Odd fears! This

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Odd fears! This

Odd fears! This is kinda ironic because of my name but here is my list of odd fears; please post yours!

shadows~hence the name

any kind of bug~Bookworm, you're not actually a worm, right?;( 

some cartoon characters~long story

Chiron~I dunno, just the way he trots gives me the chills

Siri~don't even ask

2 Disney movies~to be fair, I was 4

whistling~I always make sure to turn they volume down when I watch the Hunger Games in certain scenes

Dundundunnn, lollipops: I almost choked on 1 when I was little and I've never had another one since

You can see how I got the nickname, so if you have any odd fears please let me know.


By the way, did I just see a...LOLLIPOP! Ahhhhhh:o 

submitted by SoS, age 11
(April 5, 2015 - 3:49 pm)


1. Slow motion food

2. People making fish faces

3. couches with too many people on them

4. too much choices. THIS? THAT? I DON'T KNOW!!

submitted by Kandy Kate
(April 11, 2015 - 6:43 pm)

1) Roller coastersSurprised( i HATE them)

2) Barbies (sorry if anybody here likes them.)

submitted by Horse Spirit Girl
(April 12, 2015 - 5:10 pm)

Okay, I think this went from "odd fears" to "fears", so I'll just say mine:
1: Insects. Excluding ladybugs, dragonflies, and butterflies, YIKES!
2: Heights, but only a little.

3: Puberty. It creeps me out.

4: Deathly diseases... what if I catch one?!

5: Death. No, I mean really. Sometimes I'll just be sitting there and thinking, and then it comes up. Like, what happens to you? It's really, really creepy and it always makes my stomach lurch.

6: Birds, only a little. See, I had this nightmare once when I was little. Let me just tell it to you:
So I was sitting on my babysitter's lap when a cloth hopped by me. I knew, just because that's what happens in dreams, that there was something deadly under it. I pointed it out, but my babysitter hadn't seen it.

So later I was playing in my closet with her daughter. The closet had a brown curtain to cover it, see. And she left to use the bathroom. She was gone for a while. Then suddenly, the door creeeeaaaked open. And the cloth. hopped. in.

The thing hopped through the room towards me, trapped alone in the closet. It got to me. It took off the cloth to reveal a bird (I forget what it looked like, but now when I have the dream they look like Angry Birds). It was about to attack me when I woke up.

And I get it still.

7: Dogs. I got bit by one twice when I was trying to pet it.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 12, 2015 - 7:22 pm)

Oooookkkeeee, so here goes;

-Michael Jackson. Oh gosh, his face......his pale face........AAAHH!! *hides behind curtain*

-Willy Wonka from the movie. He looks like Michael Jackson!! AAAHH!! *hides again*

-Those dangerously low voices that suddenly go LOUD! I have a phobia of them.

-Unnatural formations. Ya know, ENOURMOUSLY FAT or really skinny or TWO HEADED and the list goes on and on.

-Nightmares. Only because when I wake up my heart is going CRAZY. You know pounding. 

I have a hundred more, but I'm outta time, so BYEEEEE!!

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(April 13, 2015 - 11:52 am)

Oh, I have so many!

Movies- I get scared really easily. Seriously, finding Nemo scared me!

Amusement park rides- I will die. Literally.

Technology taking over the world- I'm old fashioned, ok?

Death- I totally agree with you, Cayke.

Diseases- what if I caught one?

Insects- *scream!*

Nightmares- Really. Really. Creapy.

Kidnappers- When I stay home alone...

The dark- only sometimes...

Dogs- again, only sometimes...

I have tons more, but I should really go. 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 14, 2015 - 7:06 pm)

My little Pony. 

submitted by Katydid
(May 3, 2015 - 8:51 pm)