This or That?

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

This or That?

This or That? game

So, this is a game that I love to play with my friends. I'll post a question with two different answers, and you answer your favorite of the two. Ex.: Do you prefer poetry or dialogue? You will receive different answers, depending on the answers you choose. Suppose you choose poetry. Then the next question will be: Do you prefer to read or write? If you choose dialogue, you will get: Do you prefer red or blue? And the game continues. So here's the real question for the game:

Do you prefer chocolate ice cream or strawberry ice cream?


Hope many of you play this game with me! Have fun! 

submitted by Mag Fan, age undecided, many places
(March 10, 2014 - 8:47 pm)

I like them both quite well, but I'll have to go with Bilbo, who is the more lovable of the two. 

submitted by Pearl , age 13, Middle Earth
(April 23, 2014 - 5:03 pm)

Frodo! Beeg blue eyes!



submitted by Astra
(April 21, 2014 - 7:06 pm)

@ Astra:

Slightly too big; they look like they're going to pop out of his head. :) 

submitted by Everinne, age 14, The Shire
(April 22, 2014 - 5:21 pm)

I know, right? ;) 

submitted by Astra
(April 23, 2014 - 11:28 am)

Percabeth or Heron?

submitted by Nora the Singer
(April 24, 2014 - 6:15 pm)


I would probably still say the same, but what's Heron?

Apple or orange? 

submitted by Katie M, age 11, Chelsea, MI
(April 24, 2014 - 7:51 pm)

Hermione and Ron. But did you know that J.K. Rowling said she had wished she made Harry and Hermione end up together after all?

submitted by Know It All
(April 24, 2014 - 11:03 pm)

@Know It all:

*smacks forehead* Hermione and Ron! Of course! Yes, I did know that! I always thought that they would be. 

submitted by Katie M, age 11, Chelsea, MI
(April 25, 2014 - 1:47 pm)


Fairies or elves? 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 11
(April 26, 2014 - 7:39 am)

Fairies, of course :)

Swimming or biking?


submitted by Nina, age 12, this or that?
(April 26, 2014 - 9:57 am)


Reading or writing? 

submitted by Teresa
(April 26, 2014 - 11:43 am)

@ Chocabookaholic:


@ Nina:


@ Teresa:

Are you seriously expecting me to choose?!?!?!? Maybe writing--no, no, I can't forsake all my favorite books--where would I be if I didn't have Anne Shirley and Jo March and everyone from the Hundred Acre Wood???--but I love... Ugh. Just can't possibly try to pick one. :)


Annabeth or Hermione (I know, another hard choice *snickers*)?

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Losing It
(April 26, 2014 - 8:07 pm)

*stares at the most recent This or That post, then shakes head*

Wait, you're asking me to choose? Ummm... I'd say Annabeth, but then I'd wanna choose Hermione, but if I choose Hermione, the I will undoubtedly try to make myself choose Annabeth. True, I like the PercyJackson series a bit better than Harry Potter... But I still can't choose!

Everinne, hope you don't mind if I base this one off of yours...

Percy or Harry? (I am evil, aren't I?) 

submitted by Katie M, Chelsea,MI
(April 27, 2014 - 3:38 pm)


Sorry about that tough decision! I did that on purpose to see what the next person would choose. If I was faced with that question, I think I'd answer like you did; I couldn't choose!

@Katie M.

Percy. I haven't read Harry Potter yet, so of course, Percy is going to be my choice!


Next this or that (and slightly easier --- hopefully): Spanish or French? 

submitted by Teresa
(April 27, 2014 - 5:16 pm)

Spanish, since I'm taking it and I find it pretty cool. Plus there are more Spanish people in the area than French so I don't think French would be useful for me at the moment.

Sunflowers or roses? (DW reference for both if anyone gets it) 

submitted by Moss, age 13
(April 27, 2014 - 7:22 pm)