I am bored

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I am bored

I am bored and synesthetic, so I am making a list of people and the color of their names. If you don't know what synesthesia is, look it up on Wikipedia or read A Mango-Shaped Space. Also, I do not have the kind of synesthesia where you hear a noise and see a color, I have the kind that I just KNOW the color of words and some sounds. (What color, for examle is the word "moved"?) Those people I have forgotten, please just reply and I will add your name. For some reason, I seem to see the most words in some shade of red, pink, or blue.

Julia - Medium blue/shiny

Maddy - About the same color red as the background on this site/matte

Blair - Navy/matte

Paige - Sorry, gray, but your last name is pale yellow/matte

Lena - Dark pinkish red, but the "E" is white/sometimes matte, sometimes shiny

Jenni - Light bluish with a little tinge of gray/same as Lena

Willa - Chocolate brown/shiny

TNO - Black, but the "O" (Not the umlauts) is sometimes blue/shiny

Laura - Light browny-red/matte

Bekah - Powder blue, but REbekah is raisinish/matte, Rebekah is shiny

Kimberly - Light pink/matte

Meadow - very pale pine tree green/matte

Koffee - The color of coffee with a LOT of cream/shiny

Kake - Slightly darker pink than Kimberly/matte

Hope - Golden yellow/sometimes matte, sometimes shiny

Hannah - More orange than Hope/matte

Mary Jo - Mary is bright red, Jo is purplish royal blue/shiny


More later.



submitted by Brynne, age 13, A magic carpet
(March 14, 2009 - 3:23 pm)

It seems live everybuggy on here has a bit of it! Sorry, mine doesn't work with names so I can't tell you your names unless I spell them out.

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(March 20, 2009 - 8:08 am)

Well, the letters are different for me, except for C, but that's the same idea. I think everyone's synesthesia is different.

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(March 19, 2009 - 5:11 pm)

Hi, Willa!!!!!!!! We're on at the same time!!!!

submitted by Cara C., age 11, Imbler, OR.
(March 19, 2009 - 7:55 pm)

Yay, yellow's my favorite color!

submitted by Cara C., age 11, Imbler, OR
(March 19, 2009 - 10:19 pm)

I don't have it for individual letters, I think--just for words. I think it depends on the "E"s and "A"s. :)

Admin: yellow, but "D" is green and "A" is sometimes blue. :)
submitted by BellaTrix♡♥♡
(March 20, 2009 - 7:12 am)

I have a question that probably everyone knows and I feel dumb asking, but I'll ask it anyway: Does synthesia apply to other things, like people that taste words and stuff like that? Or is that called something else? Sorry, stupid question, but I was just wondering...

submitted by Koffee
(March 19, 2009 - 10:40 pm)

That wasn't stupid!!  I would have asked the same thing if my mind were smart enough!!!!!!

Here, I'll look it up.  (really, that was a GOOD question.)  (really)  :)

synesthesia |ˌsinəsˈθē zh ə| ( Brit. synaesthesia)noun Physiology Psychologythe production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.• the poetic description of a sense impression in terms of another sense, as in “a loud perfume” or “an icy voice.”DERIVATIVESsynesthete |ˈsinisˌθēt| |sɪnˈiːsθiːt| |-ˈɛs-| nounsynesthetic |-ˈθetik| |ˈsɪn1sˈθɛdɪk| |-ˈθɛtɪk| adjective

ORIGIN late 19th cent.modern Latin, from syn- [with,] on the pattern of anesthesia. 

submitted by Laura M., age 15, Santa Rosa, Ca
(March 20, 2009 - 1:05 pm)

Yes, it does apply. It isn't a stupid question!!! :) However, the kind of synesthesia we're talking about and that I think I have is color-grapheme synesthesia. There's also sound-color synesthesia, number form synesthesia, personification (that's what I have with the months and days of the week), and lexical-gustatory synesthesia. Basically, though, synesthesia is any jumbling of the senses. The most common kind is color-grapheme synesthesia, which I think I have. (When I was younger I actually saw material colors in the air, but not anymore. SIGH... :( ) Um, lest you think I'm a show-off, I looked it up on Wikipedia. I'm really interested in this. 

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(March 20, 2009 - 5:12 pm)

Oh, thanks, you guys! It was a stupid question since all of you kind of knew it and were'nt too lazy to look it up like I was, but you all are so nice that you pretend I'm not a complete freak (which I am)! I love you guys!

submitted by Koffee
(March 21, 2009 - 5:13 pm)

Since when were you a complete freak? As far as I know, you're not!!!

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(March 25, 2009 - 10:37 am)

Wow. That's really cool. THanks, everyone, for telling me what my name sounds like. Coolio. I wish I was synesthetic. That would be cool. Wow. Does anyone else see how my font just got big? Weird. hmmm. . . . 


submitted by poetonearth13, age less and m, next door
(March 20, 2009 - 7:02 pm)

No, I think the Admin change all the fonts. I copied and pasted a quiz off Word once that was in Papyrus, but they changed it to this font, whatever it is.

FYI, the font that is posted is built into the system. Admin doesn't change what is submitted. It's changed automatically.

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(March 21, 2009 - 7:07 am)

Oh, OK. 

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(March 21, 2009 - 5:08 pm)

Good.  Cause often I copy things off of other things, and my fonts are all mixed up, and it's crazy!!  (I like papyrus!)

submitted by Laura M, age 15, Santa Rosa, Ca
(March 21, 2009 - 11:08 pm)

My sister and I are crazy about fonts... :)

submitted by Lena G, age 11
(March 22, 2009 - 6:54 am)