List of AEsT

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

List of AEsT

List of AEs

There's this "List of CBers" thread and I thought, we AEs don't get as much credit. Just because we're not totally sane! So discriminating, isn't it? We should be given a whole SECTION in the Chatterbox to ourselves where sane counterparts are NOT ALLOWED. We are WAAAAY more interesting than boring, old, mentally sound CBers! I decided we can at least  MAKE OUR PRESENCE KNOWN TO THE WOOOOORLD! AEs, kindly inform me if you exist so I can make a list. THE list! The BEST list! Better than any other list created on CB!

We will rule the world! *Attempts backflip and bellyflops* 

Pretend you didn't see that...

Until next time, my glorious servants—Er, I mean, FRIENDS. 

*Swings out on a rope with pens raining from the sky*


submitted by Critic A
(October 9, 2015 - 9:19 pm)

That you have but slumbered here, 

While these visions did appear...


submitted by Critic A
(October 20, 2015 - 5:48 pm)

Hehe! I'm named after this character! 

And this weak and idle theme,

no more yielding but a dream... 



submitted by Puck
(October 21, 2015 - 11:39 am)

From Milan did supplant good Prospero;

Exposed unto the sea, with hath requit it,

Him and his innocent child


submitted by Feather
(October 22, 2015 - 1:12 pm)

Hello! I am DITTY! I am TARDISrider's insane counterpart. I'm new, yet world famous for AWESOMENESS!

TARDISrider: Since when?

Ditty: You are not an AE! Get out!

TARDISrider:*eyeroll and walks out*

Ditty: There, npow where was I?

Oh, yes!

I am a singer, writer, and pretty much look like a normal human being, but I'm not. I am also half DRAGON! Giving me the ability to FLY!

TARDISrider is trying to get me to stop.

It won't work.




submitted by Ditty
(October 22, 2015 - 5:56 pm)

Good for you, resisting those evil sane counterparts, Ditty!

Now, does TARDISrider like ice cream?


*Abigail walks down a hallway...*

"Oh, look a bowl of vanilla ice cream! Yum!" 

*Grabs bowl*

*Net falls from ceiling and traps Abigail*

"CRITIC A!!!!!" 

submitted by Critic A
(October 22, 2015 - 8:16 pm)

She loves ice cream.

I can tell we're going to be good friends...

TARDISrider: I'm scared for my life.


submitted by Ditty
(October 23, 2015 - 3:53 pm)

Probably not. 

We should start the trapping phase NOW so that she can't sneak up on us anymore! 
submitted by Critic A
(October 23, 2015 - 8:40 pm)

I totally agree! I think this trapping buisness is a great prank by the way. AEs unite! Oh, and I have a suggestion: Do you think Pizza would work the same way as ice cream? Sometimes CBers are more attracted to pizza than ice cream.... toodles! I'm going to go try this prank on Joan! 


*Puck sets trap with Mint Chocalate Chip ice cream*

*Joan: "Mmm, Mint ice cream!"* *Runs to grab the ice cream and gets caught*

*Joan: "PUCK!!!!!!!"

*Puck: IT WORKED!!!!!!! This kind of pranking really pays off, I should try it more often!!!  

submitted by Puck
(October 23, 2015 - 10:07 pm)

(As if anyone would try to trap a dragon ;))

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(October 24, 2015 - 9:06 pm)

Don't worry. Got it covered.

*TARDISrider walks down a hallway and sees a bowl of choclate ice cream.*

TARDISrider (having completely forgotten previous conversation): OH, look! Ice cream!

*Picks it up, and drops down a trapdoor*


Ditty: Ha ha ha haha! Victory!

*Proceeds to victory dance* 

submitted by Ditty
(October 25, 2015 - 6:19 pm)

*This is- an automatic voice message system.

You already know what we said.

Thank you for using Automatic Voice Message System Inc.*

Well, well, well, Critic A, I think you may be on to something. Devil Owl, may I borrow a pie from you?

Wut kind of pi? Broclee or burusels sprout or-

Flaming brussels sprout pie, you imbicile, and for the poor people who cannot read your speech, "What kind of pie? Broccoli, brussels sprout, or-" is what you said, although even that wasn't said perfectly grammatically correct.

wutever, dont care. hears ur pi.

"Whatever, I don't care. Here's your pie." Thank you very much, Devil Owl.... let me see.... CBer trap... St.Owl likes.... bagels!

*This is- an automatic voice message system. 

Feather will be accounting what happens via normal print.

Thank you for using Automatic Voice Message System Inc.*

St.Owl walks into a room that has a tree and a flaming brussels sprout pie launcher in it.

She does not notice these things.

She notices a bagel.

She walks over to the bagel.

She gets caught in a rope trap that suspends her by her ankle.

*This is- an automatic voice message-*

OH WHATEVER WHO CARES ABOUT THE AUTOMATIC VOICE MESSAGES! *Squishes the Automatic Voice Message System Inc. communicator*

Oh, no, Dev, don't do that, St.Owl saved up a lot of money buying that!

Yeah, I did, now let me down!

Not a chance.... anyway, AEs, we're ready to have some fun...

Oh good grief. This does not sound good.... Feather, did the Alter Egos addle your brain?!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 24, 2015 - 10:48 am)


submitted by readers are us, age 10, home
(October 25, 2015 - 6:22 pm)

Yes, fun! That means pounding correct grammar into their heads, right, Feather? 

Oh, and writing, "Grammar rocks" all over Dev's vedgetable supply... IN SHARPIE!!!!!!

That's what you mean by fun, yes? 

Ookz: Ogza

Hey, that sounds like an almost halfway intelligent word! 

submitted by Critic A
(October 25, 2015 - 10:18 pm)


Oh, yes, let's do it! As long as Dev doesn't pound us to a pulp!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 26, 2015 - 5:19 pm)

Oh, we'll be able to do it! Let's go! He can't hit us with veggies if WE have them, right??

submitted by Critic A
(October 26, 2015 - 9:52 pm)