Odd fears! This

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Odd fears! This

Odd fears! This is kinda ironic because of my name but here is my list of odd fears; please post yours!

shadows~hence the name

any kind of bug~Bookworm, you're not actually a worm, right?;( 

some cartoon characters~long story

Chiron~I dunno, just the way he trots gives me the chills

Siri~don't even ask

2 Disney movies~to be fair, I was 4

whistling~I always make sure to turn they volume down when I watch the Hunger Games in certain scenes

Dundundunnn, lollipops: I almost choked on 1 when I was little and I've never had another one since

You can see how I got the nickname, so if you have any odd fears please let me know.


By the way, did I just see a...LOLLIPOP! Ahhhhhh:o 

submitted by SoS, age 11
(April 5, 2015 - 3:49 pm)

I'm afraid of physics....

Well, um, more like questions mankind cannot answer: How big is the Universe? Does it go on for infinity? WHAT IS INFINITY?! Is the Universe in something else? Is that something else in something else? Is there one main base that holds all the others, or do the "something else in something elses" go on for eternity? How is that possible?
Creepy, right?

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 5, 2015 - 6:27 pm)

Actually, we can answer "how big is the universe?" Watch the CC ep. What I'm more interested in is "what's outside the universe?" though the most likely answers are:

a) void.

b) other universes. 

c) custard. 


submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 14, 2015 - 8:46 pm)

wide open spaces ~ I like trees

mustaches ~ afraid I'll grow one lol!

Siri ~ her voice- her voice! 

dolls ~ ok, kinda common, but their eyes follow me!

the evil magician from Frosty the Snowman ~ his chin is huuuge


CAPTCHA says I got. What do you got?

submitted by Luna, age 11, Hogwarts
(April 5, 2015 - 6:53 pm)

You hate shadows! Shadows are my life! Like Thero... *looks into the distance dreamingly*

I am afraid of bodies of water. Such as lakes.... I have had many experiences with them.

Bees. I hate bees. Bees are horrible. Ugg.

I'm scared of the world exploding, even though I know it won't happen anytime soon.

Dolls. Dolls are creepy.

Of not going to college. I don't even know why I'm worried right now.

Of any sort of creepy sound. For example, I'm afread of this sound that comes from my gamecube when ever it starts.

I'm afraid of my dreams coming true.

I'm afraid of whenever I don't save animal crossing that that... Thing, whatever it is, is gonna come to my house.

Meatballs. I once choked on one.

Of dying and my parents don't even feel sorry for me.

Of being poisoned.

Of something killing me in my sleep.

Monsters under my bed.



Roses and thorns.

Of the universe exploding.

Of difficult questions that even scientists can't answer.

Of my friends not being my friends anymore.

Of Cricket not exisiting. 

Of my parents dying and I'll have to move. 

submitted by Danie
(April 5, 2015 - 7:35 pm)

The fear of heights isn't good enough, so here are the others:

1. Millipedes. Don't ask why.

2. 10:00 p.m. (Hey, I get paranoid).

3. The far future. I also agree with St. Owl.

Those are all that I can think of. 

submitted by NatureWriter, age 12
(April 5, 2015 - 7:47 pm)

Oh, join. The. Club.

1. Dolls.

2. Marionettes.

3. The dark.

4. Stuff in horror stories.

5. Prion diseases.

6. Other deadly diseases.

7. Noises in the dark. 

8. Wishes. (Don't ask.)

9. Very big enclosed spaces. This I've almost gotten over.

10. Harsh fluorescent lighting. This I've almost gotten over. 

11. The idea that this is a virtual reality, unless I can hack into it Matrix style!

I like Siri though. I made mine have a British accent! Also, I love heights. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares , Various places
(April 5, 2015 - 8:23 pm)

I'm also freaked out by marrionetts!

submitted by Luna, age 11, Hogwarts
(April 6, 2015 - 11:03 am)

I used to be afraid of a lot of things but almost all of them have either happened or became obsolete. I used to be scared of dolls and puppets. My mind did bad things to them and they became terrifying.

I'm slightly afraid of drowning because I can't swim. That's about it. 

submitted by Ruby M., age 15, Somewhere
(April 5, 2015 - 10:51 pm)

ummm.... Yeah.....

1. Lightning.

2. being on boats with a lot of people and then it roooocks. -_-

3. when on tv someone says "Hellloooo" all creepy

4. folders and fruit on the same table. Long, long story....

5. getting a bad grade.

6. Most bugs.... eeeek!

7. mermaids that are not real happy glittery mermaids but the creepy kind that aren't real.

8. guys(or girls) in big suits. (Santa, Easter Bunny, Chuck E Cheese, etc.)

9. little kids' shows where they talk all emphasized as if its helping the kids understand it. (What do YOU think?)

There's more but school is stopping me. 

submitted by SAVVY44x
(April 6, 2015 - 7:06 am)

I would love to hear that folder story. Tongue out

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 6, 2015 - 8:51 am)

I'm her sister and I don't even know it! Good luck.

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of ?
(April 6, 2015 - 12:21 pm)

OH YES. The suit thing freaks me out too. also, how many 3-year-olds has Dora's Map sared with his I'm the MAAAAP! routine?

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(April 6, 2015 - 3:13 pm)



Porcelain dolls 

Human interaction 


"9" (it was a great movie but quite creepy)

Some of FOB's music videos (don't ask)




submitted by hotairballoon
(April 6, 2015 - 8:50 am)

I'm scared of: 

Haunted amusement park rides. Like the really dark roller coasters and haunted houses where things pop out at you. I'm fine when I'm in them, but at night I totally freak. I might be getting over this though from watching people play 5 Nights At Freddy's and Savvy trying to scare me.

Coal mines. Long story short: I got stuck in one on a field trip and really thought I might die.

Weird monsters in Poptropica. They're so creepy!

Uh... I may think of more later... Wait! Later is now!

My dad going away and  me never being able to see him again.

My family dying young. 


Gordon says geea. Yeah, geea, that's way more fears than I thought!


submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of fear
(April 6, 2015 - 12:31 pm)

I 4got to mention FURIES!they're crecrecrecreeeeepy and mmmake me stustustutter!!!!:- {}

*why r there random letters at the bottom of my screen that I have to type???? 


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submitted by scared of shadows, age 11
(April 6, 2015 - 5:29 pm)