This or That?

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

This or That?

This or That? game

So, this is a game that I love to play with my friends. I'll post a question with two different answers, and you answer your favorite of the two. Ex.: Do you prefer poetry or dialogue? You will receive different answers, depending on the answers you choose. Suppose you choose poetry. Then the next question will be: Do you prefer to read or write? If you choose dialogue, you will get: Do you prefer red or blue? And the game continues. So here's the real question for the game:

Do you prefer chocolate ice cream or strawberry ice cream?


Hope many of you play this game with me! Have fun! 

submitted by Mag Fan, age undecided, many places
(March 10, 2014 - 8:47 pm)

Short Stories! History or Math?


submitted by PeppyPegususPrincess, age MYOB, Cloudville
(April 1, 2014 - 2:19 pm)

Short Stories!!!!!

Ebook or Hardback when reading? 

submitted by Livv S., age 12, Lancaster, PA
(April 30, 2014 - 12:49 pm)

Definetly hardback!


Thick or thin book? 

submitted by Kienyen C., age 11, San Leandro, CA
(June 24, 2014 - 9:57 pm)

Short stories!! 

Dragons or Dinosaurs? Wink 

submitted by Anna
(May 22, 2014 - 5:52 pm)

Definitely flats!!

Sewing or knitting? 

submitted by Abigail A., age 13, VT
(March 14, 2014 - 8:33 am)

Definitely flats!!

Sewing or knitting? 

submitted by Abigail A., age 13, VT
(March 14, 2014 - 8:35 am)


Binders or folders?

submitted by Gollum
(March 14, 2014 - 3:36 pm)

Knitting but I also like embroidery!

submitted by Red, age Everafter, Ferryport Landing
(March 20, 2014 - 3:37 pm)

Well, at 5'5, heels would just make me that much taller than boys my age, so flats. I looked it up and on average, 13 yr old boys are around 5'2, while girls are around 5'5! 

submitted by Pearl , age 13
(March 15, 2014 - 8:13 am)

Both, but I'll say kniting.

Dark chocolate or milk chocolate? 

submitted by Ivy
(March 14, 2014 - 1:04 pm)

Dark chocolate!

For those of you who do both YWP and Camp NaNoWrimo, here's a question specifically for you:

YWP or Camp NaNoWrimo? 

submitted by Mag Fan
(March 14, 2014 - 4:58 pm)

Camp!  I think the cabins make it a lot more fun.

submitted by Gollum
(March 16, 2014 - 5:08 pm)

Sorry for interrupting here, but what is Camp NaNoWrimo? I've heard talk of it before.

submitted by SomeonePlusFour, age ...tigers?, right behind you
(May 8, 2014 - 1:48 pm)

Dark chocolate, definently!

Singing or dancing?

submitted by Katie M, age 11, Chelsea,MI
(March 15, 2014 - 6:45 am)

Ohhh, I like all chocolate, but if I had to choose I would say dark chocolate.

Zig-zag or plaid?

submitted by Watermelon, age ?, this or that
(March 14, 2014 - 5:50 pm)