pm)

There's this girl in my Hebrew School class, and she is... not a nice person. She doesn't like me all that much, but she really picks on my friend, let's call her Lila. So, Lila said, "I'm going ice skating after school today!" and the other girl, let's call her Della, says: "So am I!" Then Della says: "What time are you going to be there? I need to know so I don't go then." Another example: My friend Rachel and I were playing with a basketball that we had borrowed from Rach's brother while he had lunch. When he finished, we would return the ball to him. Della started to play with us; we informed her about the deal and she seemed OK with it. Della was holding the ball when Rachel's brother came to ask for it back. Then Della exploded, and began yelling that he had no right to boss her around, and it wasn't HIS ball, and SHE was using and would never give it to him, thank you very much! We re-explained the deal, and she claimed she had no idea about it and that she had no part in the making of the deal and therefore was allowed to have the ball. This was UNTRUE, as we had TOLD HER about the specifics of it, and she had said "Ok, that's fine."

WHAT DO I DO ABOUT A GIRL LIKE THIS? Our common reaction has been to try to talk calmly and not blow up, but recently Rachel employed the comeback: "If I valued your opinion, I would be very insulted by that." Here's the thing: Della understands she is being rude, mean, and hurting other's feelings. She has no trouble blatantly announcing that she "hates" so and so RIGHT TO THEIR FACES. However, she seems not to understand that she could be  in the wrong when somebody gently accuses her of being rude! She is more than rude, she is downright mean.  It is not a consistant thing, sometimes she acts nice. I don't know. 

submitted by Abigail S. , age 11, Nose In a Book
(November 11, 2015 - 3:33 pm)

So remember when I told you guys about my seminar "friends"? Well they're not so much my friends anymore. They've been dissing me and looking at me weird and it hurts.

Hallia says ehdr. Friendship ender? Sure. 

submitted by Scylla
(November 12, 2015 - 10:28 pm)

I know how you feel. My (Used to be) friends started ignoring me and just being horrible. I know I can be kinda crazy sometimes, but they could have just told me I was annoying! And whenever the other one wasn't there, they would be friends with me again and they would act like nothing happened. 

submitted by Joss
(November 13, 2015 - 2:57 pm)

No, I think this is different. She's never been my friend really. She's mean to me and my friends then pretends we're the mean ones. 

submitted by Abigail S. , age 11, Nose in a Book
(November 14, 2015 - 10:52 am)

Have you confronted her about what she does? Do you think she purpously does it? Maybe you could try to counteract her meanness by doing nice things. Draw her a picture, be friendly, tell her jokes, maybe even get her a ball of her own! Just try to nice. 

submitted by Katydid
(November 14, 2015 - 11:25 pm)

Maybe there is something else going on in her life, but remember, love is NEVER for nothing.

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, At Hogwarts
(November 15, 2015 - 9:06 am)

I don't know what to do in this situation. Because I've basically been in it.

Okay so this girl (I'll call her Rianna) is part of our group at this homeschool get together. We are all the best of friends, even though she and the leader are the oldest (13) and the rest of us are younger (8). The leader moves away, and then a month later I am showing everyone how to do a flip on this bar thing. I do it, and then Rianna wants to do it next. So I let her do it. She messes up and then we are ALL laughing TOGETHER. Then she stops laughing and starts yelling. At ME. "Why are you laughing!? Oh, wait I remember. You've hated me since day one!" I am EIGHT at this time. An eight year old can't handle this. I am confused, and overwrought.

Four months later.

We are all at a VALENTINE'S DAY party. (How ironic.) We all play inside this stadium thing. We start playing the "favorite" game in this group. Stepping on each others' feet. It turns into kicking. All the other girls step out of the area except for us. I accidentally barely graze the side of her breast. She shrieks "Ow! That hurt!" And kicks me in the stomach hard.

I still am especially vulnerable in that area. I have to be especially careful I don't whack that area. I'm sorry I didn't help you much Abigail. It feels could to tell someone after four years. The anniversary is five next year. Go figure.

submitted by Cho C., age 12, At Hogwarts
(November 14, 2015 - 6:20 pm)

I did not realize how ranting can be good for you . . . I feel great!!!

submitted by Cho C., age 12, At Hogwarts
(November 15, 2015 - 9:10 am)

Haha yeah!

submitted by Joss
(November 15, 2015 - 4:19 pm)

I was just looking through old posts for TM. It was fun!

submitted by Scylla
(November 15, 2015 - 6:50 pm)